Sunday, August 25, 2013

Week Seven for FC Coaching/Training

Disclaimer:  This blog is a documentation of my now second Ironman Journey for AZ Ironman 2013.  Format will be random, i.e. quick journal format, random thoughts, motivational quotes, pictures of random moments and memories along my journey. For the most part, it’s documentation for me and may not be to exciting for anyone else to read, but for those of you brave enough to ever wonder…could I do an Ironman or even just a triathlon?  I then offer you a firsthand account of what goes on in the mind of an Ironman age group triathlete including all the highs, lows, emotions, fears, rants, etc, etc.   Please forgive any spelling mistakes as I’m sure I am just happy to get everything written down, just chalk it up to fatigue from lots of training! 

Current Stats Overall:

SWIM:  ~145,862 Yds   
BIKE: ~ 911.06 Miles    
RUN: ~   289.55 Miles   
Strength: ~ 23:55 hr/min
Other      ~ 10:51 hr/min (PT, Stretch, etc. )
Total Training Hours:  226:38 hours/minutes

So Week Seven of the FC training plan was actually a “recovery week”, but since I have had way to much slack time in MT. It was actually the first full week I got in my entire workouts. And it felt really good!!  Thank God!!
Monday was scheduled rest day. I wish though that I would have hit the pool cause I have such limited time for swimming, I had to really revamp my week. So I plan on not having Mondays off. It’s going to have to be later in the week. I did get in a PT session for my leg. It’s starting to feel bit better.
Tuesday I did my run. Like I actually did a RUN!!! I did all 5.5 miles outside, around my neighborhood, and it felt REALLY GOOD!  Like , no hip pain when I was running. I felt more when I stopped and took a rest break/walk.  I still did my 2 min walk, 5 min run. But man was it exciting to finally get in five miles. I haven’t done that since June.
Wednesday, I got home from work and jump on my trainer and got in my bike ride, my distance I know is less on the trainer so I’m looking forward to seeing how it looks on the road.  Then I headed over to the Y and got in my swim. Had some possessive old people in the pool who weren’t very friendly with sharing the lanes, but I finally got a lane and got my workout in.
Thursday I had another bike ride on the trainer with Threshold training. It was a bit painful, but I got in about 13 ish miles. Friday was back to the pool for 2400 yds. I’m not sure what’s up with the older people at the Y lately, They usually are nice and we all get along. It’s like I left, came back and they think I’m a newbie and am invading their turf?? Not sure. Regardless, I got in my time, and got out.   
Saturday I decided to get my bike in, because the weather was not going to cooperate for Sunday. I ended up sleeping in til noon. My body was just done, I think it needed more recovery than I realized.  So I was on the trainer doing my TEMPO time and it was a bit rough, but got it done, Then I got in some VO2 max efforts…they were hard, but I think I still could of pushed more. It’s just hard on the trainer. Then I was off to run three miles at an easy pace. Here is where the Magic happened. I did all three miles, at my old pace, with only two rest breaks. With NO PAIN!! I was ecstatic that I was able to do that!  I was sore from the bike, my hamstrings were somewhat tight, but I think the bike loosened my legs up enough that I was able to run pain free. This is an exciting thought for my race in 84 days!!! I have been starting to freak out a bit that I’m  not going to be ready enough for my race, that the less volume from this training plan is not going to be enough. But this just gave me a huge mental boost that I finally am getting back to being able to run. I missed that feeling of running, so much.
Sunday I woke and headed over to the Y and got in another 5 miles, but on the treadmill, the plan was outside, but once I got ready to go run, The Light drizzle turned to downpour. So I packed up my stuff and headed over to the Y. I got the run done, and after some minor debating, was able to get in the pool and got in 40 minutes for my “open water swim” that I couldn’t do.  I felt sore, but the swim helped loosen up my hip after the run. I can tell that running outside is going to be more friendly to my hip then the treadmill. And I could actually go at a faster pace outside, so I’ll be thankfully, hopefully getting outside more for my runs.  I spent the rest of the day, heading over to Sedona to hang out with some good friends I haven’t seen in a long time. It was really nice to see everyone, and be able to be there for Jean’s 60th birthday!!!
So, on to Week Eight. I just got my training plans for the next three weeks. I have to seriously look at if I can go to Yosemite in mid September. I am not so sure I can take one more week off of training, since I missed so much while in MT. I hate the idea of missing out on Yosemite again. But it’s also in a middle of a Rim Fire which has a lot of the areas closed, and I really want to hike Half Dome, which I still don’t even have a permit to hike up yet, and I want to watch out for my hip to not get worse. So darn it, I think I have my answer right there. Because I know if I go, I will try and do it, even if I shouldn’t.  I was hoping I could swing it, but maybe, once again, I have to let it go. I’ll look again to make sure…

