This is my Journey into the World of Ironman. It's my journal/documentation of the ups and downs of what it takes to be an age-group athlete training for an Ironman triathlon. This is more of a way for me to remember what I am doing over the course of the training season, as any Ironman Athlete can tell you, sometimes the days can blur into one training day of swim, bike, run after another. So, while some may not find this at all interesting, those that wonder...could I do an Ironman? Do I have what it takes to do an Ironman? I give you a peek into my journey and days to complete my next Ironman. Forgive any misspelled words/awkward sounding sentences. I'm pretty happy just to get them down on paper. Consider it a test of your mental skills to figure out what I'm saying. Hope you enjoy reading my journey. I'll see you at the Finishline!!!
Current Training Totals:
Swim 76,650 yds 31:44 hr/min
Bike 1472.27 Miles 109:41 hr/min
Run 348.91 Miles 75:02 hr/min
Other/ 31:00 hr/min
Overall Training Time: 247:27 hr/min
Holy crap. I’m tired. I don’t have much else to say. I am lucky I’m getting words down on the computer right now. Really. I could have pictures...but it's to much effort to find them. Except for one....
Wait??? I trained 18:18 hours this week? That was supposed to be my long week last week? AND I missed TWO WORKOUTS!!! I reviewed my training plan. I think coach got sneaky and adjusted a few things, add 30 minutes here, 20 minutes there. I was supposed to have had around 14 hours of training according to my printed version. Guess I know why I'm tired!!! It will all be worth it on Aug. 2nd.
Wait??? I trained 18:18 hours this week? That was supposed to be my long week last week? AND I missed TWO WORKOUTS!!! I reviewed my training plan. I think coach got sneaky and adjusted a few things, add 30 minutes here, 20 minutes there. I was supposed to have had around 14 hours of training according to my printed version. Guess I know why I'm tired!!! It will all be worth it on Aug. 2nd.
Monday—- Woke today, feeling tired. I finally got in my longest workout, then it hit me that I still have two more weeks of long workouts. While last week was longest of training schedule, I still have my longest run and bike this week. I felt it. I was tired today. I got in a good 1:15 hour bike, and then an easy 25 min treadmill. But the body was letting me know. It. Wasn’t. Happy.
Tuesday- Oh , gosh, this day was hell. I woke up and didn’t feel good, I had a hard time eating, I was crampy , I was nauseous. I was not in a good place. I ended up leaving work a bit earlier then planned. I was going to go get a massage, but I was thinking on canceling it until the Rehab Director told me I should go do it, It might make me feel better. Man, she was right, I went, and I ended up having a really good massage. My body felt so much better. But I got out later than planned, and still feeling tired. I choose to make today a rest day. I really wanted to keep my workouts all green, but I knew my body needed this. And since I didn’t really eat anything all day, I knew the workouts would not be where they needed to be. So home I went, and then rested, bed.
Wednesday- Today was rough day for me, I was still feeling pretty darn crappy from yesterday. I slept in, late. Like till noon, late. Now I did get up a few times to let the dogs out, but I fell right back into bed, and slept. I was seriously going to let my self have an “off” day. I was going to let my excuses be stronger. But then After my 10th nap. I rallied. I managed to get up, and go salvage the day. I went out at 3 pm, and got in my 3:10 hr/min run. My longest run to date. It was hot, but I stayed strong. I didn’t get my second time like I wanted, but I was also running up hill most of the time, so I decided I just had to do the best i could. I ran 15 miles. For me, that is pretty darn good. My left leg was sore, and achey, but not horrible, tight more so. It’d feel better when I stretched it out. So after my run, I headed right over to the pool, and got in my 1700 yards. I had planned to do more to make up for my missed swim yesterday, but honestly, I was thinking about my ride tomorrow, and decided that I just had to let that go. I knew that If I did that swim anyway, it would make my shoulder pretty sore. So , i just let it go. I got home after the swim, and made a steak with fresh green beans and fruit. Then I relaxed the rest of the night.
Thrusday- I woke tired. Motivation Zero. But I knew I would do it, because I didn’t get in one of my long rides last time, and I want to be better prepared for this one. I could tell the long run from yesterday was going to hurt today. My left leg hamstring felt pretty tender. I was procrastinating on my ride. By far, the long rides are the hardest for me. Mainly because I do them all alone. It’s different during a race, i have others around. I don’t have any training buddies, so it makes for a long lonely ride. It was another hot day. I finally got up and got moving around 7:30 ish. It took me til 9:30 to get out the door. I planned my ride just like last week. Do the first part on road, and come back for focused treadmill work for the last half. My longest bike ride yet.
