Sunday, February 2, 2014

The Training Plan Arrives!!!!

So. I offically have the first two months of my Boulder Ironman Training plan. In. My. Hands. If I wasn't fighing a nasty cold/flu, I'd be more excited then I currently am. I can't wait to get started!!!!!!  Yes, I stayed up cutting and pasting and taping it all together to make it fold up nicely and fit into my training book and so I can take it with me where ever I go.  Obessive? Not when your training for an Ironman, #3. I like to have it to refer to when ever I want. and of course, don't forget I highlight my workouts  when I completed them.  And I won't go into detail about what's on the back but it could be my HR zones for running, Power Zones for bike, maybe some inspirational quotes for motivation.  Just call me a Tri Nerd/Geek. I don't care!! I'm proud of that title!!!   
 What even more fun and exciting...and I'm thinking it was pure that I have a day off of training on my 40th Birthday!!  Thanks Coach Jillian!!!  So excited to start this journey with a coach, can't see myself going back to not having one for any type of Ironman again. 

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