If it’s
Challenging you,
Testing you,
And Pushing you…
It’s helping you
Become more of
Who you’re meant

To BE!

Week Five/Six of FC Coaching/Training

Disclaimer:  This blog is a documentation of my now second Ironman Journey for AZ Ironman 2013.  Format will be random, i.e. quick journal format, random thoughts, motivational quotes, pictures of random moments and memories along my journey. For the most part, it’s documentation for me and may not be to exciting for anyone else to read, but for those of you brave enough to ever wonder…could I do an Ironman or even just a triathlon?  I then offer you a firsthand account of what goes on in the mind of an Ironman age group triathlete including all the highs, lows, emotions, fears, rants, etc, etc.   Please forgive any spelling mistakes as I’m sure I am just happy to get everything written down, just chalk it up to fatigue from lots of training! 

Current Stats Overall:

SWIM:  ~139,812 Yds   
BIKE: ~ 852.49 Miles    
RUN: ~   275.95 Miles   
Strength: ~ 23:55 hr/min
Other      ~  10:51 hr/min ( PT, Stretch, etc. )
Total Training Hours:  216:57 hours/minutes

I’m lumping these two weeks together, because basically, they just sucked. I was back at work on Monday the 5th after my hike to Mystic Lake the day before. Began my packing for leaving at the end of the week. I only got in a swim on Tuesday for 1800 yds. The rest of the week was focused on wrapping up final details with work and leaving, and getting ready to head out to Glacier National Park on Friday and Saturday, then to Grand Tetons Sunday, and home Monday/Tuesday.  It was an insane whirlwind of a week. Five days in a car, plus hotels with two dogs.  I had an awesome trip. I decided that I never know when I’ll ever be this close to Glacier National Park, and I’d be a fool to not go check it out.  It was amazing!! Going to the Sun Road….beautiful! I can’t believe it was done back in the 30s. Just unreal how they made it happen.

well, I at least got in a three mile trail run to Hidden Lake :) time, I'll be on that bike!!

Made it home late Tuesday night.  Had “jetlag” again when I got home, I think me and the dogs slept for two days straight.  I did get back in the pool at the Y on Thur and Friday. Was nice to get in a good swim. Both days. Got a  small two mile run in also on Friday.  Saturday, my body was not done with jetleg…so I slept most of that day away as well. But I felt good on Sunday and got in a 3 hour ride. Was supposed to be 4 hours. And a three loop course to “simulate” race day. I had to stop at two, cause my knee was tweaking really bad. Got home and iced and rested. Hoping it was just a bit of overuse since I haven’t done that long a ride for a couple weeks. 
Watched my coaches do IM MT. And well, it helped me get my focus back a bit. I have exactly 13 weeks to my IMAZ. It’s time to get to work. It’s time to get re focused on why I’m doing it, and back on a routine.  I’m looking forward to the hard work ahead.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

The Beginning of FC Coaching Training --- The First Four Weeks

Disclaimer:  This blog is a documentation of my now second Ironman Journey for AZ Ironman 2013.  Format will be random, i.e. quick journal format, random thoughts, motivational quotes, pictures of random moments and memories along my journey. For the most part, it’s documentation for me and may not be to exciting for anyone else to read, but for those of you brave enough to ever wonder…could I do an Ironman or even just a triathlon?  I then offer you a firsthand account of what goes on in the mind of an Ironman age group triathlete including all the highs, lows, emotions, fears, rants, etc, etc.   Please forgive any spelling mistakes as I’m sure I am just happy to get everything written down, just chalk it up to fatigue from lots of training! 

