Sunday, March 30, 2014

Allergy Induced Asthma....welcome to Month Two

Can't Fix Sick.... Got to Rest and Recover if your Gonna get Better.

My mantra for the month of March...literally.  I've been sick this entire month.  I have not got in one solid week of training. I've had to take off probably two days each week. Totally sucks. But Rest and Recover, better to be sick now, let the body heal, then make it worse.  So I posted my first week of this month already, the busted week, the first long weekend I took off in a long time, and I spend is sick, sleeping in bed, resting.  

Week Two started with my swim, went kinda easy, but for the most part felt strong. Next up my run Tuesday. took Kahlua with me and he kept me paced the entire 1:20 mins. I think I actually ran a bit faster then planned. Felt okay for the most part, not to tired maybe cause I had almost a week off due to being sick.  Coughing a lot after the run, and a bit during, but the body felt strong.  Wed was my swim and bike. My first two disciplines for this Ironman training. I got in my swim at the Y, and then home and on my bike, my first ride on my bike with POWER!  Now I'm not really sure what all the numbers meant but I got them all written down to learn about them and what I need to do.  all my swims for the 100, 200, and 300 M were pretty consistent, that was nice to see, I wasn't fatiguing at the end. I ate better today with clean eating.  Thursday was rest day, and I came home, walked the dogs, and immediately fell asleep for the rest of the night. Seems to be my classic ritual for my "off" days. I'm to tired to do much else. trying to read my power meter book, but just not happening.  Friday, I felt crappy again, so much so, I slept again,  Rest and Recover, starting to hurt more in lungs, moving into chest with congestion a bit now. GRRRRR  Saturday I had to do hill repeats, but I again  had trouble breathing, the 27 mph winds were not helping, finding myself sleeping more, hard to get out of bed in the morning. Same with Sunday, ended up sleeping in till 9 ish, then got on my trainer for my long bike ride, not the best cause I know I need to be outside, but my body just didn't want to get that far out and bonk. So I focused steady on the trainer.   Off to class for Kahlua, then home and sleep early. I think I need to focus on my sleep more, maybe that's another issue. 

My Third week started out a bit better then I thought, was still feeling crappy, but I had fit tests schedule for my coach to prep for my next two months of training. So, still feeling a bit crappy, I headed over to the Y for my swim test. Hoping to not embarrass myself. A 200 M and a 800 M all out after warm up.  Well, I got in my 200 Yds at 3:42 min/sec. Only 4 sec faster, darn. I Know I'm still sick, but I was hoping I'd do a bit better. Like I said, physically I felt good, my lungs just were killer.  So determined i set out on my 800 M to not get a worse time, cause I seem to slow as the distance increases. Well, my distance did slow a bit, but I had a better time!!!! by 44 seconds!! 16:02 min/sec. I will definitely take that!!!  Used my Osmo PreLoad prior to the swim as planned, and I think it helped. Back to coughing when I was done though.  Tuesday I just had and easy 1:20 run, i was tired sore, I walked the dogs. and for some reason I felt like I was having a panic attack starting (which I now know what it was) and again feeling frustrated and overall crappy.  Home in bed early, calming music...just trying to breathe.  Wed I headed for the pool, only to realize for the first time in well ever, I forgot my plan!!!  I knew my distance, and some of my warmup and main set, but I didn't know intensity. Which was ok in the end, I just focused on what I could control and worked out the distance.    Thursday, blessed rest. I was done, sleep.   Friday I decided on doing my bike fit when I got home. I felt rested, I felt good so I went for it. I got in my time and well, I was a bit discouraged with my time/power, thinking that i would of been a bit faster. But I know I went all out because I was dizzy at the end of the time trial, almost felt like passing out, and vomit.  My HR was in the 170s for the last t10 min. So I know I gave it my all that night with everything I had. I just didn't have anymore.  Power was 148 for avg:  cadence 91: HR was 162.5.   Then the coughing started again. I spent the night coughing, breathing began to hurt. I woke up Saturday so uncomfortable with my breathing/lungs that I spent the day in bed, yep the entire day sleeping, trying to breath. Like every breath hurt. I began to think...this feels like my pneumonia from when I had it. Or intercostal muscles strained, but "different". I couldn't take a full breath without pain. My body felt fine, I felt like I could go do my 1:20 min run no problem, but my lungs hated me. I caught up on my Fast and Furious movies. I slept.   Sunday again, Feeling crappy to the point still, that even on the trainer I was not feeling up to getting on. So Sleep again, Training for Kahlua, but sleep after. GRRR this is getting frustrating. My patience was wearing thin. I felt like I could of went for it, but I know I would pay for it. So I let it go, rested and since I had Monday off, I decided to go for my time trial runs of 4 mile repeats.

