Monday, October 21, 2013

SOMA Race Weekend Report

Soma Half Ironman:  1.2 Mile Swim, 56 Mile Bike, 13.1 Mile Run

So, it’s here, my first true test of my intensity training is here. Tomorrow I do the Soma Half Ironman 70.3, on the same race course as IM AZ.  I’m nervous, excited and READY!!!  I drove down Saturday morning and had to stop off at a few places to look for some race gear. I had planned to make the noon race athlete meeting, but I got out to late from home. I then got to the race site around 1 ish. I went and got checked in and got my cool gear (hat and t-shirt), my wristband and then took my stuff back to the car and got my bike all ready to get checked in. 

It’s like Ironman, where you check your bike in the day before, but there is security all night to watch them. Thank goodness, because that was one expense gold mine in that transition area. Each bike is easily 1500$ to start, then times that by 1500 plus athletes?  Unbelievable.  LOL- funny moment was when I was in the porta potty. The fireworks had been going off all day for the ASU Game, but let me tell you, when you’re in a porta potty and they go off….its like Hiroshima in there!!!  I actually ducked and thought something was exploding. Whew..that could have been bad. :)

Back to the Escape, I got my bike all setup with numbers and headed back to transition. Once I was all setup at 206, I then headed over to the athlete meeting, where they went in more detail about the race course. LOTS of U-turns. And the estimated temp was going to be in the high 80s. All I could think of what that I was not going to PR on this course.  Which although made me nervous, but I was just somehow in my focused calm mode and didn’t think too much about it. I just new for some reason to trust my training and that I was going to be okay. The water temp was 70. So it was going to be a wet suit legal course. That at least was a good thing. We would be going off in Waves every 4 minutes. I got an orange cap so a good color finally ( No stinking pink).  I checked on my bike one more time, and then headed over to the hotel for a bit before meeting up with two of my FC Teammates for the first time. We met at Olive Garden around 6 pm.  Michelle her husband and Mike and I had an awesome time! We hit it off immediately and hung out til close to 8 pm chatting it up and getting to know each other. They make me want to move to CA, so I can be closer to the team and train. It sounds like such a fun crew!!

Once back at the hotel. I actually was really tired. I got to my room, got my stuff all setup for tomorrow. I took a hot shower, put in my wake up call for 4 am, and chatted a few minutes with my friend Stacy and was in bed and almost instantly asleep. It must have been from the long day, usually I never fall asleep that fast, my nerves keep me awake for awhile.  Again, I think I just had a focused calm, because I was so not sure how intensity training would be, and how my bike would be. But somehow, I was just telling myself, trust your training. Your training will get you there. My biggest fear was what I would do on the bike. I didn’t know my outdoor avg speed on the bike. I did most of my rides indoors on the trainer. So I just had faith that it would be okay, as I had several rides that I was faster outside, I just didn’t know how much faster. Tomorrow was my true test. Intensity vs. Volume. What was better for me?  

I woke to the wake up call, and really just wanted to go back to sleep. Nerves? Fatigue?  I rolled out bed and started getting ready. In my tri kit for TM FC and had some coffee, breakfast bagel, fruit. Mixed up all my race nutrition of OSMO and did one more check of all my stuff. Then, it was time to leave and head down to the race site at 5 AM. I loaded up the car, and headed out. I parked in US Airways next to the course, and then headed down to the race site. Once in transition, I got my water all setup on the bike, filled up my tires one last time, got my nutrition bars of Stash on my bike, setup my area, then ran to the rest room. Once back it was time to get on my wetsuit, as transition was closing in 15 minutes. I ran into Michelle and Mike and give them both a big hug. And we wished each other good luck. Then we were out of Transition and waiting by the water. The pros started off at 6:30 AM, then we all went in waves every four minutes. So my wave was at 6:58 AM. Michelle and I were in the same wave so we cheered on Mike and chatted away until it was time.   15 min out I took a Roctane Gu and was ready to go.


Before I knew it we were on the stairs and heading down to jump in the water. I haven’t been here since Ironman….the nerves began a bit when I jumped in and went under the water. But then I settled in and took a few strokes, and then just some deep breaths. Once at the start area….we then sat for a few minutes, I just remember wanting to go cause I was starting to get cold. Then the horn went of and away we went. The swim was good, I was able to stay calm but I kept having several girls keep swimming into me. Probably the most “combat” I’ve had in the water. One gal was swimming and her arm came around and scraped my face…luckily my goggles stayed on. Then I had  one that grabbed my leg, and it felt like she tried to grab on and pull…so I kicked her away. I swam straight for the most part, but was swimming mostly wide to stay out of the mess. I did every now and then get on the heels of a swimmer that was the same pace and it was a lot easier to draft off of them, which is legal in the water. Finally I made it to the turn around. I still had a good focused calm going, and on the way back, I had a gal who swam up on me, and with the way she swam, she hooked my arm as I was stretching out, and literally pushed me under. I wasn't a fan of hers at that moment. Then before I knew it I was at the turn buoy, and heading into the dock. I got there, and stood up with the help of a nice volunteer and ran up the steps feeling pretty good.  I didn’t have that weird session that I normally have when I get out of the water…that heavy in the legs brick feeling. I did have it a little bit after my wetsuit was stripped off and jogged to Transition. But not like Ironman, maybe the water temp?  Swim time: 48:39 min/sec.

