Sunday, October 30, 2011

Week Ten: Ironman Training Recovery Week October 24th- 30th , 2011

What I hope to document here is my 13 Week Journey to my first Ironman Race. I’m not sure exactly how I’m going to do this. I may do it in a quick journal format with my random thoughts…which may be more for me than anyone else and not to exciting to read, but if your ever considering doing an Ironman or even just a triathlon…then you can read about what goes through my mind in the training process. Highs, lows, emotions, fears, rants, etc., etc. Enjoy!  PS:  Forgive any spelling mistakes as I’m sure I’m just happy to get it written down…chalk it up to fatigue from lots of training J

This week was about chillin and not getting so caught up in times, and schedules and getting so damm anxious if I wasn't able to follow a schedule to the T. It isn't much of an exciting read, but then maybe that means I achieved my goal.
Okay…well I used this week to slowly get back in the game. Basically, I did my workouts and just forgot about Ironman to help me regroup a bit. I didn’t really let myself dwell too much on training and just got back to that feeling of wanting to get in a good workout. So Monday was an easy swim at the Y. My shoulder is hurting again…what else is new. So I did my workout with the pull buoy and anytime I started to get negative, I just brought up the saying that I read from Mark Allen, a 6 x Ironman Champ. He said he was taught to ‘go to the space between two thoughts.”  So just go to where you can quiet your mind, and just focus on one foot in front of the other, one pedal in front of the other, one stroke at a time. Don’t think about where you are, the time. Just go to that “space”.  It helped. So I did that workout. I did a nice fun  4 mile run with Nicole on Tuesday, back to when we did our regular Tuesday runs, and just chatted and relaxed, it was fun!  Wednesday, I made a road trip to Pearl Izumi in Phx and returned some clothing, but also bought some more for my race outfit. I may be closer to what I’m going to be wearing, still putting the final touches on it. 
            Thursday, I went for my massage, and ironically my therapist said its’ the tightest I’ve ever been, and the least amt of training I’ve done in 6 months. Go figure. But it felt good.  Friday was my day off. And I took advantage of just veggin out and doing nothing. It was quite nice. Saturday was a fun day as I noticed that Friday night my tire was flat, and so when I got home I had an hour ride scheduled. I decided if I changed the tire, I’d go out for an hour. First time changing my tire on my bike, I can see why I’ve had such luck with my tire, as its very hard rubber and it doesn’t give much, especially when you are changing your tire. It took me about 10 min to change it out. The blowing up part took over an hour.  So, I setup my CO2 cartridge and it’s refill nozzle and it wouldn’t fill the tire.  Then as I’m trying for the second time, the rubber sealer BLEW OFF And flew across the room. I think after further investigation, I had the tire nozzle closed so it couldn’t fill. So, I fix that, and then proceeded to pump up my tire with air. Whoosh, Whoosh, Whoosh. Was all I was getting. No air was going in. After 15 min of frustration. I walked away. Pleaded for help from a fellow Tri buddy for a pump and came back. After a few more Whooshes, I realized that one part of the tire seemed to be making the noise as well. Here I realized that the tire  already have a hole, so….round two of the change. And IT WORKED!! And I got it in just a quick. Filled up and good to go. Sunday’s workout will be the true test, as I only found one spot that may have caused the original puncture. By this time it was getting too dark to ride outside, so I ended up on my trainer for an hour to get in my time. Sunday came, my tire was still full, and I was able to sleep in til close to 8 am, Heaven!  I got ready and headed out for a 3 hour brick. 2 hours on the bike and one hour on the run.  It was a good ride and run. I was a bit sore when I was done, but nothing I wasn’t expecting due to taking a week off and a week of recovery.   So now it’s on to Week Eleven and 22 days until my IRONMAN!!! 

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week Nine: Ironman Training Week October 17th- 23rd , 2011

