This is my Journey into the World of Ironman. It's my journal/documentation of the ups and downs of what it takes to be an age-group athlete training for an Ironman triathlon. This is more of a way for me to remember what I am doing over the course of the training season, as any Ironman Athlete can tell you, sometimes the days can blur into one training day of swim, bike, run after another. So, while some may not find this at all interesting, those that wonder...could I do an Ironman? Do I have what it takes to do an Ironman? I give you a peek into my journey and days to complete my next Ironman. Forgive any misspelled words/awkward sounding sentences. I'm pretty happy just to get them down on paper. Consider it a test of your mental skills to figure out what I'm saying. Hope you enjoy reading my journey. I'll see you at the Finishline!!!
Current Training Totals:
Swim 37,900 yds 16:26 hr/min
Bike 870.37 Miles 69:20 hr/min
Run 211.81 Miles 46:13 hr/min
Other/ 25:15 hr/min
Overall Training Time: 157:14 hr/min
Oh, the challenges. My last post had me in a pit of dread. I was sinking to the lowest I think of all my years of training. At least it felt like that. Then, this following week, things started turning around. I'm a firm believer in when things are getting rough, I go write. I have so many journals that I probably could write a book of my life. But I've always learned even at a young age. When I'm upset, to go write it down. Go write down what I'm feeling, physically, emotionally. Everything. I'm sure there are a few people in my life that wouldn't want to know how much I wrote about them. But what's always amazing, is that the minute I write it down. It seems to stop being such a big deal. It works itself out, and life goes on. Most of the time for the better. Some things though, do take a bit longer to hash out. But for this moment in my life with training. It's like I released all the expectations, the stress of training, the release of what could go wrong, and I felt freed in a way. And my training started to ramp back up.
May 18th - May 24th.
I had a great training session. While I still have issues with my arm and my leg is still giving me trouble. I put in a solid 12 hours of training. I'm most happy I got in my long bike ride, I missed the last two weeks from my leg. Now I won't lie, it hurt. I was not a happy camper after ( at least until I got my Base Recovery on board :)) But I was so happy to get it done. I'm still on the trainer. ALL my rides since being in MT, have been on the trainer. And this week is no exception, as there is a full forecasted 60% thunderstorms coming in on both Wed, and Thur. so to the trainer I go. I was soo close to having the entire week green. I missed it by one training session.. My body was too tired on Tuesday so I planned to do my run and bike on Wed. I got in my run and my swim. But I was done. I wasn't going to get in a bike. So I just had to let it go.
In other cool news.....Did you see my swim?? I finally got over 30,000 yards. That has haunted me sitting at 29,800 yrs for 63 days. I finally have been in the pool. Slowly adding up to 500 yds at a time. I'll be ready for Boulder 70.3 in 17 days. It won't be pretty, but I will get it done. I can only hope Boulder will be nice, because from the weather lately, it's been all RAIN and Storms. They have been getting slammed.
My run, while still hurting, I'm doing my exercises before and after, and the pain goes away. I'll be taking an arsenal of my recovery tools with me to Boulder. I can see that now. But I'm getting there. One step at a time. This I like. A Lot.
May 25th- May 31st.
This week is getting better. I have been able to ramp up my training on my bike. The power is getting better. Not 100%, maybe 79%?? But I'm focused on getting to the race healthy. I'll have to except that it's not going to be a PR race. I feel stronger on the bike. Thats a bonus. At least all my hard work on the bike paid off while I couldn't swim. Got in my second long trainer ride. It felt better, my body was super tired. But again, bless the Base Recovery. I hurt but not as much. Although I won't deny that I've been wearing my compression hose for several days to work after my rides. hee hee hee. I did miss my Saturday ride though, I almost had another all green week, but I got home and was literally asleep within minutes of siting down on my bed. The IRONMAN FATIGUE has reared its ugly head!!!
Run's have been good, I feel good in my transition runs after the bike. But I notice my long stand alone runs hurt, and I've struggled. I had to stop and take a longer break in the middle of the run. Maybe it's the heat kicking in. But getting my Base Salt in and learning how much I need during the run. Thats making it better. I did have a good one hour run on Sunday where it was in the 80s. the hottest Ive been in so far, and I managed to have zero fading with my hill repeats and my sprints. That made me happy!
My swims, are coming along slowly 500 yards, 1000 yrds, 1500 yds, 2000 yds. Then I took day off because I could feel the shoulder hurting. I'm going to have to Kinesotape the shoulder. that way I can have less pain on the swim. It won't be pretty, but I'll get it down. I'm more concerned that i'm in one of the last waves for swimming, Nothing like having the "slow" all the women go last. I guess, I'll be one of the last ones out on the course too. Good thing its just a training race.
June 1st - June 4th.
This week has been going better also. I got in a good solid ride on Monday, and a solid 30 min run which distracted me from the nasty storms raging out side..I ran off my fear if you will.
Tuesday I got in 2500 yrs at the pool! This makes me happy that I'll be able to do the swim, but it' will be slow. BUT, I WILL DO IT!! My shoulder was a bit sore after, so I have been taking it easy and getting in some good stretches. Again dodged another storm while swimming, so I couldn't even freak out.
Wednesday bike ride once again was reduced to the trainer because of sporadic thunderstorms. It's been helpful in the sense that I am in a very humid environment, and I'm on the trainer at a constant speed. I'm still having tweaking issues with my left leg. But the bike fit seems much better. Now to get my stages meter fixed. Getting my nutrition dialed In better I hope. I'll need to get it figured out how to carry it all on the bike now. I finished with a 40 min run that felt good. I again feel good coming off the bike with my pace, now if my leg would just cooperate.
Thursday, I got in my long 2:10 hr run. This once again was tough. I also learned to not go with just water and salt. I think to the early morning runs with not much food in my system. Needless to say, I got in my run,with a 10 min break, then got in my swim, but I kept it slow and short because the arm was hurting on Monday. I'm feeling as good as I can.
Had a good conversation with my Coach tonight, so I'm focused for what I need to do next week. I'm also heading out to Boulder, CO early. Although, the tornado that I just learned that hit there tonight, where the bike course was for Boulder Ironman, isn't making me too excited to get there early!
T- Minus 8 Days to Boulder 70.3 Now please weather....cooperate with me!!
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