This is my Journey into the World of Ironman. It's my journal/documentation of the ups and downs of what it takes to be an age-group athlete training for an Ironman triathlon. This is more of a way for me to remember what I am doing over the course of the training season, as any Ironman Athlete can tell you, sometimes the days can blur into one training day of swim, bike, run after another. So, while some may not find this at all interesting, those that wonder...could I do an Ironman? Do I have what it takes to do an Ironman? I give you a peek into my journey and days to complete my next Ironman. Forgive any misspelled words/awkward sounding sentences. I'm pretty happy just to get them down on paper. Consider it a test of your mental skills to figure out what I'm saying. Hope you enjoy reading my journey. I'll see you at the Finishline!!!
Current Training Totals:
Swim 60,750 yds 25:20 hr/min
Bike 1236.59 Miles 92:03 hr/min
Run 287.60 Miles 62:20 hr/min
Other/ 30:15 hr/min
Overall Training Time: 209:58 hr/min
The last two weeks have been an interesting challenge with training. While I’m excited to finish Boulder 70.3. I still have things I need to do to make sure I’m fully prepared for IMB on Aug. 2nd. I am on Week 20 and 21 of Training. My race is Week 26. I have three solid weeks to put more endurance in the tank, and then its taper time baby.
Week 20
Sunday- Day after race.
Well…I finished my race. I learned some good things from Boulder 70.3. I’m ready to focus on what I need to do now for Boulder Ironman. I’m currently relaxing in my amazing rental, with the river flowing by. I don’t want to leave. I hooked up my hammock on the porch, and relaxed for a while listening to the water rush by. I am feeling a bit queasy, I’m thinking my probiotics didn’t work. I also had a list of all the things I want to do today before I leave. I didn’t make it to all of them as planned. But I did get to the most important one. I went into Denver outskirts, and went to Road Runner Sports, I got some new insoles made, and the gal actually did them right. And I ended up with a new pair of shoes. Which felt like I was walking on a cloud. HEAVEN!!
I made it to My favorite shops that I miss in Phx, Lucy, Lululemon, and Apple. I missed out on Athleta as it was downtown on Pearl Street. I couldn't find any parking, and by this time I was feeling pretty crappy after I drove the IMB course, So I got some food for dinner, and headed back to the rental to pack.
I drove the IMB course. For the most part, it’s two loops around essentially the 70.3 course, with some small modifications that makes it two 40 mile-ish loops. Of course added in an extra nice long hill on Nelson Rd Then it heads out on an 30 ish loop course to finish up the 85-112 miles. This one will be tough. It’s where I bonked hard last year, and had to DNF. It also has 5….yes 5… long slow climbs. All the way back into town. I was feeling so crappy by this time while driving, I actually had to pull over for a bit and take a nickel’s nap on the side of the road.
I hit up Whole Foods for an attempt at some thing to eat, and then went home to pack. I was greeted at my rental with fire trucks, lots of police cars, and a blocked driveway, luckily I was able to sneak into the drive. Then in front of my rental, across the river, I saw a lot of rescue crews in swim gear and helmets. It appears I may have a front seat to a water rescue. I talked with the owner of the rental, and she mentioned, that most likely it was more of a recovery mission. Boo. Then about 30 min later, she texted me to tell me to keep the dogs inside, as the rescue crew was coming on the property and getting on the other side of the water. I watched as I packed from my bedroom window as they waded across the wading pond and the up the river. Then around dusk, they all left. I later learned from the news report the next day, that a guy fell in up stream, and they called off the search till morning. They found him the next day, not far from where the 911 call came in that said he went under a bridge and didn’t come out. :(
Monday- I woke later then planned, and laid in bed a bit, I had already packed most of my stuff last night and put it in the car so I just had a few more trips and I was ready to go. I got up ,took a shower, and finished getting the rest of the stuff in the Escape. Took the dogs for one final walk on the pathway. And then headed out the door around eleven. I stopped off for gas, and ginger ale. I was not going to be doing much eating/drinking on the way home. I was really hoping I wasn’t going to throw up. The drive was uneventful for the most part, every two hours, I stopped for gas and to get the dogs out to run around and pee. I made it to two hours out, and the weather was forecasting hail coming into Billings, so of course, I stopped off at the gas station and lovingly tucked Victoria into the back of the Escape. I am not sure how I made room for her, but she was going to fit no matter what! Made it home around 8 ish. And unpacked a bit before heading off to bed.