Which probably would of been okay, I got up late on Monday, later than planned anyway. Headed over to the Iron King Trail, and headed out on my 2 mile jog/warm up. Then..I began, I took off at a nice steady pace, it actually felt easy for the first 1/2 mile, then it got bad. I finished in 8:37. But I could tell the wheels were falling off. I had to take longer to recover, three minutes ,cause i just couldn't catch my breath.  So when I headed back on #2, I was feeling worse, I held it and finished at 8:27 min/sec. Wow!! I was happy, but I was done. My body hated me. I took my break, got ready to start the 3rd, then stopped, started again, stopped, Then started again and just went by feel.  9:00....grrrrrr   The  the 4th  9:11  Grrr  I was done, breathing was taking an effort, so I walked most of the two miles back, but I finished about 8.25 miles total. Then I immediately called my doc, while through coughing fits, and a voice almost gone, I would see her on Wed. I was starting to have some chest pain as well. 

Tuesday was a blessed day off, I didn't do anything. I talked with my coach about my training plan that arrived in my inbox and we covered any concerns for the next few weeks. The intensity is definitely picking up, as well as the volume.   I keep forgetting that, Ironman Boulder is Aug, Not November. I"m racing in four months!!!  I need to get going on intensity. I'm worried about my lungs and how much trouble they are giving me.  But I hope the doc can help tomorrow.  The training plan while picking up, is doable, it's still less time then my first Ironman, just more intensive, which is what I need.  I really need to focus on good food, which I have been, I'm counting on that to help.  Except tonight when I went to walk the dogs, I had trouble breathing again, Then when I attempted to fall asleep, i couldn't, I laid there working on trying to breath. I was up till at least 2 am before I was able to get minimal sleep.  

I woke Wed feeling horrible, I was very tired at work, I had trouble focusing. So when I headed to the doctors, I was praying for something to be figured out. By this time, I was convinced that ti was one of several things.  Allergies/exercise induced asthma, as this was reminiscent of last year at this time. Pneumonia, cause it was hard to breath and i needed antibiotics.  So I headed into the doc's, described all my symptoms, the challenges I had been having.And after I failed the breathing test to see how much air I could forceable blow into a spirometer.  It was determined that I may indeed have allergy induced asthma from all the insane winds and allergies blowing around. So she put me on an inhaler for a couple weeks to see if it helped, and an emergency inhaler for when I exercised. 
Say Hellow to my new friends....