Once in Transition, I got on my shoes, my helmet, glasses, sun block real quick and was off to the exit.  Quick transition for me at 2:33, nice.


 I began heading out on the route, It was three laps of 18 ish miles to equal 56 miles. I started slow, and my plan was 1:05 for each lap, my focus was on cadence and heart rate. My mantra was “stay within yourself” And “It’s a training day, stay in your plan”. The first lap was just to see the route, get acquainted with the course, as I normally drive it the day before, I didn’t this time. The race meeting seemed to be pretty through for me so I just left it at that, and I was somewhat familiar with the roads. It was a good way to pace myself for Ironman.  So I focused on cadence, and heartrate, but it was hard, because I would see my speed and start getting all excited to go faster, but then I would get my mantra back….”Stay with yourself, follow the plan”. I made it around the course  and pull through lap one…at 1:05!!!  And now that I knew the course and I knew where everything was, I settled in to keep that same pace, and not push too hard.  The challenge was that we had a no drafting rule and it seemed like every time I passed someone, it was on an uphill. So that is either a good thing for me and I’m getting better at hills, or I just am spiking up my heart rate.  One thing I noticed immediately when I got to an aide station, is that the water bottles were closed..which wasn’t horrible except they were really hard to open, and even more so with my braces in that I felt like I loosened some up on the first yank!! So from here out I had to slow down and open it by hand. I had my trick down of grabbing my GU first, stick it in my mouth, then water.  I learned quickly after the first time.   On the second lap I was on the back side coming up the hill and three guys in green and black, gave the perfect example of what a “three bike length” looked like, as they were drafting on the ride, which was illegal. The worst part is as they passed me, it was almost at the top of the hill, in which they then proceeded to take the shortest route around the corner, which was directly in front of me and cut me off. After a few choice words that I won’t repeat here, and missing the curb by inches and slamming on my brakes, I regrouped and headed on my way. One thing I noticed a lot was you had to be very careful on the ride, because people were dropping stuff left and right. And the water bottles at the aid stations were also everywhere, most were thrown to the side of the road in the designated areas, but you had to be constantly alert. As I was coming past one, trying to open my water, and go up hill, there was an older athlete that must of  just wiped out in front of me. I was ready to stop, but when asked if he needed help, he said no, I’m okay. So I flagged down a spectator to run back to the aid station. He wasn’t there on the third lap, and I never heard an ambulance, so he must have been okay.  

It was nice to have a cheering section…two FC teammates who I only met that morning just before the swim, were on the bike course  hollering out my name. How nice was that!! Since I didn’t have anyone there, I had complete strangers cheering me on. It was nice and gave me a boost to have support  there.  I believe I heard Michelle two times on the bike as we passed each other.  So lap two was 1:04…nice, a negative split.

Lap three, one lap to go. It was a lot less crowded on lap three, so I didn’t have to worry about drafting boys cutting me off.  I was doing my nutrition pretty good, I was drinking Osmo. I had two bottles on the bike, and my Stash Bars were my go to along with Gu Roctane.  I felt pretty good. My watch would go off every 15 min to get me to take some nutrition. I did take one salt tablet at the middle of the second lap. I kept dousing myself with water even if I didn’t need it.  With about 45 min to go on lap 3, I took in my last Stash bar.  I grabbed a piece, shoved it in my mouth and began chewing, only to immediately spit it out. NASTY!!!  I took in a bunch of water swishing and spitting it out to my right.  Looking back, people probably thought I was throwing up. I was doing it multiple times….but really it was because the bar was bad.  ( Back story…the night before I left, I was grabbing stuff off my table In my trainer room. One of my Stash bars was there, but beside it was an air freshener that had fallen over and dripped on the table which when I picked up the bar, I’d noticed it was on the wrapper. I didn’t think too much about it…I rinsed it off. Saw that the bar was dry, and just shoved it in my nutrition bag. Little did I know until…I actually took a bite, it had soaked through the packaging. So when I had taken a bite of it on the race…I essentially was eating a mouth full of air freshener!!))  I then resorted to the Gu gels that I got on course, which was the Clif Shot, I had the Razz flavor, which was probably just a bad. I can’t do the “fruity” Gels. They are just too nasty. But it still helped. The rest of my ride was solid, and I rolled in once again at 1:04. Finished my bike at 3:15:15. Just where I wanted to be. My FC Cheering section was right there as well. Made me feel happy to be part of a team.

Transition was good, after I wrestled my bike on the rack, I dropped my helmet for visor, bike shoes for running, Osmo/Water race belt and a few quick sunblock spray down, I was on my way in 2:21 min/sec. Not too bad.