I could feel the fatigue before I started, So I focused on one pedal at a time, The first 2.5 hours, just easy. Under 125 for power was the goal. I don’t think I got above except for hills. I honestly felt comfortable riding at a 82 rpm, and 92 Power, I felt comfortable there, kinda like I could do that all day. I am noticing that the false flats don’t seem as intimidating on my tri bike. this makes me happy, that’s always been my enemy.
I got going on my ride, and could tell it was going to be a hot one, not in the 90s of course. but still, hot enough that it’s good to practice in. I think because I started out tired and sore, it made this ride feel a bit harder, Mentally and physically. But ironically, I got home faster than last week. Not by much mind you. But I got it down. I was feeling the heat a bit. I had ran out of my rocket fuel, and I think I need to get another water bottle on the back. I’m concerned I won’t have enough for race day. I’d rather have too much, then think I have to conserve.
Once home, I drank a Coke and then honestly I laid down on the floor and put my feet up for a bout 30 min. I was feeling crappy. But then I got back on my bike on the trainer, and finished out my intervals. I had attempted to do 2 of them on the course/ride. But it was very hard to do any type of focused interval. but I still counted them. So I did four of them on the trainer. I wasn’t where I wanted to be with power, but I did the best I could. I was tired. So tired that I was dreading the 45 min run.
I ended up on the treadmill after the run, I started out planning to walk my 10 easy, but only did 5 min, and did 5 min easy jog. Then I started my 25 min run. I managed to stay pretty consistent in the 10:30 ish range, I think. So I did better then I thought. I finished with 10 easy, let’s face it…I walked. I was tired. I was tired. Yep.
My body was tired. I managed to get dinner, and then well. I sat like a puddle of mud on the bed and went to bed early. I’ve been really focused on eating more healthy. While the scale doesn’t show it, I can tell I’m losing weight , cause I kit is starting to feel loose. So, I looked and saw I burned 2287 calories today. I don’t feel the least bit guilty for eating 300 calories of ice cream as a treat. I find it ironic that I don’t get Starbucks anymore. I think I have had it four times since being here in Billings in the last six months. For those of you who know my Starbucks Addiction, this is huge for me.
Friday- Tired. My body is tired. I got in my long nap after work. Like a 2 hour solid nap. Just enough to have some pretty intensive nightmares/dreams. Most while swimming. Ha!! Then I woke up and went swimming….. I had 3000 yds to swim tonight. While feeling tired. What’s funny is I was like “oh, okay, no biggie, it’s just 3,000 yds.” But then when I got to the pool, I felt like lead. I was still 1/2 asleep, even with waking up for 45 min before. I felt like I was lead, swimming through the pool. The first half felt brutal. Then somewhere in my dazed state, I started to think, “Hey…this is easy!!!!” How did It come to where 3000 yards felt like a “standard” distance for working out? My usual was around 24-2500 yards and I was happy. Now it’s around 3000? that’s awesome. What’s not awesome? is being so tired, I almost feel asleep, in the hot tub. I ran to Olive Garden for dinner for the first time in four months and picked up some food. I got home and ate around 9:30pm. I now know what it feels like to walk around like a Zombie.
The biggest bummer thing right now, is my lungs hurt. I’m not sure if its from all the activity and they are just sore. If it’s from my vocal cord dysfunction from the heavy exertion on the bike, or if it’s from all the smoke from the fires in the air, which I can’t really smell it, but people say it’s there. It’s Vicks on the chest tonight.
Saturday- Today I woke…hmmmm….tired? sounding familiar huh? That’s the joy of heaving training a month out, before taper. Have I mentioned, I can’t wait for taper? I normally do three weeks. This time out…it’s two weeks. I had a burst of energy for work, somehow. And I got out on time. Then I had to drive to Red Lodge and pick up my race packet for my race tomorrow at 10, 000 Feet!! Yes! A 10 K at 10,000 feet. I’m kinda excited. It was nice to take a drive. So I drove 1:10 hr/min out to Red Lodge to pick up my packet, bib, t shirt (in less then 5 min), then I stopped off in a shop for a little exploring, which I realize I haven’t done in a while. And then I drove home. I read that packet pickup was only Sat night. So I had no choice. I even emailed to see if I could get it race day, no one responded. I got home around 8:00 ish. ate some dinner. Then I laid down in bed. I wanted to just skip my workout and go to bed, get my stuff ready for tomorrow and be done. I don’t know where I mustered up the energy. Maybe it’s reading all the cool things going on about Scott Jaurk trying to break the AP trail record, Maybe it’s IronCowboy doing 50 Ironmans, in 50 days in 50 states ( he comes to Billings July 22nd), Or maybe it’s reading about others doing some amazing endurance feats. So I got on my trainer when I felt like I just had no energy. and somewhere I get the strength to get in a good workout. I’m not sure that this was a good one…I did finish around 9:30 pm. Then I got everything packed for tomorrow for my early wakeup and drive, and went to bed.