What I hope to document here is my 13 Week Journey to my first Ironman Race. I’m not sure exactly how I’m going to do this. I may do it in a quick journal format with my random thoughts…which may be more for me than anyone else and not to exciting to read, but if your ever considering doing an Ironman or even just a triathlon…then you can read about what goes through my mind in the training process. Highs, lows, emotions, fears, rants, etc., etc. Enjoy!  PS:  Forgive any spelling mistakes as I’m sure I’m just happy to get it written down…chalk it up to fatigue from lots of training J
 Well this week goes down in the books for worst training week of the last 9 months. I had a major mental, physical and emotional burnout. I was still in a fragile place from my ride on Sunday when the week started. Monday stated with me being late to work, seems the story of my last few months or so of Ironman training, my body is just so darn tired, that it doesn’t register the 4, yes 4 alarms that go off in the morning to wake me up for work.  It’s getting to the point that I have trouble falling asleep for fear I’ll wake up late. I am on such a tight schedule with training etc that it’s hard to stay later at work to make up the time I miss. I know my work is suffering a bit, and I’ve back off on a lot of commitments, and sometimes feel I’m just doing mediocre work, and letting my fellow workers down. Which doesn’t make me happy, but it’s all I can seem to muster lately. 
So starts Monday, I got my work done, and headed off to swim, which I must say I think God knew my body was done, and purposely had the kid throw up in the pool so that it was closed and I couldn’t swim. My shoulder was sore and I just was dreading doing anything related to swimming. So blessing in disguise?  Maybe.   So…I went and got in my 1:15 hour easy run on the treadmill. It was all I could do to stay on it and complete my time. I was like lead, and my body was protesting HARD to any physical movement.  The problem was I wasn’t going to give up, I had a “training plan” to follow and if I couldn’t swim I was going to run.
I have a hard time with letting things go. This I have realized the most during this journey with training. I have always known that I do this with my everyday life. But  Ironman training has a way of really giving you an “IN YOUR FACE” look of what your flaws are, how far you are willing to push yourself, and do you really know when enough is enough, and to let it go.  And it’s really good at breaking you down until you have nothing left and you have to face it, face your fear of what’s next and what are you going to do to fix it.  I’m learning this the hard way.  Looking back at my life, I am the youngest child in my family, and the only girl. I was spoiled, I freely admit that, my brothers bless them, didn’t rub it in too much. But I think I also always had that attitude that I would get what I wanted eventually, so I didn’t have to work as hard for what I wanted. Maybe that’s why I push myself and challenge myself with activities that seem so extreme. I want to prove that I can do it and not need to think it’s going to be easy to get.  This is by far one of the hardest challenges of my life.  I had people tell me, are you sure you can do this, isn’t it going to be too hard for you. They know me, but then, they also believe in me, and support me to go for it, keeping their opinions to themselves. I’m learning a lot from this journey, this is really just the tip of the iceberg. It’s my own personal therapy.  This week, I hit rock bottom.
This week is no exception when I say I hit rock bottom. By the time I was done with that run. I wanted to cry. I came home, and well, took two Vicodin because I was hurting so much. I think I also used it as an escape. This scares me a bit. I pride myself on not “checking out” with drugs. But I also know that I was genuinely hurting in my back. It’s also been the other big challenge of this Ironman Journey. Training with a torn ligament and two bulging discs in my back.  I also know this was the hardest week of training I’ve done to date, and I was well aware that I was going to be hurting. I just feel like I’m using that as my answer for pain over trying to do something else.  I must admit that I am feeling nervous to write this down, fearing I may be perceived as becoming addicted to the meds, but it’s a fear I have so the only way to face it is to admit it.  When you feel like you hit bottom.  Everything becomes a fear. 
The aloneness also set in hard this week.  Being alone, having no support system that I can fall back on. This is also hard for me.  The training requires me to do a lot on my own. It states right in the training manual that I need to be able to handle being alone, and be okay with it, and my emotions will run wild and rampant. This means that I’m not at a happy balance with my training.  I am a self proclaimed hermit with some stuff. I have always been shy and it’s hard for me to make new friends, and then those I do let in, they have to understand my moods, and how I need to have down time to “recharge” from being around lots of people. I have definitely come more out of my shell with this training in some ways. I have met so many more people during this journey and made new friends.  But it’s still not the same. I still feel insanely alone sometimes, even in a crowd of people.  I think this is more from before my Ironman training but, the training just exacerbates this aloneness. So I do know that when I decide to go for another Ironman, I won’t train alone, I’ll have others who are training as well so I have a support system to help me get through the lows. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had good support from a few friends who continue to encourage me , and motivate me, and help me see I’m ok to be feeling all this. But they also are not going through this. And it’s still hard. That Is another lesson learned from this journey. 
