Sunday, March 11, 2018

Week 7- Birthday Week!! BASE Box!!!

This is my Journey into my Return to Ironman- 2018. It's my journal/documentation of the ups and downs of what it takes to be an age-group athlete training for an Ironman triathlon. This is more of a way for me to remember what I am doing over the course of the training season.   As any Ironman Athlete can tell you, sometimes the days can blur into one training day of swim, bike, run after another. So, while some may not find this at all interesting, those that wonder...could I do an Ironman? Do I have what it takes to do an Ironman? I give you a peek into my journey and days to complete my next Ironman at Madison, Wisconsin on Sept. 9th, 2018.  Forgive any misspelled words/awkward sounding sentences. I'm pretty sure I'll be be happy just to get them down on the blog. Consider it a test of your mental skills to figure out what I'm saying. I hope you enjoy reading my journey. 

Overall Training Totals:

Swim           51,925 yds                23:24  hr/min

Bike         264.15  Miles                20:50  hr/min

Run            75.03 Miles                15:42  hr/min

Other/                                          3:00  hr/min

Overall  Training Time:                 62:56 hr/min

Monday:      I'm so excited that it's getting brighter out every morning!! It gives me hope to think I can start running outside in the AM.  Then I remember, that day light savings is next week, and I go back in the dark for the AM.  GRRR.  My swim was slow and I felt tired this morning, but I got it done. Got home from work in the PM. My Wahoo and I had a talk, if it didn't start listening, I was going to sell it.   It was nice to me tonight, and I got in a decent ride.  One Mimosa to celebrate my birthday tomorrow, since I have to work and can't have one in the am. 

Tuesday!!     It's my BIRTHDAY!!!!  Woke up and while wishing I didn't have too, I got in my AM run, I was all alone at 5AM in the clubhouse.....sad.    But then I got a nice call from the parents, a rare occurrence,  on my way home. I chatted  for a bit, enlightened them with my "pink floyd" story.  And then off to work.  I had a wonderful birthday potluck with some yummy tasting birthday cake, then made plans for a birthday dinner on the beach with wine and pizza from my favorite place in town.  Jocelyn and Mike and I had a fun time. I couldn't make my traditional snow angels for my birthday, so I compromised with some SAND ANGELS!!  We got in some Sparkler Writing, to cap off one more of my 43 List. I managed to get over half of my list completed for the year, I'm pretty happy with that, I plan to just continue this list into my 44 year, I haven't made it up yet, but I've got ideas already.  It was a good day. I got lots of wonderful love from friends and family near and far. I didn't get to speak with a few people that I really wanted to, but that is life. It lets you know that some people aren't meant to be in your life forever.  Sucks, but it is what it is. I have to trust that it's for the best, even when I don't want to say goodbye.   Overall, I had a good day.   

Wednesday:    Swim was hard this AM, I got it in, but felt really fatigued and tried. I actually felt like my  period was starting  up a week early. Crazy pain and cramping and fatigue. So, when I got home, While I was super excited to see my BASE BOX on the porch, I was in bed and sleeping most of the night away. So much for taking my ROAR regimen a week before my period.  

My Mail guy kept  it dry for me!!  

I spy a hole....

Thursday.    I was still feeling pretty crappy this AM, so I opted out of the AM run. I did get through work, and then went for a PM run out on the coastal trail.  Again, my body was not cooperating.  It felt like crap.  I had my cramping, I had my significant right sided cramping. I was exhausted by the time I got home, so no attempt at making up my bike happening tonight. I was in bed early and hugging my heating pad.  Some days, I hate being a women. It's like we are punished for not procreating. 

Friday:  Nothing to exciting except I got in my swim. I managed to try on some of my clothes from BASE To see how they fit. A few things were too small.  I could blame it on my period, but I'm feeling like that isn't the issue. May see if I can swap some pieces out. Overall, I LOVE the race kit!! I'm excited to be representing Base again this year. I'm actually liking the red/black combo. I've been burnt out on it from high school colors and work colors though my younger life.  Somehow. I managed to purchase one lone PINK item??? I'm not sure how I did it?  But maybe it was because i was so overwhelmed with all the awesome choices and things to pick this year.   Oh well. I guess I can switch it out with a blue cap and survive with it?  Maybe?   

Kahlua wanted in on the photo shoot! LOL

Saturday: I was dreading today. my long bike ride, last weeks ride was a disaster, I could barely get up any energy to get my pace going, or ride. I really focused this time on my nutrition. And it definitely was much better then last week. I got in an extra 10 miles with almost the exact same time.  Progress. I 'll take it. I still have work to do. But I'll take it. And it only took  a FRUSTRATING 30 MINUTES to get the damm WAHOO to connect.  

These things ROCK, my current favorite!!

I spent the afternoon napping.  (30 min turned into 4 hours), then headed over to my friends Jocelyn and Mike and had a nice time hanging out, catching crab and cooking it, chilling on the harbor. Doesn't get much better than that!!  

this is my new friend E.T.  He liked me. :)

help me...

Sunday: Woke to darker skies...Boo to  Day Light Savings making the  AM darker.  I got up and walked the pups, needed a bit of a nap, then off for my AM 7 mile run.  Seriously? Can it get much better then this for my AM run???

I can feel my Ironman Fatigue kicking in pretty good this week. I need to really just focus on nutrition better. I plan to hop back on my Whole 30 for a week or two to get in a good reset. I've been indulging a bit to much lately in all the good stuff thanks to my birthday.  But I can't complain, my birthday week has been awesome!!!   On to my next week of training.  

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