(PLEASE SEE POST ON BEARTOOTH RUN, for photos and such)
(PLEASE SEE POST ON BEARTOOTH RUN, for photos and such)
Sunday- Woke around 4:30 AM. I got up and got moving, and was out the door by 5:00 AM. I was heading to Red Lodge, then another 50 min up to the Beartooth Highway, and into WY for a 10 K race at 10,000 feet. This would be my “try something new” for Billings. Granted, I’ve done 10 Ks, but it was the 10,000 feet that’s new.
I got into Red Lodge early. But that was okay, I was able to drive up the Beartooth Pass/Highway with no one else on the road, It was pretty cool, especially with the sun rising, the clouds, the wind. oh…the wind. I got to the top of the first lookout, and pulled over for a picture, used the restroom. IT was COLD. I was a little worried that it was going to not warm up, because the clouds were pretty full, And the wind…the clouds were Racing across the mtns. I was going to be “racing” in the clouds!! Ok that’s kinda cool.
I drove up the pass, and over into Wyoming, past the ski resort, and to the start of the race, I finally was seeing other cars now. I was one of the first ones, but not the first, to pull in. I was directed to park at the back, and I backed in. But then I looked back and was wondering…will my emergency break hold?? By this time, the wind was blowing so bad, my Escape was rocking pretty good. I had an image of my Escape going over. I have no idea how hard it was blowing, but I was waiting for the car to flip. The temp was FREEZING also. I of course had no service here, so I have no idea how cold it was, but it was no where near 70 degrees that was claimed. And again the clouds were “RACING” across the sky.
So, here i sat, watching everyone else show up, I had an hour to kill. So I huddled in the Escape, I cleaned it up a bit, then I went on a scavenger hunt for any extra clothes I might have. And after I put on three layers on top/two on bottom. I, Thank God, found gloves buried on the floor, and on of my AZ IM Beanies in the center console. I don’t think I would of survived without these. It was THAT COLD.
So, here i sat, watching everyone else show up, I had an hour to kill. So I huddled in the Escape, I cleaned it up a bit, then I went on a scavenger hunt for any extra clothes I might have. And after I put on three layers on top/two on bottom. I, Thank God, found gloves buried on the floor, and on of my AZ IM Beanies in the center console. I don’t think I would of survived without these. It was THAT COLD.
Finally, it was time to get to the race start, and I bundled up with what I could, and headed over to use the porta potty’s and then the race meeting. There were maybe 50 of us for the 10 K, and 50 for the 5K. Brave Souls.
The sun would peak out for five seconds max, then the clouds would zoom past and hide it again. The wind…..bitter cold, and fast.
The 10 K started in a valley, so we ran up a 1.3 mile hill to the East Summit, then turned around, ran down, and then ran up to the West Summit (higher at 1.5,but a bit steeper) then ran down to the finish.
SO, BANG the gun goes off, and off we head up toward the East Summit, The wind was a headwind, then would switch to a tailwind. I managed to get in a relaxed pace, as much as you can for 10, 000 feet and focused on form/cadence per coaches orders. I actually managed to get almost all the way up before needing a rest, then the down part was fun, because when you got a tail wind, It literally pushed you down the hill. I picked up some good speed, there. I did have a few gusts of wind that were so strong that when I picked up my foot to step, It blew my leg in front of my other one, and almost tripped me. IT was that strong that I couldn’t hold it!!!
The second hill, was a bit more challenging, I spent more of this just running from snow pole, walk a snow pole, Run/walk. The wind was so strong, that when it blew in a headwind, I literally would stop me to a standstill, so I would just walk when that hit. Then as I got near the top, I pulled out my camera and stopped to take a few pictures. After all, this was a pretty amazing place to be running. I got a summit photo, then I turned around and headed down, and stopping here and there to get some pictures. I had one gal snap a pic with a pretty awesome backdrop, and in my high elevation state, she said,” JUMP!!” which I just did with out thinking, and it actually ended up being a pretty fun photo!! I headed down to the finish, and the wind was pushing me so strong, that I was pushing a 8 min pace, and I wasn’t working that hard, it was all wind. I crossed the finish in 1:16 hr/min. A 11:48 pace. I’m actually pretty happy with that, It was a tough race, but fun, and very memorable!!
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