Needles to say, Tuesday, I skipped my workout, I came home and slept. And looked forward to having Wednesday off of work. I had a dental cleaning and an ortho appt to adjust my braces. I looked so forward to sleeping in until 8:30 Am. That was my “treat’ and so was my impromptu haircut that was needed. It’s bad when the hair stylist has to say “wow your tight, just relax” for the “mini massage” they give you before they cut your hair, LOL!!  I was fighting a headache all day, but just chalked it up to still not being able to relax.  I went to my ortho appt to take off what I could of my hardware, and then went and got my teeth cleaned at the dentist, which I have to say gets easier each time I go. That’s a bonus.  Then I was back to get my hardware put back on. And after some assessment from Dr. Young, as I assumed, I would only be able to get the top of my braces off if I wanted them off before the race. The bottom is just taking longer. So I still set up an appt and will decide later. I have already come to the conclusion that I’ll just have to leave them both on and I’m going to be reflective for the race L.  But he still continued to close the top and I am now the proud owner of springs on my top row of braces. And he cranked hard, so it hurt! A LOT!   I then came home. And poured over my mental training book. I literally wrote about 20 excerpts/quotes from the book and posted them around my room to help me refocus on my training.  
Anxiety. I felt huge anxiety with my rock bottom mood. Could I really do this, and did I have the ability to finish on time. My swim, was it good enough? Could I make the bike cutoff? And the run? What if my back gave out and I couldn’t finish the run.  Never once could I just tell myself….dude it’s just a race. Chill out.  I’m putting all my thoughts of my self- worth on this race.  Like if I don’t finish the race, then I fail myself.  (Thank you mental training book for pointing that out, and that it’s not uncommon to feel that way with this type of training). So I went to bed unsettled on Wednesday. Taking Ibuprofen due to the pain from my braces being tightened, and a headache beginning.  I even remember waking now in the middle of the night and took more Ibuprofen when I let the dogs out at 2am.   
When I woke…..late on Thursday, ha-ha…story of my work life lately. I began getting ready only to realize that I was in the middle of a major migraine attack and that I was unable to stand for more than 5 min without getting insanely nauseated. I had to call into work, and basically was in bed the entire day. I got up maybe 4 times to let out the dogs. In retrospect, I think there were several factors contributing to my migraine. My anxiety from the last few days;  the weather, I didn’t realize until later there were controlled burns, which always send me into a sinus headache/migraine.  Also the tightening of my braces all played a big part in the worst migraine in my history of migraines.  I had no choice but to sleep.  I began to feel a bit better by the end of the day, but still was not over it 100% by bed time. I did wake Friday, blessedly to no headache, and proceeded to go slow with everything, but alas it slowly began nagging its way back and I wasn’t exactly a happy camper at work. I just hope my fellow coworkers weren’t to annoyed with my attitude, as I wasn’t as grateful as I meant to be with them having to cover my caseload on Thursday, and felt bad I couldn’t express that. So, once home on Friday. Sleep.  Still I have no desire to try and do even a small one hour ride on my bike, even for “fun”. I just ran some quick errands and came home and slept.
I ran across a quote later that night on Face book. It’s very similar to one I have on my wall of quotes, but I forgot to “see” it.
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow. “ 
So my goal for Saturday was just to let go, and try again tomorrow. And that’s what I did. I woke and had no time in mind to “get” to the Y to swim. I made it there by 9ish. My goal was just to get a feel for the water again, and remember why I was doing this and to have fun! I swam for an hour, I had a 20 min break in the middle where I chatted with two sisters, one in their 50s and the other 60s who could kick my ass with Mtn biking. We had a great conversation, where one was asking me about my race, and how she could never do one, and how she wanted to, and I could slowly feel my spirit return a little. I could feel myself remember why I wanted to do it. I also found myself encouraging her that she should always try and never give up!  I was feeling a bit better.  I had some freak out moments with my times again, and if I really could meet the cut off time with the swim in the race, but kept my thoughts under control. Next I jumped on the treadmill with no expectations of getting in my 3 hour run as I planned. I was going for an hour, to get back in the “flow” and I did it. I managed 1:15 hour, but I took it, because I still felt pretty tired by the end. But I was able to accept that I was not going to get the required time.  I then headed over to New Frontiers’ and got some Super Green Supplement at the suggestion of a friend for helping with nutrition. And went home, took a recovery nap. And relaxed for the rest of the night. My back…it hurts again. But this time I went with Ibuprofen and Muscle Relaxer, and it still hurts, but I’m not going near the Vicodin.  Had a good talk with a friend tonight who helped me gain a little more prospective on my breakdown this week. Basically, my body was telling me that I was done, I couldn’t do anymore, and I was ready to go.  I need to focus the rest of my training on quality of the workout and not the quantity. And to focus on making my last few hard workouts good quality. And not worry about what happen this week, it’s my body’s way of saying it was time to taper.  All the work I’ve done up to this point isn’t going to be taken away from this week and what I considered a failure in training.  What I’ve done so far, is exactly what I’ve needed to do to train my body for the race. I’ve done the work, I just need to trust it. To trust my journey and know that what I’ve done is going to get me through the race.   Tomorrow is a new day, I have a ride scheduled, but I’m just going to go out and do what my body will let me do. I’m not going to worry about what I “should” do or “need” to do. I’m going to do what my body will let me do and have fun, regroup, and get back on track. I’m going to listen to that quite voice that is saying, ‘I will try again tomorrow. “
Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, “I will try again tomorrow. “ 
So, I got my ride in, not all of it, and that is okay, but over half of it. And that is what it will half to be today. Next up….recovery week. Seems like I needed two at this stage of training, not one.  I’m feeling better mentally, and taking it one day at a time.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Week Eight: Ironman Training Week October 10th- 16th , 2011

