Sunday, October 13, 2013

Week Fourteen of FC Coaching/Training: Back in the Game!!

Disclaimer:  This blog is a documentation of my now second Ironman Journey for AZ Ironman 2013. I’m doing this race for a former patient, Sunny, who recently passed away this summer from a brain tumor. I hope that I can honor her well as I take her on my journey.   Format will be random, i.e. quick journal format, random thoughts, motivational quotes, pictures of random moments and memories along my journey. For the most part, it’s documentation for me and may not be to exciting for anyone else to read, but for those of you brave enough to ever wonder…could I do an Ironman or even just a triathlon?  I then offer you a firsthand account of what goes on in the mind of an Ironman age group triathlete including all the highs, lows, emotions, fears, rants, etc, etc.   Please forgive any spelling mistakes as I’m sure I am just happy to get everything written down, just chalk it up to fatigue from lots of training! 

Current Stats Overall (This Week):

SWIM:  ~183, 262 Yds    (7150 yds)
BIKE: ~ 1424.35 Miles     (118.79 Miles)
RUN: ~   411.54 Miles      (23.93 Miles
Strength: ~ 24:55 hr/min
Other      ~ 11:50 hr/min (PT, Stretch, etc. )
Total Training Hours:  305:42 hours/minutes   (16:41 hr/min)

So I’m happy to report that my training week went MUCH better.  My radiating pain seemed to have resolved for now…knock on wood. I felt stronger then I have. Maybe I was just so darn happy that I had some relief from all the back and leg pain that everything felt better.

Monday I headed to the pool and  was very careful at the swim. I did feel somewhat crappy during work. Not happy that I’m downing Ibprofen like it’s candy. But it helps for now.  I was able to get in my 1800 yds with no back pain or radiating pain (Yeah!!)  I then headed home and got in my 1:30 hr/min  ride, finishing up around 9 PM and felt good!!! ( happy dance!). Had dinner at 9:30 pm. Mondays are by far my longest day of the week. But I think it helps mentally when I know the rest of the nights I don’t have to do as much.   Bike was strong on trainer. Still a bit nervous that I don’t know my actually pace out on the road, but I will have that true test next week for Soma.

Tuesday I was out of work and home on time. I did my PT stretches before and After my run.  I had a good talk with my brother, and with my niece on Facetime back in MI which was nice to chat with her.  I still HATE this new 7.0 for the Iphone,  And my computer is acting up, so a new one may be in my future.  I then headed out with my “reflecting gear” and did my run. It was more of an interval time. I had to warmup run for 2 miles, then run for 3 x 15 min at a faster pace. I ended up doing 7.65 miles. And I felt good. Again I ended in the dark, but it was so nice, the air was cool, and I had a beautiful moon to look at. Which makes me wonder if we will have a full moon on Race weekend,  that will be nice if it happens. J

Wednesday was another swim, I got in 3300 yds. But spent most of it again using the pull buoy as to not have any opportunity to aggravate anything in my back/right hip. I actually swam it in one of my fastest times. So this could be a good predictor of my race time. But I’m not going to jinx it, so I’m not spilling my time. J  I either have a good training buddy who knew I needed protein, or I have a unique cheerleader from a new swim buddy, as I found Beef Jerky on my windshield with a new “nickname” for me.   I also had a surprise when I got home:  My Team FC Tri Race Kit had arrived. I’ll see how it works when I test it out this weekend.

Thursday ….was an unplanned rest day, as I woke with one of my killer Migraines, nausea and all which prevented me from making it into work. I slept most of  it off by noon. But still felt just a bit “off” for the rest of the day, so I didn't dare attempt my long run. So I used this day that was left to clean my house, relax, watch a movie, take a second “nap”, and some additional reading for my mental training, and nutrition.  And because it was so cold, I ended up starting up my fireplace. Finally, first time I really got to use it since moving into this new place. Was kind of nice, the dogs were happy that I was around more. But they seem to be nervous when I’m sleeping during the day, and have to check up on me to make sure I’m still alive. Ever since my “15 hour nap”, they have been doing that. Apparently Kahlua was having a bad morning also. As I was sleeping, he apparently rolled and fell of the bed! I heard all this noise, and a thump, then I looked over and saw this. He sat there for so long, I had time to snap a photo. LOL 

Friday arrived and was a bit warmer. I ended up getting out of work a bit later than planned. I changed into my running clothes and headed over to Iron King Trail with my headlamp and cold gear ready to go. I had to run 2:20 at a specified pace. I managed 11 miles. I was sore by the time I was done, but not horrible. It’s also my longest run to date. So next week for Soma will be longest again with13 miles for my race.   I then jetted quickly off to meet up with some friends for a birthday celebration. I saw my Ironman Friend Dave and his wife waiting to get seated and said hi real quick. Once I found the gang, I enjoyed my “recovery drink” as soon as I walked in the door. And of course devoured my burger and sweet potato fries immediately when they arrived at the table.  Once home, I was pretty much asleep within an hour.  I was tired, and needed rest for tomorrows long day.

