Sunday, October 27, 2013

Week Sixteen of FC Coaching/Training: Three Weeks and Counting!!

Disclaimer:  This blog is a documentation of my now second Ironman Journey for AZ Ironman 2013. I’m doing this race for a former patient, Sunny, who recently passed away this summer from a brain tumor. I hope that I can honor her well as I take her on my journey.   Format will be random, i.e. quick journal format, random thoughts, motivational quotes, pictures of random moments and memories along my journey. For the most part, it’s documentation for me and may not be to exciting for anyone else to read, but for those of you brave enough to ever wonder…could I do an Ironman or even just a triathlon?  I then offer you a firsthand account of what goes on in the mind of an Ironman age group triathlete including all the highs, lows, emotions, fears, rants, etc, etc.   Please forgive any spelling mistakes as I’m sure I am just happy to get everything written down, just chalk it up to fatigue from lots of training! 

Current Stats Overall:

SWIM:  ~195,982 Yds   
BIKE: ~ 1563.3 Miles  
RUN: ~   464.66 Miles  
Strength: ~ 24:55 hr/min
Other      ~ 11:50 hr/min (PT, Stretch, etc. )
Total Training Hours:  330:47 hours/minutes   

Ahhh…Monday was rest day. As previously stated in my Race post. I enjoyed an amazing massage that really worked out all the kinks and I got in a few recovery naps as well. 

Tuesday when I headed to work, I was only sore on my right hip. Which made me happy.  Everything else felt pretty darn good. Chalk one up to a good massage, and to good training.  I was home and went easy on my run, got in a good 7 miles. Felt good for the most part, leg was a bit tweaky at the end, but I stretched it out good at the end and was okay.

Wednesday I was out of work on time and headed over to the Y. I got in my swim, and was actually feeling pretty good so I did some extra yardage for me. Finished with 3200 yds. I then headed home. I got on my trainer..and bonked.   I was trying everything possible to get into the threshold pace. But my body just wouldn't do it. I could get just a few beats under my Threshold and hold it, but I just had no juice to get it above where I needed it to be. So I concluded that I was still having recovery issues with Soma, and just stayed as best I could close to Threshold. I definitely felt it.   It was interesting how quickly I went from feeling awesome on the swim, to crappy on the bike. But I just focused on what I could do, and stuck with it. Good mental training once again.

Thursday I had just a long run after work. I actually brought all my stuff to work to head over to the trial and run. But once I changed and realized I left my sport bra at home, which canned that run on the trail. So I went home and changed, and got out in the neighborhood. I went a different route that my friend told me about. Heading over to Black Canyon Highway, and I found lots of hills.  I felt good for energy, thanks to Osmo and my Gu. But I could feel my feet hurting. That was the part that was most frustrating. I still have a couple months on my shoes, but I may need to get another new pair before IM. I stayed within my pace as I needed to. But I was definitely sore and tired by the time I got home.  Hot Shower and Compression Socks on…ahhh…better.

Friday- I have trouble getting the swim and run done on Thursdays and in  the same night. The bike is okay because I can do it on my trainer, but the run..well lets just say I have enough “wildlife” on my day workouts that I’m not interested in the “night wildlife” around my neighborhood. So I was planning on doing the Thursday swim Friday morning. Only to discover that I had a continuing Education course I forgot about that kept me late at work. So.. Friday became my rest day. Which was planned, but I just missed a swim workout.

Saturday-  So for some reason, today was a rough day. I had planned to get up and go swim my 45 min, then the bike for 3:30. But I just couldn't get out of bed. I felt crappy. So I slept, and slept some more, and then some more. Finally around 10 I realized at least that I felt like I was getting a sinus/migraine and took my “secret cure” to get rid of it, and slept some more. When I finally woke and got out of bed, I felt a bit better, it was also around noon-ish. So much for my swim. I will add that to tomorrow’s run. I got up and had some food, and got some chores done, while I slowly made my way to my trainer. I knew I wasn't going to make it outside. And for some reason I was dreading this ride. The last time I did it outside, I was hit with 17 mph winds, and there were lots of swear words coming out of my mouth, not to mention the grasshopper massacre, rattlesnakes,  and the Jeep that almost hit me where I then bailed and headed home to finish the ride.  So I must have had that in my mind, So trainer it was. And once on, it actually went well. I got in a decent workout, even got into my threshold pace for the time needed, and felt good by the time I was done. Had my recovery drink and proceed to take another recovery nap and relaxed the rest of the night.  I did feel a bit crappy after the ride and later that night, I think I didn't get in enough food after my workout.

Sunday I woke feeling much better today. I did sleep in a bit again but I had one of the best sleeps I’ve had in a long time, I actually woke feeling rested. I rolled out of bed, and got ready to head over to the Y.  I walked in an the pool was empty! Must have been a lot of Halloween celebrating the night before. I opted to skip this year.  I got in some good distance for 45 minutes, and felt decent. Headed over to the trail, 

Enjoying the fall colors on my "recovery walks" 

and got out on my two hour run. I felt good going out, only one rattlesnake and two territorial Roadrunners to avoid, along with a horse or two. Then at turn around I was good also, the wind picked up a bit.  I had to focus more at the last few miles, as I just couldn't seem to keep my pace good, I was going too fast and had to slow it down.  Again my feet were hurting a bit again. New shoes being ordered tonight.  

So, I’m happy with this week’s training overall. I’m good with it considering that I did a 70.3 race just a week ago.  I had such a confidence booster with Soma to see where I was in training, and I’m very happy to say I believe in the intensity vs volume process. I also realize that my times may be slower for Ironman. Coaches state that you take your Half Ironman time…double it…and add 45-60 minutes for predicted time for Ironman.

So Soma Half Ironman was  6:37.   13:14 + 45= 13:59.   This would be best case scenario. I am accepting the fact that not every race can go perfectly (wind, rain, nutrition, injury). I want in the 13ish zone, but I realize the ultimate goal is just to cross the finish line.   And I’m doing this race for Sunny. And really it’s about enjoying the moment and having fun!

A few snaps from my Soma Half Ironman Finish...

Now Taper begins!!! THREE WEEKS until Ironman AZ, Really? It’s getting so close; I’m counting it down like its Christmas now!   The next three weeks decrease in training so I can get my body rested and ready to go for a good race day.

Your Body Will Go
Exactly As Far As Your

Mind Pushes It To Go.

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