 Also, full blood work and an allergy blood work up to see exactly what's going on. I could tell I felt better by the time I left, cause I only coughed 3 times versus every few minutes since getting there. I headed over to the Y for my first test.  One of the draw backs of the inhaler, was that the emergency one, makes  you tacky cardiac . So my resting heart rate of 120 wasn't the best way for me to get in my hard swim workout. So, I had talked with my coach prior to just do what I could. which is what I did, getting in my longest swim  for this training plan. And while I didn't work as hard physically, my lungs sure did.   The good news, is I had my best sleep for this month. That was nice.  Thursday was rest day, so I didn't have a chance to test out my inhaler for the workout. Friday, I did. I got in my time on the bike, but did my EMR inhaler prior to my ride, still had some minor issues, but I only took one puff. need to do two next time.  Saturday I had to work, but once home, i had to get in a one hour ride, which i again just took one puff thinking i could do it, but i had some troubles on the run, and then was tired when I got home. So I took a shower, ate, and slept the rest of the night. I woke up around 11 long enough to roll over and shut off the light, forgetting my inhaler. Which I payed for, cause when I woke up on Sun, I felt crappy again, no energy, sorta weak.  I slept tell 11 am, got breakfast, then slept til Kahlua's class. Then home, felt better since taking the inhaler.  Went and had dinner with the family of Sunny, who i ran in honor of for my IM AZ 13, and visited with her dtr and husband. We had a really good time.  I'm still feeling pretty tired, and I'm ready for bed. But I'm hoping this next week starts getting back on track better, now that I'm getting better with eating, hopefully get results of blood work back, and back on track with recovery from training. 

This month has really been a challenge training wise, but now that I have found out one of the main causes has been the allergy induced asthma, and I have a way to get it under more control now. I'm seeing this next two months of training having a positive vibe.   

I have Tough Mudder next week, I also have the Whiskey Row 1/2 Marathon May 3rd. Looking forward hopefully to a long weekend camping in Zion as well. We will see.  Heres to a better next two months.

On a really cool end note, one of my coach from Team FC, Joby, Raced in an Ironman today and came in second in his age group!!!! which means, he just qualified for KONA!!! What an inspiration!!!! So happy for him!!!

The Pain you feel today, will be the STRENGTH you feel tomorrow. 

Sunday, March 9, 2014

The Birthday Week/ aka. Sick Week/aka. Week of training is a bust.

Well, what started as a good week with training turned into a major bust!  I had a good time at my birthday party, but still dealing with a nasty migrane/headache. I headed out on my swim on Monday and was rather happy with my workout. I was expecting to feel crappy and excepting that, and instead had a really good workout. Then I got home, and started coughing. Headed to work on Tuesday and by the afternoon, my thoat was so sore, I could barely talk with the inservice I gave at work. Then by the time I made it home. I was so not feeling well, that I went straight to bed, thinking a nap would help. but I only ended up getting so sore in my throat, I could barely swallow without pain, my head was pounding, and I was coughing and breathing like I had asthma. I couldn't sleep flat, so i was propped up on all the pillows I had for sleeping. When I woke on Wed, I was feeling somewhat better, but within 20 min of getting ready for work, i was back in bed calling in sick for the day. I had to call off my dentist appt too. I slept pretty much the entire day. Aware of not much but my bed, and occasionally gettting up to get my Vernors. I woke on my 40th birthday feeling guilty that I had missed two days of training, but knowing how I was feeling, there was no way I was in a place where I could do anything, so I focused on what I could do to get better. I also decided I wasn't going to let it spoil my bday plans. So, I had my birthday mimosa  as planned for the day with eggs/bacon. then I was off to get my birthday massage.  Blessed Massage and with my headache, she worked with me and actually got some of my headache under control, the best I felt in the last week.  I got my birthday coffee at Starbucks,only to have them get the order wrong, and  since i couldn't taste anything anyway,  I didn't even drink it.   I was home and resting until my evening birthday dinner with a few friends at Olive Garden. Sadly by then I was in coughing mode and spent more time coughing then enjoying the meal. But I did enjoy my company and still had a good time. Home and in bed right away. Friday I woke, loaded up on cold medicine and headed down to Phx, got new running shoes and insoles, and headed over to Faster to get my power meter on!!! and a recheck of my bike fit. I was there for maybe 45 min. When he watched me on my bike, he did two minor tweaks, which made me feel even better on my bike, and then told me he'd see me again in a few weeks. He is adjusting slowly for me so that I can let my right leg adjust due to having all my knee issues with it. I'm so happy I went with him for the fitting and having my coach who are really focused on making sure I don't have any further injuries with my knee, etc.  I made a good choice in that I must say :)  
I"m so excited to get on my bike and ride, but my "cold" or what ever it is, has now moved into my chest, so hello to coughing with any exertion. I'm trying to be patient, but it's hard, cause I just want to get back to trianing. But I know if i go to soon, it will be worse for me. So patiently I wait. 
Met up with some friends for dinner and again, couldn't taste much, but had a great time chatting, laughing, losing my voice again, and dumping our entire meal on the floor (oops) and still getting a free birthday dessert. The perks of not being able to taste anything, is I don't eat to much, hence, get weight loss plan! LOL  Overall, I by far think I had one of the best birthday weeks of my life, with great friends, hanging out, etc. even with being sick, I had a good time. Once I got home, i was in bed, and slept all of Saturday. I didn't make it out of bed.  But, i didn't have to take as much meds, so i'm on the mend. Still not feeling good enough to workout.  Sunday, i actually for the first time, felt like running. but when I took the dogs out for a walk before Kahlua training class, i could tell I wasn't ready. So grrrrrrr....a whole week shot for training. I'm really frustrated, but also trying to be patient and let my body recover. The good thing is I at least still feel strong, so hopefully not much has been lost during my sick week.  and better now then later, when I'm closer to the race when I can't really afford to be sick.   My headaches are back some, but nothing near as what they were last week. Here's to a more healthy week ahead for training, and for my body.  