Saturday was the KONA IRONMAN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS . Yes it’s in CAPS. But that is how much I love watching this race. It’s the reason I got into Ironman. I figured if they are crazy enough to do this, Then I can too. I long ago learned that when someone tells me I can’t do it, I’m just more determined to prove them wrong. Not so much out of the fact that I want to gloat about it. But more so a personal feat. I want to prove to myself that I can do something that seems impossible. And if along the way I inspire others, then more power to them.  I also want to make sure that I never regret anything I do in my life. Something’s may hurt me, some things my crush me heart and soul, or hurt me physically and make it a challenge.  But somewhere, I like to think I can find that spirit to persevere. I’m learning to embrace that I most likely will always be doing anything I do in my life alone. But at least I’m not giving up and waiting for my life to happen. At least I know that I will have lived a life to the fullest I possibly can.   

So today when I woke, I ended up on my trainer for the first three hours, because I wanted to watch the start of Kona, and it was Effing cold!!!  My distance is always less on the trainer, and since I’ve been doing most of my intensity training there, I don’t have necessarily a good idea of my speed outside. I do know that it seems to be faster.

 So Soma, next weekend will be a good indicator of two things. 1. Is the intensity vs volume training working for me. 2. Is the elevation change going to be in my favor?  I’ll know in Seven days.   Once most of the pros were on the bike, I headed out for the last 2:15 on my bike. I must say that the wind was a bit discouraging; it was really kicking my butt. But my nutrition for Osmo, seemed to be keeping me strong.  The winds were in the 10 plus MPH, and the side and head winds totally sucked. But I focused on my cadence and stayed as best I could in the 90 rpm. Which paid off, As when I compared my distance from trainer to outside, I was faster outside, even with the wind. So that made me happy. I was then off on to my 5 mile run around the neighborhood, and at mile two ran in my Ironman Friend Dave, who showed me a new challenging trail, through sand and all gradual up hill. It was nice to run with him and catch up. He’ll be there volunteering at IM AZ so I know where to look for him.  I ended up feeling really good for doing a 6 hour workout today. I even had to slow myself down on the run to keep with the pace my coaches wanted me at. So, my confidence is getting better.

I then relaxed the rest of the night watching the finish of Ironman. My favorite girl WON!! Rinny won for the women, and she had a run course record, and a course record. She deserved it!!! There were a lot of amazing women racing today, but she was the one I wanted to win. I was so happy for her!!!  Funny, I was so emotional for her and the men’s race. I don’t think anyone can truly understand the energy and the sweat/tears from training for a race, and that feeling of crossing the finish line. It’s one of the most amazing feelings in the world.  I’m not sure anything else comes close.

Sunday I had an easy day , if you can call a hour swim and two hour  bike easy.  It was compared to yesterday’s workout I suppose. And quite frankly,  It didn’t really feel easy at all. My body was tired. I was up early and on the trainer by 7:30AM. I declined an outside ride in the 35 ish degree morning temp.  My legs were very sluggish, and keeping in Tempo range was harder then I thought. And I hydrate okay, but not good nutrition. So by athe time I got to the Y,  I was tired. I was supposed to swim an hour, but ended up stopping at 45 min. I wanted to do more, but I just had no energy, and I wasn’t focusing on my form like I needed to. So I stopped early.  I also was FREEZING. My temp regulation was off today. I woke cold, Then because I accidently fell asleep with my compression socks on, I was “ichy” and then I think because I was out in the sun and did my longest workout to date, I broke out in hives again. Which according to the doc, I just have to deal with it. So I took my medicine and got to work on the trainer so I wouldn’t itch. It was gone by the time I was done on my bike, and got to my swim, but I think that’s also why I was feeling sluggish on the swim. I haven’t taken that medication in about 6 months, and can make me sleepy.   SO I finished my day with a few errands around town, got some food, and called home. My parents are still on the fence about coming out. It makes me sad that they may not make it. I really want them to come see me. But with my dad back in PT, I’m afraid he can’t handle sitting/standing or driving that distance. And since my mom won’t fly….. I did however offer up an option to come by train, so they could relax and not have to worry about either. Fingers crossed.   I guess if they don’t make it. Then I’m going to make sure they come to Boulder next Aug. And we can celebrate their 50th Wedding anniversary.  Amazing role models in my parents,  I’m honored God picked me to be their daughter. 

So this week…I’m so happy that this week I have been able to get back on track. I won’t lie, I was really concerned after last week.  Mentally I was going downhill. I feel more confident with this weeks workout. My longest week of training to day.  This time on my last Ironman, I bonked and burned out hard. I ended up taking a week off of training. I went to work, I came home, I slept, I hibernated, I forgot all things Ironman, except my Mental Training book. Which I’m reading again for good measure.  I also as previously mentioned, nervous about this intensity training vs. volume. I’m feeling the benefits. But I’m still nervous. I also have to realize that I had a major setback in June and was not running, period.  If I was still at the pace I was before I got hurt, I’d be doing my fastest ever with running. But I can’t dwell on that. My number one goal…arrive to the race healthy.  The rest is there and it will come.  

I want to thank the few of you who have been reading my posts (you know who you are) and offering encouragement. It has really helped me these last few weeks. It feels like a very lonely endeavor at times as I have no one close to really share it with, but it helps knowing that someone is paying attention and caring for how I’m doing. So thank you, I appreciate your support.

Next up for Week 15?  Soma Half Ironman on Sunday. Getting to meet a few of my FC Racing Teammates.  Testing out all my training to see if this intensity is working and working on any final prep things that I need  for IMAZ!!!  

                                                When you feel like
                                                 you CAN'T go any
                                                 further, just know 
                                             that the strength
                                               which carried you
                                              this far will take you
                                                  the rest of the way

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