Sunday, March 4, 2018

Week 6: Being An Adult is like Folding a Fitted Sheet.

This is my Journey into my Return to Ironman- 2018. It's my journal/documentation of the ups and downs of what it takes to be an age-group athlete training for an Ironman triathlon. This is more of a way for me to remember what I am doing over the course of the training season.   As any Ironman Athlete can tell you, sometimes the days can blur into one training day of swim, bike, run after another. So, while some may not find this at all interesting, those that wonder...could I do an Ironman? Do I have what it takes to do an Ironman? I give you a peek into my journey and days to complete my next Ironman at Madison, Wisconsin on Sept. 9th, 2018.  Forgive any misspelled words/awkward sounding sentences. I'm pretty sure I'll be be happy just to get them down on the blog. Consider it a test of your mental skills to figure out what I'm saying. I hope you enjoy reading my journey. 

Overall Training Totals:

Swim        44,325 yds                   20:11  hr/min

Bike         140.99  Miles                16:19  hr/min

Run           62.03 Miles                 13:16  hr/min

Other/                                          1:30   hr/min

Overall  Training Time:                 51:16 hr/min

Monday-   Started with a nice swim in a cold pool.  I've learned it takes exactly 10 laps before I get warm enough in the water to not shiver.   My form is not the best during that time, and I actually try to push my whole body under water until I'm warm enough.   I skipped the hot tub today because two old guys were hogging it.   

In the PM, I was able to get on my bike. The trainer and I have a love/hate/hate relationship. It hates to give me my distance and speed, and then requires me to pedal harder to just get it going and maintain it.  I have to reset it every single time to get it to work, and I am starting to regret giving up my simple Kurt Kinetic. It was not a fun ride tonight.  Bailey Agreed.  

Tuesday-  Today it was supposed to be rainy and winds at 25mph after work. I opted to run on the treadmill, and ended up for the AM session to have the evening free to relax (ie.  fall asleep and nap).    But I did enjoy finishing my run and looking at my watch and seeing it was ONLY 5:43 AM!!!  Like before 6AM and my day was done.  I had a few moments of joy, knowing that I had the rest of the day to do what ever I wanted, and it didn't involve training.  

Wednesday.  I did not want to move my butt out of bed, it was cold and rainy. And I just wanted to frickin sleep in..... but my alarm went off, and when I went to hit snooze, I read it.... damm it. It was right, so I go up, and I got in my swim, another cold swim.  But I was feeling good with my swim. I felt fast in the water today. And I was happy.  Tired, but happy. 

Insert Picture that won't download of my alarm stating:
                                    "It SUCKS, but you get it done!!!"

PM bike- oh Wahoo, how you hate me. But I got my distance to work and my speed. And I think I had my first bonk. I had to get off and drink a 8 oz Coke, and eat several Fig Bars to finish off my last 15 minutes.  My body was tired. 

Thursday-  HAPPY FIRST DAY OF MARCH!!!!   Another AM Run on the treadmill.  I got up  a few minutes late, but looks like it was the smart thing to do, since my parking spot was "occupied" . And lookly here....5:43 AM....should I play the lotto?     I was really trying to figure out what the girl next to me was doing. She had the treadmill at a decent hill climb. Holding on for dear life with her arms, eyes closed (yes closed).  But literally, she stood off it and only jumped on every 30 seconds for anywhere from 5-10 seconds (yes, I timed it), then off again ( cause it was hard not to feel the vibration through the whole workout center and she was right next to me.)  This went on the entire time I ran my three miles. At least it kept me occupied.  Wondering if it's a new HITT Plan?  What distance does that give her???

This is where I normally park.....

Closest I'll get to snow

I also got in some of my TRX Suspension Training.  And Kahlua loves my afghan too.

Compression hose on for my day at work. Crazy day at work, came home excited to relax, and promptly fell asleep.  I think??? I bought food at the store???

Friday-  This was my day off. I got to relax and sleep in.  It was a crazy busy day at work for me.  I was hopping. I was tired.   The Only eventful thing was I got my new glasses.  They are progression lens, so I took them for a walk on the ocean to see how they felt.  Clouds were cool.  It was raining, it was cold, I went home. 

This is what crazy looks like after a long day of work, cold, and hangry

Saturday-  This is a day of hell.  I once again fought with my WAHOO.  I got it to finally work. I got on, and I had ZERO power in my body. I couldn't muster up enough energy to pedal over 10 MPH. I did look at my HR, and I was cursing at a 3.5 Effort. SO I either REALLY Suck, or I just need to be patient. My lungs hurt  my vocal cord dysfunction reared it's ugly head.  This was a horrible mental ride for me.  I am embarrassed to say how long it took me to do just a measly 30 miles.  I hate the trainer. I hate the trainer. Did I mention I HATE THE TRAINER!!!!    I then took a hot shower, then a long nap, and then I  walked the dogs on the beach for couple hours to decompress.  It helped.  

My setup. Movies...and

Bailey was not impressed....

Tide going a RIVER

SUNDAY- FUNDAY-RUNDAY.   Today I had a nice easy 7 mile run. I felt good!  I expected to feel like crap from my crappy bike session yesterday. But for some reason, I felt great, I felt consistent and I got it in with no major issues.  

This group of SOB's tried to run me off the TRAIL!!!!   Good thing they are just SOB's.    

(Seniors On Bikes  LOL   That is what they named their group!!!!! ))

I noticed that the ocean and light was amazing so I grabbed my camera when I ran home, then headed out to do a little time with my camera.  To my surprise, I got some awesome video and shots of a bunch of whales playing in the water right off the trail. There was so much swirling and tail flipping and rolling I could of sworn I was going to get one to jump. But after an hour of watching, I was frozen, and my camera battery was dying. So I ran over to get a coffee.  I stopped off at Racine's, a fun little local Art store, picked up a canvas for a painting for my birthday I have in mind. Found a birthday card I liked for myself,  (yes I buy myself a birthday card, because no one else does, I also buy my own flowers- single sucks but whatever.)  And I headed home.  Hot Shower, Mimosa, (because I can't have one on my birthday before work), then a long nap.   But at least I got my blog done.   Now to go through all those photos to see if I got any good whale shots. :)  I'll add them later. 

On to my Birthday week of training. 

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