What I hope to document here is my 13 Week Journey to my first Ironman Race. I’m not sure exactly how I’m going to do this. I may do it in a quick journal format with my random thoughts…which may be more for me than anyone else and not to exciting to read, but if your ever considering doing an Ironman or even just a triathlon…then you can read about what goes through my mind in the training process. Highs, lows, emotions, fears, rants, etc., etc. Enjoy!  PS: forgive any spelling mistakes as I’m sure I just happy to get it written down…chalk it up to fatigue from lots of training J

Monday- Wow! Week EIGHT! EIGHT!! Spent most of the day thinking about this, and started to get just a bit nervous and also excited cause it feels like there is finally and end in sight. I am going to be racing my first IRONMAN Race in 6 weeks!!  HOW FRICKEN COOL IS THAT!!!  I was then a bit nervous about my work out tonight as it was my longest for a Monday:  1:15 hr swim and then 1:15 hr run. This of course would be nothing if it was my Sat workout, so I really shouldn’t have been nervous about it. Scheduled for# 6 workout today for swim, that was 10-15 x 200 yds with a :20 RI and then 1:00 RI; 10-15 50yds with :15 RI. I warmed up with 200 yds, then got to work and got in 12 x  200 yds avg. right around 4 min per 200 yds. Was super excited to see that I was at 45 min at 2000 yds. Very happy with that, almost didn’t believe it as I counted it out with my rest breaks. But it’s right, then I got in 12 x 50 yds at a one min mark, used the pull every other 200 and then for over half of 50s only because my shoulder was getting a bit sore. Cooled down with another 200 yds. So total distance for swim tonight was 200 +2400 +600 + 200 =3400 yds. MY BEST TO DATE!!!  I used Ironman Perform and sipped on that throughout my swim, and I felt really good going into my run. Of course a week of Recovery could also be a part of that too! J 
Run- I took a Energy Power bar Gel in Berry Blast which was actually pretty good, just out of the swim, changed clothing and sipped more Ironman Perform. Hit the treadmill and did 1:15 hr/min with 4 x 10:00 at Z3 pace with a 3:00 RI. I got up to an 8:32 pace in some of my last minutes of each time, and still had to push to get into Zone 3, Very NICE!!! I liked it; I walked my 3 min recovery for heart rate and sipped more Perform. Felt really good.  Finished with 6.2 miles .
 First time trying out my new Brooks Trance 10 shoes. I LOVE THEM!!!  They felt like I was running on clouds.  So comfortable, just found a new running shoe I think. But I have to go up a size to 10.5 to make them fit right. Small sacrifice for a shoe that fits well and feels good. Nutrition seemed good today. I always can drink more water, but I felt well, no GI issues, and again was fresh, due to coming off a recovery week, but man that’s such a great feeling to have and go at a 10:00 pace and still be in Zone 2. SWEET!!!  My hard work is starting to pay off, will be peaking for race day for sure!
Tuesday- Oh lovely Tuesday… I spent an hour on the bike trainer and well…it was uneventful. I don’t like riding on a trainer. It was off too. Finally when I got it fixed….I was over ½ way through so I only got 11 miles on it. BUT…I got my time in.
Wednesday-   I’m feeling surprisingly decent today, don’t feel tired. Kind of feel like it’s a recovery week. But I know it’s not. Got out of work and headed straight to the Y. Got in my 30 min run before my swim so I could get home a bit earlier. I did 2.12 miles in the treadmill. Then headed over to swim for an hour. Got in most of my workout in before I almost ran in to a three teenage boys decided my lap lane was perfect to frolic around in. Thank god I didn’t hit the one in front of me head on, that would not have been good. So I switched to another lane after I kinda yelled at him and finished out my workout. Wasn’t that great, as I got sidetracked and then difficult to focus after my almost head on collision.  Got in 2100 yds, and my shoulder was sore. But it’s also due to doing an increase in distance from Monday of 3400 yds.  I’m not getting bored with swimming, but I’m’ having trouble focusing and keeping my mind on the training and mentally wrapping my brain around an open water swim, so I feel like I need to get more in. If only I could do the SOMA race, I’d get a chance to swim in Tempe Town Lake before my Ironman.
Thursday- Day off today. Was going to do Yoga, but instead got a great couch from a generous therapist from work. It’s SUPER COMFY!  And I almost immediately fell asleep on it when it was all in place. And a big thanks to the help from Cathy and Nic for taking time out of their busy schedule to help me. Nice to know you have someone you can count on when you are alone.  What’s also nice is I now have my futon in the spare bedroom for anyone who needs a place to crash.  Good to have a relaxing night. 
Friday- Today super tired now!  And I had a lot of trouble getting on the trainer, so I went for an hour of yoga instead to stretch out. I needed it. And it felt good when I was done. Need to do more abs, just having trouble finding time. I seem to be walking around in a fatigue haze, which may mean I’m overtraining, but of course, it’s par for course with training over 15 hours a week on top of work 40 + hours.
Saturday- Enjoyed sleeping in today, only felt slightly guilty, BUT much less than usual. I think it’s more from just wanting to have a day off and sleep in and veg out  at my place all day, But I know there is an end in sight, so I can keep pushing knowing that I will have it soon.   I was in the pool by 8:30 am and got in a good 2500 yds. Most swimming for the week for me: 3400, 2100 and 2500. Deb tapped my shoulder on Thursday, and it still felt good today, but had to take it off by the end of the swim. She had me try something different and it still felt pretty good. I kept a pretty steady pace, even got in my first 1000 yds in 25 min.  that is exciting, I of course did 500 yds with the pull buoy, but again, I will have that feeling with the wetsuit. J          Next up I stopped off quick at the bike shop, my shoe cleats are stripping and sliding. I may have gotten it fixed; they did their bike magic and told me to try it out for tomorrow. We will see how it goes. Then I was off to the Peavine Trail for my 3 hour run. Longest run to date. Doing my usual 10/2 Run/Walk pace. And I kept my heart rate pretty good. But because I needed more water, I decided to run 2 hours, then another 1 hr so I could re-fuel back at the car. Temps were in Mid 80s by mid morning. That was too hot for me L I made my first 6 miles okay, but once again had to walk. My other issue? I DID NOT HYDRATE!!! Yesterday or today. That made it hard to keep a good pace. I took in a Salt Stick tablet every 35-40 min, but didn’t have enough water to wash it down with, so I wonder if by the time I got back to my Escape that I was over “salted”.  I drank a good 22 oz of water, and put my feet up and took in ½ a Coke. I felt much better after 15 min and went back out to finish out my last 4 miles feeling better. Drank all the water I had with my two flasks. Kept away from anymore salt.  I still layed down and elevated my legs for a bit when I got back. BUT, I ran 14 miles total with a 150 bpm HR. Wanted it to be a bit lower, but I’ll take it. Will need to work on that more. So…to rehydrate and be ready for tomorrow. I’m already over  60 oz of water and still thirsty and I will keep at it.   Knees…really hurt after the run. More so then hips. Always does over 10 miles with my body mechanics. So spent 15 mins in a nice COLD ice bath. I feel much better, but still just sore. The few times I attempted to lay down and just take a nap and rest, I got back up to get chores done, just feeling  like I’m behind. And got most of my stuff prepped and ready to go for tomorrow’s workout.  Going to drive up to Flag and do my 5:30 hr workout. Plan to be there at 7:30 at Lake Mary and ride for about 3 hours before my training partner joins me to finish out the last 2:30 hours.  Ready for the foam roller and bed.
Sunday-  Wow….true test of my mental training today!  I woke up at 6 am, and out the door by 6:15 to drive up to Flagstaff. The plan: to get in 3 hrs of riding before my training partner got there and do another 2 ½ hour ride. I was still pretty tired from yesterday. And quite honestly, I just  am feeling burned out! I wanted so badly to sleep in today, just skip the ride entirely, take a day off. But I got up, dressed and out the door. I made it up to Lake Mary around 7:45 and got on the road by 8:15 am. I realized right away that my body just didn’t want to cooperate with me. I was slow and tired and mentally not in a good place. So I  decided to just make it a fun day and not let myself get stressed  out with the training, I’d focus on getting some fall shots of the weather, video of my training, etc.  I actually had some beautiful shots. I made it the 10 miles to the start of  Mormon Lake Rd. I then started on my loop ride, and began cursing everything, mainly the bumps in the road, talk about an uncomfortable ride.  I did get some great shots of the morning sun on the fall leaves and was feeling better. But still I was a bit frustrated with not feeling like I was getting in a good workout.  So, The mental game began:  Just stop, you don’t need this, Why are you doing this anyway, Your tired, just call it for the day, go home and sleep.  These are the thoughts that possessed my mind. Along with the insecurity of not feeling like I’d be ready for the race.  As I rode past the turn around, I was actually happy I had in 2 hours and thinking that I’d take 45 to get back to the Escape. HA…apparently I rode faster then I thought, and zipped back by 30 min. So I only had 2:30 hr/min in. I rode some down the other direction, and then Stacy called. We chatted, figured out her ETA. I had another 30 min. I was tired, I rehydrated, and decided to do another 30 min down the road while I waited to get more time in. Yeah…here is where things fell apart. I was already feeling the stress…of fatigue, exhaustion, insecurity, not having any time off, still having to drive back home.  By the time I got back to the Escape, I worked myself up in to a mini panic attack, I had to put my legs in the air cause they were like lead! I even tried to call stacy to tell her I was done, don’t come, I wasn’t doing anymore.   I thought about my race, and how I would have these moments during my Ironman, and what key phrases I would use. I didn’t get very far, I just shut down and breathed.  Then I began to Freeze, then I was having trouble focusing. Clearly I was heading south. So I tried to focus on what I could control. DRINK WATER, Eat Something, BREATH!!! By the time Stacy got there I was a bit better, but told her how I was feeling.  I was tired, my legs were sore, I was on the verge of tears, and I just wanted to quit.  I told her to give me a few minutes, and I’ll do the best I can, but I couldn’t promise anything, I was okay with taking some photos, but I was just spent, the run yesterday did me in and I was mentally and physically exhausted. Can we say OVER TRAINING?