Tuesday I slept in, I moved around slowly but got in my strength session, and made it to the Y for the afternoon 1 PM swim I was pleasantly surprised how good it felt to get in the water. My body was recovering, except for the queasy stomach. I got more probiotics on board and went home, and slept.
Wednesday—- Back to work I go. I got done for the day, I decided to re arrange my schedule because I was feeling worse. So I was going to do my easy 1:35 hill workout. Well, the minute I got home, I laid down, and knew it wasn’t going to happen. A nice 4 hour nap for me. and I slept right through a severe thunderstorm. That’s how tired and crappy I felt.
Thursday— I woke feeling a bit better. Was able to get in strength and Swim again. I got in my longest yards yet. Arm felt good, but minor tweaky.
Friday—- I had the day off, since I worked Wed. I got in my long ride, once again, weather was killing my ability to get outside, as I couldn’t be caught where the road went with a thunderstorm. So I setup outside on the deck, and rode for three hours, until the clouds rolled in, and I transitioned back down on the trainer. I only got in 4 hours. The body was tired, it made that known on the ride with my sucky power levels. I got in my easy transition run. My shoulder was feeling tweaky from yesterday, so I opted to not swim tonight.
Saturday- I had my 1 2 3 4 Throw the Trainer out the Door ride. I did my best to go at it, but I was tired. I still must of done decent because coach sent out a good job to me. I went outside and down the street to a parking lot to do my sprints, Garmin seems to be acting up lately. It’s been messing with my pace it seems.
Sunday- I got out of work and did my long 2:20 run. But I was cut short by a nasty storm rolling in. I did however notice…I felt GOOOD. I have been usually having to stop for a bit at the car, and rest for a bit. But today I felt really good. I was just getting ready to start my 30 min faster pace to end my run, when the storm started to roll in. It went from calm wind, to 22 mph blowing wind, and dark clouds rolling up FAST. I had been watching the entire run, but it was all blowing away from me, so I wasn’t worried, until I turned around and went…oh crap. Especially, once I saw lightening. Needless to say, I made it back home and finished my 19 minutes on the trainer. DONE!!
Week 21
Training this week has been good so far. I am starting to feel the fatigue. But I’m still getting in the workouts that I need for the most part. I’ve been really focused on more healthy eating for the weeks leading up to Boulder. While Ive been doing good, I can always do better.
Monday—- I got in a good solid workout on the bike, despite feeling some what sluggish from my 10 mile run on Sunday. I had to switch the workouts around since I was sick when I got home for Boulder for a few days with a GI Bug, from the lake water I’m sure.
Tuesday— I got in my strength workout, and then I got in my longest swim to date, 2900 yrds. what’s cooler is that I managed to do every other 100 yd with paddles. I stopped for the last two, as I could feel my arm getting a bit tweaky. But I got it in!! I was happy!! I enjoyed my hot tub massage too. :) I’m looking forward to my massage on Thursday.
Wednesday—-Today was planned for my long bike ride. For some reason I dread any ride over 4:30 hours. But I was looking forward to it this time, until I woke up. I didn’t sleep well for some reason, and I basically had insomnia, so my plan to get up and ride by seven, didn’t work. I slept thru all my alarms and woke up around 10 AM. After some debate, I decided to switch up my workouts for Wed and Thur. I really wanted to get out early on the road. So I got moving around, and out the door by 12:30 to run. yes…..I was moving slowly. I did however have my second long run in the heat with my Base Performance Rocket fuel and salts, and did good. I did have some small fading with the 40 min at the end, but overall, I could keep a steady pace, in the “slow” pace in the HEAT and manage. I kept my cadence around 175-180, and my leg liked me better to. I also really like my new shoes and insoles. I really like how cushy they are. My other shoes, I decided had a defect and were poor at support. These feel like I’m running on some clouds. I worry about if I wear them out before the race, haha, but then I realize its only 5 weeks away. I’m good.
I zipped off to the Y when I was done. And did my best to get in my entire workout. I only had 45 minutes before the kiddos showed up for swim class, and I didn’t want to wait 3 hours to come back at 7 pm. So I managed to get in almost all of my workout. No paddles today. shoulder a bit sore, but good. One Bummer thing, yesterday, I accidentally wrapped up my Boulder 70.3 swim cap in the towels… waiting to hear if it survived the industrial strength washer/dryer. While not the end of the world, it does hold some special meaning to me.