Month One of Ironman Boulder Training

Week One--

Well,my first week of training is in the books!! I felt so strong with all of it this week. It makes me happy and excited for the training plan and to see how it all works out for the big day.  I am patiently waiting to hear back from Faster to see when I can get my Power Meter. They said they would have an update this week but I've yet to hear from them. My swim felt good. My cardio still needs some work in the water, but over all I felt good.   My runs felt good with the hour and Kinesotaping my right leg helped ALOT. where I had zero pain.   Did my hill repeats on the water tower hill out back of the sub division. It's a great work out and made me reminisce about the good old days doing bleacher workouts at GVSU, which was by far my favorite workout. We did it every Tuesday.  I always find it funny that I'd take bleacher workouts any day over distance.  And yet here we are 20 years later..... and I do extreme distance LOL!!!

Can't complain with this scenery huh?  Cont to be at a 4:00 min Plank Yes!! And I am up to 8, yes 8 standing pull ups from the ground (with no boost to get up to the pull up bar)  Most I've ever done!!! I remember doing 7 in college, but this is plan sweet!!!

I did do Sat and Sundays workout on Saturday because I got the chance to go snowboarding with a group of friends from work! We all had such a great time. i did fall on my shoulders a bit to much, and used them a lot to get up. I was pretty happy with how quickly I was able to remember what I learned last year, and thanks to the expert instruction by a friends hubby, I was linking turns on my snowboard within an hour. I got encourage to head up to Midway with the group and was agreeable, but I will say that the "exit" off the lift did me in. Alison and I both beginner snowboards x 3 days got off at the same time, smoothly made it down the exit and then bite it at the same time! LOL I' wish there was a photo ops cause that would of been funny. We got out of the way quickly, laughing out butts off, only to hear the two guys behind us do the same thing!!  

But I knew at Midway I was done, I went down directly on my elbow on my right, and got some numbness/tingling in my elbow and shoulder felt sore. So I ended up walking the catwalk over to where the group was, and knew I was done, my body was shaking from fatigue. So bowing out from the group who wanted to go up one more time, I bailed and headed to the lodge. And considered going up the beginner slope one more time, but knew I was done when I couldn't hold up my arms without shaking.  I will say that I felt like I had Central Cord Syndrome by the next day, I could not lift my arms if my lift depended on it. And thank god for my coworkers who took the evals so I didn't have to lift any patients.  It was so fun...But It set me back with training, as I had to skip my swim and switch it to Wed.  