So I used the fact that I wanted some photos, and make it a “leisure” ride to push me to try. I wanted to try and see if I could get out of it. We rode slow, got in a few photos. I got out all my frustrations of the week with training to Stacy. Clearly, I needed to vent, and Ironman training makes it hard to do that when you spend 90% of your time alone, training.  I had decided before we started to just go 10 more miles, then turn around. The last hill up kicked my ass. But as I coasted to the bottom, I was feeling a bit better and willing to try to go farther. We started the loop with no expectations, got a few more fun photos and after wavering a bit, just decided to go the whole way around. We stopped at Mormon Lake Country Store, I got a Coke and chugged it down. That was a life saver, quick energy and I was able to get my butt moving to make it back and my mood considerably lifted as did my speed on the bike. As we got closer to the vehicles, I realized that I needed 2 more miles and I”d do 85 miles today. WOW!! Even with a nasty bonk during the middle of the ride, I was able to come back and push through it and persevere. Knowing that I didn’t do my best, but I was able to get through the worst of it. Thanks to lots of Swearing, Motivation by Stacy and just pedaling. I was able to accomplish 6 hrs and get in my time.  I then, busted out, got food and a drink, and thank goodness. Because by the time I hit Camp Verde, we were stopped dead from a car accident. So for the next 1 ½ hours and 4 miles, I crawled along the road. But Ironically, I realized it’s the most downtime I’ve had in a while. So I cranked up the music, ate my dinner, and sang out loud and ….chilled. Didn’t get home until after 7 pm.  Hot shower, not sure if there is any water left by the time I was done LOL!  Ate a little bit more food. I don’t feel sore until I move, mainly in my legs,  so I know  tomorrow is going to hurt. Biggest issue right now? Nausea and dizziness started around 9 pm, and I am currently fighting not throwing up. GRRRR... But it doesn’t feel like GI distress. Maybe something I ate?   Hopefully it passes and I just need sleep Time to lay down.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Week Seven: Ironman Training Recovery Week October 3rd – 9th , 2011

What I hope to document here is my 13 Week Journey to my first Ironman Race. I’m not sure exactly how I’m going to do this. I may do it in a quick journal format with my random thoughts…which may be more for me than anyone else and not to exciting to read, but if your ever considering doing an Ironman or even just a triathlon…then you can read about what goes through my mind in the training process. Highs,  lows,  emotions, fears, rants, etc., etc. Enjoy!  PS: forgive any spelling mistakes…chalk  it up to fatigue from lots of training J

Monday-  Recovery WEEK!!  YEAH!! I’m so happy for this week. I’m coming off a good training week. Had a great week for nutrition also. SO today was scheduled for a test workout in the pool where I did 3 X 300 with a 400 warmup. I went 5:42; 5:45; 5:37, with the last 200yds with a Pull. This puts my T-1 pace at 1:54 per 100 yds.  Got in 1700yds. Was happy to go home and relax today.

Tuesday-  Easy 45 min Run today. Got home from work and headed over to the clubhouse and do 45 on the treadmill.  I ended up keeping it all in Zone 2, but ended up flying on the treadmill and got in four miles. 

Wednesday-   Swim again today, just for 45 minutes, got in good drills and focused on forms. I got in 1600 yds. Felt like I wanted to do more, but in the end, my shoulder just said no.  I was hurting, almost as much as when I needed to get cortisone shot so I had a lot of trouble sleeping, and ended up taking some pain meds.  GRRRR, I  didn’t like that.