Home- Compression tights on…Bed
Thursday—- I had it all planned out. Weather was scheduled for another beautiful day with no storms. however i forgot the time of my massage until they called yesterday and reminded me it was at 1 PM. So, as above, I had it all planned, I would wake up at 4:30, jump on the trainer, get my ride in, then my run, be done by noon, so i could go enjoy my massage and celebrate Kahlua’s double digit birthday.
I woke at 7 AM. Body sore from the run yesterday. I was on the bike by 7:30 AM, I was very thankful for the easy two hour pace in the beginning. But due to time constraints, I decided to do just one hour, and get going on the 15 min repeats. I really liked this workout in that it almost simulated the last five BIG hills I’m going to have to climb at the 85-112 loop of the course. I will be riding past the spot that I had to stop last year. I really thought about that as I did this workout. But I was super tired, and I was no were near the power that my coach wanted me at. But I was just happy that I was doing it. I wasn’t giving in.
I am however very happy I got in my massage. This was a “free” one to make up for the crappy one I had prior to leaving for Boulder. So, while I was still a bit nervous, I really wanted one. The gal I got, thank god, did deep tissue work. She walked in and within one min, I was signing on the table. She reduced my back pain almost immediately and went on to do several different stretches/massage focusing on my Left Leg, with my hamstring, my calf and my piriformis. I felt immediate relief in my left side. I felt good for the first time in two months, since before It began hurting. Needless to say, while I feel guilty for not finishing the rest of my workout like I was planning, I decided having zero pain and rest outweighed missing there rest of my workouts. I also immediately booked her for then next month for several before and one after IMB in Aug. I’m happy that I finally found someone (since I don’t have Amanda in Prescott) that can do a good deep tissue massage. Whew…if I keep feeling good like that after each one, I’m excited to see how my leg will feel for the race.!!
I got out and got in some shopping today after my massage, actually felt like a normal human being. Home, and celebrated Kahlua’s 10th birthday. He got a few new toys, a new dog dish because I lost his somewhere between Boulder and here, and went for a “pupcake” it was some carrot cake type of cake. I had to let it thaw out, but the boys seemed to enjoy it’s goodness. Hard to believe both my boys are 10 yrs old. They are really great dogs.
Friday— I got home from work on Friday, and felt tired…It was hot, but just tired. So I ended up taking a “short” nap, woke up and zipped over to the Y. I was schedule to swim 3400 yds. My longest yet. Did I mention I was tired? I felt like there was a current in the pool…both directions. It took me about a 1000 yds before I felt awake from my nap. but I was able to keep it pretty steady, and at a good pace. So even though I was tired. I was consistent. So I’m actually pretty happy with that workout.!!! And good news!! My swim cap survived !!! sort of, the wording was still readable but it was faded. Doesn’t matter. I got it back!
Saturday, I got home again from work, and feeling tired, I took a small nap of about an hour. Then I got on my trainer for my 1,2,3,4 workout. The one that is really hard. And I’m not sure what happen. While starting I was feeling like it was going to be a really tough workout. But then I started to feel strong. I felt powerful. I was able to keep my power up high and consistent through the entire workout. AT least I felt that I did. I think I had one interval at 3 minutes, at the second to last, that was lower then the rest. But overall, I felt like I had improved my average power from the last two times I did this workout. I guess I should look at my past results to clarify. Maybe another day….
Sunday- Home from work, I was actually excited for the Hot weather. It was 98 when I walked out the door at work. I was looking forward getting in a little heat/humidity training for Boulder. But alas….mother nature was trying to milk out all she could of that 2% forecast of thunderstorms and sent one my way. SO I was resigned to do my hill and sprint workout on the treadmill. Which was fine, but I was a bit frustrated that I couldn’t get outside in the heat. I at least again was consistent. My leg was tight but nothing like it usually is.
Next week is my BIGGEST Training week to date. I have over 18 hours of training coming up. Then each week will be progressively less..16, then 14. Then Two weeks of TAPER BABY!!! I’m looking forward to that!! I normally have had three weeks of taper, but I’m feeling like I can do two weeks this time. I was always afraid that I’d be too tired, and not feel like I was recovered enough for the race. I’m not feeling that way this time. That’s a very, very good sign. :)