I began the run with my mantra once again…”stay within yourself”. I always run out to fast, so my first stop is the porta potty to slow it down. I did run about 400 yds until then, which there was a photographer just before that snapped a photo or two.  I ran in, peed. Then as I was quickly getting my kit back together, Iooked up at the door where there was a mirror and saw a hunk of the Stash bar that I had spit out on the  bike!!  LOL so I’m sure that photo that the guy took just a min before will be interesting. Nice that the 20 or so people I  passed or chatted with didn’t feel the need to say…got something there.  Back out on the run I went…minus the food on the face. And worked on “shutting it down” per coaches orders. It took about two miles in before I was able to get in my marathon pace. And about that same time, I began running with another triathlete who was also using this race as a trainer. We ended up running the same pace, so spent the entire run together helping each other “shut it down”. I walked at all the aide stations and got in water, and swig of Coke. And they had ice…as I watched my running partner dump it down her bra and then her back. It was like a lightbulb went off. DUHHHHHH.. SO I grabbed ice and did the same. This is what I think was a huge thing for me. I am always bad with running after it hits mid 80s.  I get overheated and slow down. Today I didn’t, with much thanks I think to the ice down the shirt. I always watch people do it, see them at the Kona do it on race day. But have never thought to do it. How funny is that? Needless to say. I NEVER overheated once, and it was in the 90s.  Normally, I’d be dying. I think it also was my OSMO that I took in as I’ve been feeling really good on my runs with that. And then I just kept cool.  I stayed right in my Marathon pace for the run. I still held back. I felt like I could go more. But I held back. I worked on “staying within myself”.   I did see Mike on the run once and gave him a holler as he was on lap two with me still on lap one.

So by mile 5, I was amazed at how good I felt. I kept to repeating my mantra, but then another thing stated creeping into my head.  “This intensity training is working!!! I feel really good, better than I ever have, I have a plan to follow, I’m doing it, and I’m pretty darn sure I’m going to meet my goal of 6:30ish”.  Then I started thinking…I BELIEVE!!   Yes… I was not shy about stating how nervous I was about doing intensity training for my race. And how I haven’t really put in the full distance yet of my disciplines, and how just in June I wasn’t even running due to my leg injury. But…..I was able to prove, that I could do it. And still feel good, and still “shut it down” and meet my goal.  I was so excited when I started Lap Two.  I just kept my mantra going….along with “I BELIEVE!!!”  And actually had moments where I was getting emotional on the run because I was so excited.  So I’d dial it back in and focus on my pace.    I am also happy to report there was another photo op on the back side, so I’ll have at least one running photo without food stuck on my face.   As I got around to the finish on my last lap, I was happy to be turning left on the course to the finish.  And got my cheering section again with Michelle and her husband, Mike and the others…and ran around to the finish, crossing the line..running at 2:28 hr/min.  
OVERALL TIME:   6:37: 43.

Which means, I'm on track for my Ironman goal, and I PR'd from my last half Ironman distance by one hour!!! 

YES!!! I was in my goal of 6:30ish. This puts me in my goal for my desired Ironman time. And I did it at my training pace, with “shutting it down” on the run. I couldn’t have been happier.  I got my cool medal…which also doubles as a magnet and a bottle opener.  Got a photo with the race. Mike ran over to find me while I ate some watermelon, then I headed over with him to Michelle and her husband and we got a Team FC photo!!   These two people are awesome. We hit it off right away and I can’t wait to meet the rest of the team in one month. All of us had some type of PR, which was awesome for all of us!! And on a hot day. But it makes just makes me more confident for the full and I just feel so READY to get it going. What an amazing feeling!!!

After we all got our stuff, we met back at one of the local restaurants and had our celebratory beer with lunch and re capped on the day. Mike and I are pretty darn sure that Michelle has Kona potential.  She was a rock star on the bike, so was Mike.  Then it was time to head home.  By then my beer was worn off. But I was tired. So I made it to Anthem and stopped off for a coffee, bathroom break and a impromptu 30 min nap in the Escape, which I must admit I’m starting to get good at these naps. Then I headed home without any issues after that.

I’m thankful that I had Monday off, while I’m sure I could of managed work, I was still a bit hobbling. And  my 90 min massage was amazing!!! My therapist went more deep pressure and actually used her feet in addition to her hands. I’d never had a massage like that, but let me tell you. I didn’t know the difference, except when she went down my arms and I’d feel her toes on my hands. Other than that, it was a really good deep pressure massage; she could get in deeper to the muscle better than her hands. And I would only notice this when she would switch. That will definitely be incorporated in the future with my massages.  I really had kinda of an “out of body” feeling when I was done. And by the time I ran all my errands. I felt even better.  But I did take another 2 hour nap when I got home.

The possible good news, is it sounds like my parents are still trying to come out!!! I am just expecting them to not come out, so I don't get my hopes up. But they actually explored options with the train and driving, and are still talking about it. And even about what to do with the deer hunters. As Nov. 15th is the official start day. And my parent’s house is the “hub”, some of the hunters have gotten a bit upset that they may not be there. So if my dad is talking about that…It’s looking a bit more promising. And that makes me excited.  It will also depend on the weather if they drive. And what his doctor says with his back. Keep fingers crossed.  

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Alex Karras

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