Thursday-   REST DAY!!!!  I did nothing! I relaxed on the couch and watch 3 hours of TV. Yep…I got my Direct TV back, not by choice mind you, but regardless, I watch several shows, along with making some good food for my brick workout. I was still pretty tired, this week at work has been a bit rough, so I felt more fatigued from this.

Friday-  FREEZING!! That was how my day started. I had planned to jump out of bed and get on the road for my 3 hour ride by 6 am. I knew it was going to be a bit cold, but I wanted to get my ride and run in before my well deserved massage. So I got up at 5 to let out the dogs, and BURRR it was 37 degrees!! No way in Hell was I going to jump on my bike in shorts and fly down the road at 16 mph for 3 hours.   So I did want any normal sane person would do….I climbed back under my warm covers, and debated what I should do. I kept trying to tell myself that when race day comes, It’s going to be this cold, I’m going to be cold coming out of the water and jumping on the bike wet. Still…it took me a bit to get out on the road. So, finally I got out around 8:30 am. Temp 40 degrees. I loaded up on warm clothes, then I backed off and only wore what I would have for race day. It took a good 10 miles before my quads started  to warm up and let me get into a normal rhythm.    I was also noticing that my right IT band was a bit sore, and not liking the ride, so I had to modify making this a brick workout for race pace, and backed off. I got in 43 miles at a 15.9 mph pace. That was nice, I liked it at 2:45 hr/min. I got home a bit earlier then planned, but already knew I wasn’t going to get in the entire time. So instead of a 5 hour Brick, I made it a 4 hour brick. I ran 1:15 hr/min and got in 7 miles with a good 11:17 mile/hr pace. I did this with a 10 /2 Run/Walk pace. I was pretty happy with that as well. But at about mile 5, my IT band really began to hurt, so I had to back off and just go easy on the run.  So total time was 4 hours. I got in a total of 50 miles. I then took a nice long hot shower and headed off to a 1:30 hour massage.   When I got in, the first thing she said was “wow, your middle back is extremely tight!” She spent a long time working out my back, it was pretty sore.  And when she hit my IT band, I just about jumped off the table. But I felt pretty good afterwards, still a bit sore in my lower back and my IT band, so I iced that when I got home.  I stopped a few places and picked up a few items for training, but then headed home and relaxed.

Saturday- KONA IRONMAN WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS   WOW!! AMAZING RACE today!! I watched the most awesome race today with Chrissie Wellington and Craig Alexander!   Kona is the Super Bowl of Triathlon! It’s the best of the best! Craig “Crowie” Alexander had such an amazing race where he was ahead by a mile, was a mile from the end, and on track to break the course record. He usually runs a sub 6 min pace. He went from running, to stopping dead in his tracks to stretch out his hamstrings and calves, then he ran, and stopped again, then again.  Unbelievable, he has the most amazing form I’ve ever seen for a runner. And he then just started running, grit his teeth and went. He then was slowing down a bit toward the end, but then started sprinting, and jumped across the finish line!  A photo that is now my wallpaper for inspiration and broke the record by 12 seconds!!!  AMAZING!!!  
Women’s:  Chrissie was out late in the swim, late in the bike, and was 20 minutes behind starting the run. And then she just went to town!! She blew past all the competition and was in first by the energy lab. She only had Rinny following her 4 min behind, then 3 min behind, then 2 minutes behind.   But she prevailed, and crossed the line, two minutes ahead of Rinny. And she was spent, I’ve never seen her not be excited and happy. She was exhausted, spent, tired, in pain. She was a true inspiration of pushing though pain.  Both of these will be good motivation for when I have weak moments and use that to push though the pain.

Sunday-  Rest day again!   Today I headed to Phoenix with Nicole. I had a mission to look for a race suit for Ironman and new shoes. So I went in search of these items. I found a pair of shorts at Pearl Izumi, and I found two tops that I might use, I still really feel like I need to find a tri top, but I’m still unsure of what I’m going to do. I need to do some more research.  Here is my current choice.
My current Saucony’s are toast for running, I was well over my 500 mile limit. The plan was to get another pair on sale, and instead afte trying on some different brands,  I got a new pair of Brooks Trance 10.

I’ve never had Brooks before but they always get  good reviews. When I put them on, it felt like I was walking on clouds. I’m looking forward to trying them out on my 1:15 hr run tomorrow.  

One other thing I got was some more Nutrition and got some IRONMAN PREFORM drink mix that will be on the course, so I want to do some training with it and see if it will work for me. Looks good, reviews were good, will find out tomorrow when I use it for my run.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Week Six: Ironman Training Week September 26th-Oct. 2nd , 2011

Monday-   Woke today tired. Headed to swim straight from work and was pretty tired from ride yesterday. Got into pool and couldn’t relax and by 500 yds , my right shoulder was talking to me and not very happy. So I did most of my workout with pull buoy to ease off of shoulder. Which really, makes you use the shoulder more, but for some reason, it holds up my lower body which to me, eases the stress on my shoulder.  Only swam 2000 yds and decided to call it. Got to treadmill for run, and literally it was all I could do to get in 30 minutes, tried to use some of my mental training from my book I’m reading, and literally my body was just zapped. Zero Energy, nothing left. So I stopped after 30 minutes and headed home.  Then it hit, I was STARVING!! That was all I could think of….STARVING!!  So I stopped at Robert’s Market because I couldn’t make it home, and planned to get something “healthy” to tide me over. Instead, I  left with string cheese, Java chip Starbucks Ice Cream, a bag of Lays potato chips, a Coke,  and a box of Cherry Pop tarts. I ate the entire bag of chips and the string cheese on the 10 min ride home. Once home,  I got to cooking my turkey burger…but as it cooked I ate several spoonfuls of Nutella.   Drank some of Coke and lots of water.

