Sunday, November 24, 2013

Week Nineteen of FC Coaching/Training: One Week to Go Time!!

Disclaimer:  This blog is a documentation of my now second Ironman Journey for AZ Ironman 2013. I’m doing this race for a former patient, Sunny, who recently passed away this summer from a brain tumor. I hope that I can honor her well as I take her on my journey.   Format will be random, i.e. quick journal format, random thoughts, motivational quotes, pictures of random moments and memories along my journey. For the most part, it’s documentation for me and may not be to exciting for anyone else to read, but for those of you brave enough to ever wonder…could I do an Ironman or even just a triathlon?  I then offer you a firsthand account of what goes on in the mind of an Ironman age group triathlete including all the highs, lows, emotions, fears, rants, etc, etc.   Please forgive any spelling mistakes as I’m sure I am just happy to get everything written down, just chalk it up to fatigue from lots of training! 

Final Overall Training and Documented Stats:

SWIM:  ~213,492 Yds   
BIKE: ~ 1786.84 Miles  
RUN: ~   524.03 Miles  
Strength: ~ 24:55 hr/min
Other      ~ 11:50 hr/min (PT, Stretch, etc.

 Total Training Hours:  362:41 hours/minutes   

This week was all about the taper. I don’t have too much to say except I did one swim, one run and one bike. I spent most of this time prepping for my race, resting, and getting my house ready for three dog sitters, who I am forever grateful for watch my boys so I could focus on my race.  Then I was on my way to Tempe for my race. Please see Pre Race Weekend and Race Report for all the fun final details.

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