My only bummer was that I felt REALLY strong and healthy on Saturday, and then the snowboarding messed it up a bit. But I also realize that its probably the last time I'll get to go with these guys, as I'll be somewhere else next winter. Hopefully in CO :) working somewhere. 

Week Two--

This week started out with my "central cord syndrome" feeling with my arms. I could not lift them if my life depended on it.  They were so sore, and painful, I was worried that I might of done something, but at least I didn't dislocate my elbow (unofficially) like I did last year. I took Monday off and rested, I knew there was no way I could swim if I couldn't lift my arms. I was queen of the  Kineso tape on both shoulder, my right wrist and my right knee!  Tuesday, I choose to bike instead of run as my legs felt the best, and so I got in 12 on the trainer. I decided 5  hours on the slopes boarding made up for the one hour run.  I got in the pool on Wed, but it wasn't  pretty. I had to bring out the pull buoy more than I wanted, but I got the work out done.   Thursday, my day off...I SLEPT.  I am having trouble getting a good nights rest, thanks to some annoying nightmares that keep haunting me...alot. So it makes for longer days. I'm also as usual not eating right and that plays a huge role  in my fatigue. I'm not getting in enough nutrition.  Grrrrrr... had to hold off on Planks this week due to the shoulder.

Hill workout was good, got in a good 4 plus miles.  Swim was better on Saturday, but again had to pull in the buoy to give my shoulder a rest from the pull.  ANd Bike was good on Sunday. with a final training/graduation class for Kahlua. 

I signed him up for the Intermediate classes beginning March 2nd. Got to keep with the rhythm, and of course if I pay for it...I'll keep focused on doing it.  He still has some issues, but it's only been six weeks, he has come a long way since then. Although he still tends to pull at times on the walk, it's so much better then it was before. And he's getting stronger on the run, where soon I can start taking him on runs I think and he can go the distance, i have to build him up to it, as he is eight....I don't want to over do it with him. 
I do need to get him more exposed to other areas, take him down town Prescott with the other dogs around the block. And I really want to get Bailey on board with doing more, but it's tough training two dogs at the same time. 

Week Three--

Well, this week was my highest volume yet. I got in more time on the bike and more running then any other week. Because I still felt my shoulder being a bit tweaky, I choose to opt out of my swim from Wed that was optional. I decided it was smarter to rest it then it was to push through the pain, even with the Kinesotaping helping I just needed the break.  My swim on Mon was okay, again, had Kineso on so my shoulder was good to go.   My run on tuesday was a bit rough. I haven't' been sleeping well again, Been getting plagued by nasty nightmares that seems to come back every few months. It weird.. I haven't ever had them this bad before, and I'm not quite sure why the last year it's been in high alert. Really frustrating cause I'm not getting the quality sleep I need. Hence when I had Saturday with an easy run....I slept in. but more then that, I like slept the entire day, from the bed to the couch, I woke around 5 pm and got out to get in my 45 min run which was supposed to be an easy recovery run, but ended up being harder then planned. Then  I took the dogs for there 1.25 mile bike ride for Kahlua, then run. On the bike ride though, I wasn't as attentive to Kahlua as I normally am. Usually I can see when he is going to try and greet something or someone coming down the road, He also has a few "spots" that he always must sniff. But this time, he caught me off guard, and took a 90 degree right turn on a run, so needless to say, me the bike and the dog all ended up on the ground. I had some bloody carnage to my left elbow, but it's doing okay, and it didn't affect my Sunday bike ride. But it's still tender so I can't put full weight on it. 