Tuesday--   Today’s day was all about gluttony!  I was still amazing STARVING! And eating everything in sight. Poptarts, yogurt, biscuits and gravy, chips, more pop tarts, big lunch, chocolate bar, soda.  It was around the time I was leaving work that I realized that I totally depleted all of my glycogen stores in my body and that’s why I was insanely hungry and eating every piece of food in sight. Interesting…I haven’t had that happen before. EVER!  So, that gives me some good insight for this weekend’s workout, which is going to be even longer.  After all that food, I felt good for the first time after I got home, and made myself get out the door ASAP for my hour bike ride. Tuesdays are still tough for me to get in my hour ride.  I got on the road and felt….powerful. Food makes your body work for you! I ended up feeling good enough to do 1:15 hr on the bike to make up for some of the 30 minutes I missed on my run yesterday. Now, your not supposed to “makeup” any missed workouts, but I figured it was less fatiguing on the body and I can always use more time on the bike. I got my scheduled workout in,  going 4 x at 8 minutes  in Zone 3 (HR at 150-155). Once home I did a 15 minute mini brick/run to finish out the time. I know I should of  let it go. But I felt okay and needed to do it. Which was a nice ego boost that it felt good.  Became hungery again at end of run and did not get enough for nutrition. Darn it!

Wednesday-   So today, I was extremely exhausted. I had a very hard time waking up and had to go hard core with the black coffee this am. I had a rough time at work, really having trouble focusing, and feeling crappy and shoulder was feeling tweaky. When I got home, I still was feeling exhausted and “off” so I decided to take a quick nap to see if it would help. The nap lasted for over 1:30 hr. So I didn’t make it to swim class.  When I woke up , I was feeling super crappy, nausea, achy in the bones, chilled,  headache, weak, etc.  So I rolled over and kept sleeping. Felt like that start of a bug. So I made this my day off.

Thursday--  Well, I definitely  needed more than an evening to shake off this bug. I woke feeling even more crappy and had to call in to work.  Slept most of day and got up for meals and finally started feeling a bit better by late afternoon. So I continued to go easy.  I was scheduled for an easy one hour strength/yoga session today, but ended up just letting it go. Better to take a few days off then get to sick and lose more time.   Usually one good thing for me when I get sick is it usually only lasts a day or two. I usually have different symptoms, or only one or two pretty bad. Such as when most people get the full blown flu. I just usually get a sore throat and feel under the weather for a few days. I probably have my good health to thank for that.  Of course, I remember several occasions, once at Indian Trails Camp were the entire staff of 40 came down with the 24 hr bug, and I never got sick.  Good genetics?   I don’t know.  But my immune system is being pretty taxed with this training, so I notice I do have more instances of being under the weather. It’s a fine line.

Friday-  Made it in to work today, but it was again a rough day. Had very hard time focusing. Took some Airborne to help with immune system. Ate what I could, but not very well. And just kinda survived the day. I got home and took a long nap again, skipping my one hour easy bike. (so good at that one! LOL)  and when I woke, I felt a bit better. Got myself slowly moving to get stuff ready for workout tomorrow .I’m still a bit hesitant how it’s going to go, and if I should do it but I have nothing feeling crappy below the chest so I think it’s a go.  
Biggest Goal this week?   Figure out more of my nutrition.  I stopped at store on way home and got all good stuff, fruit, veggies, lean meats.   Then when I got home, I figured out what my calorie intake should be for my workouts tomorrow. I don’t want a repeat of last week, eating everything in sight. So this is what I figured out.
My BMR for my body type and activity level is:                                                        1920 cal 
Then I add in calories for each activity expected to burn:
                                                                        Swim  1:30 hour                                  645.8 cal
                                                                        Run    2:45 hour                                  1374 cal
                                                                        Total                                                    3939 Cal

This is how many calories I’m supposed to consume today to meet my caloric needs.  WOW!! That’s a lot, lets see what happens tomorrow. Got all my gear packed before bed, seriously, feels like I’m packing for a weekend every time, b/w all my swim gear, run gear and on Sundays my bike gear.  My car is always full of workout gear, cooler for cold food and drinks, etc.

Saturday--  Woke up today at 5:15 AM and as usual I was tired, but motivated as I was finally feeling back to my old self. I got my stuff loaded in the Escape and ate breakfast. (see below for total intake of day).   Headed to Y and met up with training partner. Got in a good workout for 1:30 hr/min. Work out included  500 yd warm up with mixed swim. Then 2x 400 yds, 3 x 300 yds, 3 x 200 yds, 3 x 100 yds.  With each last set using pull buoy.  Then finish with 150 yd cool down. Got in 3350 yds for day. Shoulder felt good, not to bad for a workout, longest I’ve done yet.   But the total yds I need to swim to get 2.4 miles?  4224 yds. Or 84.5 laps in the pool. Wow, that’s a lot. But looking at today’s workout, I only needed to do 16 more laps to get that, so I feel good and that I’m on the right track. Also got to get some “footage” of my Ironman training today using a camera that takes pic/video underwater, so I specifically got some underwater swimming and running to help document my Ironman Journey.   I will attempt an example video as soon as I figure it out!

After swim, I refocused on nutrition, ate half a peanut butter agave sandwich, handful of nuts, some Coke, and headed for Peavine Trail. Started out with temps in Mid-70s and slight breeze.  I planned to get some footage, so I took camera and tripod in camelback, which I may regret for tomorrows ride as my right shoulder is bugging me tonightL. But I got in two hours and 10 miles with the last 2.5 miles in a nice rain/downpour at times, but oh it smelled so good, I didn’t really care!   I had a box of raisins and peanuts for the run, with water, and some defizzed Coke. So I ate a scoop of raisins every 15 minutes on my 12/3 run/walk plan for the first 2 hours. Seemed to work well with stomach, and had a handful of salted peanuts at the one hour turn around. I was again a bit low on water.  Kudos that I needed more!  Bad Me for not bringing more.   Got back to the Escape and basically chugged a 12 oz of Gatorade, a little of Coke. Then laid down in back and put feet up for about 5 min and determined what to do with last 45 min of run. The treadmil or finish it out here? The rain/sky let up a bit, so I opted out of doing treadmill at club house, and grabbing more H20 and defizzed Coke and headed back out for 10/2 plan.  I felt much better now, whether it was because of the rest, or I ‘m really thinking the Gatorade I drank with electrolytes, I'm not sure. I was just a bit nervous that my stomach wouldn’t like that much liquid so soon, but  to my surprise, I did just fine! YEAH!!! So I had a bit more energy, drank about 4 oz of defizzed Coke and finished out another 3 miles for a total of 13 miles today. YES!! And I had Zero GI Distress the rest of the day!!! SO EXCITED FOR THAT!!! 
RECOVERY:  Got home and although I didn’t get in my quick 30 min or less carb/protein ratio drink. I did get in a good carb meal with lots of salt (Can we say ½ a pizza? YUMM!!!)  I did a 15 min ICE BATH within 10 min of getting home. Was FREEZING, but my legs do feel better after having done it. Compression hose are on for last 3 hours too, and legs are feeling better.  Also took Fish Oil supplement for recovery. Now going to get ready for long ride tomorrow.
 Nutrition is starting to fall into place!

Breakfast:         Banana                                                                                               105
                        Nutella on half slice of white bread                                                   300
                        Handful of dry roasted nuts                                                                160
                        Box of raisins (scoop every 15 min on run)                                        130
                        Gatorade                                                                                             80
                        Coke (thorough out work out/finish bottle at home)                          230
                        Large Pizza –3 slices (lots of salt J)380 slice x 3                              1140
                        Mtn Dew                                                                                             290

                                    Total    (3939-2435= 1504 still left)                                        2435
            Seriously, I’m stuffed!!! I tried to eat more, but decided that I have that “full” feeling so not going to push it anymore.  I didn’t even get to enjoy my favorite treat….My Starbucks ICE CREAM!!!  That (ice cream in general) seems to be a staple with most Ironman Triathlete’s  I have learned. Must be the coldness of it that is so darn inviting after cooking your body with all the exercise in the heat!!   

Sunday-- Today was my long ride—5 hours. Woke up and met up with training partner by 7 am, on road by 7:32 am. Was a nice day, 70s with light breeze 8 mph?  I got in 64 miles in 5 hours, at 14 mph pace, avg HR at 127. Very nice for such a hilly ride. I needed to keep it in Zone 1-2 and I did!  It was less mileage because we did the Skull Valley Loop, which has insane hills and switchbacks all over the place.  I think the hardest part is that long winding up hill/false flat. That is actually worse than the switch back in my opinion, b/c there is no break, it always just go  up with no rest on the legs,  where on the switchbacks you have some down time coasting, etc.     Well, I’m tired, as I just fell asleep for an hour with my laptop sitting on my lap! LOL  So feeling a bit refreshed for the moment. Let’s see. Overall was a good ride. Comparing it to last time I did it, I felt more in control, and focused on the false flat, and felt like I had more power up the switchbacks. I think a lot has to do with my good recovery from yesterday with ice bath. (couldn’t get that in today L)  and with my nutrition. I had ‘energy” in the tank for the workout.  I felt good with no GI distress yet again!! YES!!!   
NUTRITION:  So calculated amt to eat was 1920 calories for everyday and 3251 calories burned from 5 hour ride = 5171 calories. Current amt for today is as follows.
Breakfast:         Banana                                                                                               105
                        Nutella on half slice of white bread                                                   300
Heed  Preputurm Calorie training drink                                            135
                        Power Bar ( starting up hill in 1st 30 min)                                          130
Handful of dry roasted nuts                                                                80
Stash Bar (at Grocery Store prior to big climb home
                (18 miles of switchback to go)                                            260
Can of Coke at store                                                                           190
                        Box of raisins (at 4 hr into ride)                                                         130
                        Snickers Peanut Butter Square (4 hr in ride)                                      130
                        Coke (thorough out work out/finish bottle at home)                         230
                        Large Pizza –3 slices (lots of salt J)300 slice x 3                              900
                        One Med. Orange                                                                               64
                        Starbucks Salted Carmel Mocha                                                        290
                                    Total    (5171-2944= 2227 calories still left)                          2944
Again I feel stuffed. So I’ll try some fresh fruit in a bit, and some of my ice cream for a cold treat later. In addition to drinking LOTS of water that is making me nice and full.  I did take a Muscle Relaxer and a Ibuprofen due to my back being pretty sore, and another fish oil for recovery.  So,  I missed my total training goal by 2:30 hours this week. But I needed to take those days off because of being sick and resting, by doing that, I was able meet my goal of getting in the longer, necessary workouts on the weekend.  Successful week overall, everything is starting to come together. Next week is another recovery week, with only Seven weeks to go!!! Bring it on Ironman! I’m going to be ready for you!!