See?  Isn't it pretty? At least it's right over my other scar so it just adds to the current carnage of that elbow.   I then got a walk in with them both and was done for the evening.  Sunday I got in my bike ride and felt good. My only issue of late is that by back has been really bothering me again. I know i"ve slacked off on my plank (got back to 2:00) tonight, and single leg squats. I didn't get in my strength training yet. I need to get on that, I think that will help. My right hip has been a bit tight too. again my fault for not doing my PT exercises, and I think it's time for new shoes, which will come in two weeks when I head down to Phx for my birthday to get my Power Meter put on my bike and a quick trip to Road Runner Sports to get new shoes and insoles. That should help.  I still have to kineso tape my knee. And it's doing better but still not 100% yet.  Which reminds me I need to reorder some more tape.  Recovery week is coming up! I get two days off this coming week. AND my amazing beautiful friend is throwing me a 40th birthday party for me on Saturday!  Combining it with my amazing friend Nicole who turned 30 in Feb. So we are having a joint party. I'm so blessed to have some amazing friends. Which of course also makes me feel nervous and sad about leaving this year, and whether or not I'm making the  right decision, but In my heart, I think  it's the right decision, and I want to travel.  I loved doing that with MT this past summer. It was really good for my soul to get away from everything. And use that time to reassess "life". Explore new opportunities. I'm at am amazing place to be employed at. Everything at my finger tips to help patients to heal and get better. I know that I'm at the "gold standard" for rehab hospitals. And that it won't be like that in places I go to. But I think I've gotten enough knowledge to take with me now for traveling and to help patients. 

Week Four---

Recovery Week.  Oh blessed recovery week. I was more ready for it then I thought I was.  Swam on Monday, had an muscle bound jock who thought he deserved to take my lane, even with me standing there waiting for the guy swimming in the lane to get down so I could ask to share the lane.  Only small piece of karma was that I smoked him on the laps. I then decided to get a coffee cause I had a free one about to expire, and dammed if I didn't drop the entire thing right at the door way when I got home. grrrr. I was just numb. So I scarfed down some food and went to bed. Fighting a head cold/allergies this week, so I was more tired then I realized. I slept a lot.  Tuesday I was debating on doing a workout early as I had my birthday party planned for this weekend. But got home and fell asleep for the whole night. I flexed off Wed for work cause our census is really low so I slept in and then did my hill repeats for my run. Then walked the dogs, and of course...slept.  Thursday work, and home to do my bike ride for Sat. I got in almost 20 miles, but my body was tired. Feeling crappy from head cold/allergies. And to bed early. Friday off from work again for working Sat.  Up to get braces adjusted early. only to fine I may have an issue with one of my Dentist next week for a check up.   Then I got home, got in my bike ride, and ran errands and got stuff done.   Sat I worked and then had this day off. Only bad thing was I started getting a headache, which turned into a migraine, I'm mostly blaming the weather since Friday it turned cloudy and rained all day Sat. Which was so nice. but the pressure killed me. I'm now realizing that the brace adjustment probably also had something to do with my headache, but not all of it.  So I got to celebrate my 40th birthday early with my good friend Nicole who turned 30 in Feb. We had a lot of fun, but I was toned down a bit with that damm headache. I think I only drank one full glass of wine the entire night. But I still had fun. I got the chance to see some great old friends, and hang with current ones. Was the perfect way to celebrate. Not to much flash, but just enough to have fun. 

Now I sit here on Sunday, still with the killer Migraine, which has prevented me from getting in my last recovery run. But I'm afraid any big movement and it will come back full force. It's currently just "lingering". I tried every remedy that has ever worked in that past, and none of it worked. I barely ate anything today, and pretty nauseous too. I did make it to dog training with Kahlua, he is moved up to Intermediate Class. He has all new dogs to meet, and is the oldest. they are all puppies, and he is the grandpa at 8. But we started learning Heel today. He picked up on it pretty quick. And sit with distractions, he was once again very food focused.  Once home I was back to being non functional and took a 3 hour nap. Neti Pot, Five Hour with IBP.  Hot pack on head.  Hand in Hot water. Nothing. So my migraine lingers...lets hope it stays there and goes away for work tomorrow. 

On to my next month of training. I have my power meter being fitted to my bike this Friday, so a Phoenix run it will be happening. And looking forward to a massage for my Bday on Thursday :) Been having a sore back and neck, so I'm ready for some pampering. :)