Also, please note, pictures will be posted at a later date.  I’m currently not able to download at this time. And the entries will most likely be short and sweet as I’m in the moving stages at the beginning of this time moving to Montana, and the end  I’m sure, moving back to AZ. Whew!!!  Crazy Month!!!

Current Stats Overall:

SWIM:  ~134,112 Yds   
BIKE: ~ 810.49 Miles    
RUN: ~   270.95 Miles   
Strength: ~ 23:55 hr/min
Other      ~  10:51 hr/min ( PT, Stretch, etc. )
Total Training Hours:  210:21 hours/minutes

Week One – July 8th-14th , 2013

So,  It Begins. I’m 19 weeks out from AZ Ironman 2013.   I begin my first week of training with Team FC.  I think the hardest challenge of this first week was switching from “timed” training, to “distance” training.  When I normally used to swimming for an hour in the pool .Now it’s switched up and I only swim 2000 yds.  And here I was all proud of my first ever 4000 yd swim. And I swim ONLY 2000 yds.?  It takes like :45 minutes. I’m not even in the pool an hour?  That was a tough transition for me so far. It has been hard for me to “ stop”  at that distance. Focus though is changing to intensity, and not necessarily volume. I need to trust the process, I'm looking for something different to make my time better this year. Doing the same program won't do much, so it's time to mix it up! 

My run is nonexistent,  I really haven’t been able to even test out my shiny “bright” blue shoes yet. They just sit there and taunt me. “Put me on Kristie…let’s go for a run Kristie” . So I broke down and ran for 30 minutes “easy” in them on the weekend. AFTER I did my PT exercises, getting some rather unique stares I’m sure from the Y crowd as I blew into my balloon lying on the yoga mat in the corner. But I don’t care, if I need to do them before I run, then so be it. I’m going to do exactly what I need to do to get better.  No time for looking silly,  if it works, I’m not knocking it.

My bike is the one thing that seemed good this week. On Tuesday I did my Time Trial. I had to do it on the trainer in the end, so it may not be 100% accurate, but it’s the best I could do.  My average HR was 155 for a 20 minute test.  Which then gave me my heart rate Zones for my training for Endurance, Tempo, Threshold, Aerobic Power, and Anaerobic Capacity.  The challenge that I seem to have, is if I’m not on a trainer, it’s really hard to control my heart rate. I always seem to ride in my Threshold levels…due to having a really hilly course I ride. And I can’t seem to keep it low in the endurance zone, unless I’m on a trainer.  I’m going to have to work on that.

What I do like about this new training plan is that the main focus is on my bike, then run, then swim. But even with me not being able to do much with the run. I know that my bike helps carry over on the run. So that should help when I finally am able to get back into running.  
I also am in my final stages of packing. As of Week Two , my first two days are going to be spent driving to Montana.

Week Two  July 15-21st, 2013

Yep, Driving to Montana. 1200 miles from AZ to Billings MT with two dogs, and lots of rain. I made it my first night to Salt Lake City.   My first two days were my day off day, and one of my running days, that I can’t do anyway with my leg. I pulled in late on Tuesday night and got settle in to my new “home away from home”.  I headed  into work on Wed. got all my orientation stuff completed, my keys, my id badge, orientation to the paper work, and was ready to go.

I got out at regular time, and headed over to the YMCA and got my “pass” as a “away visitor” to swim at the Y. It’s kinda like swimming in a tomb, but it’s free, so I don’t care. I got in my short and sweet workout. But I was tired.

Which I think “jetlag” if you will set in for me on Thursday. I got out of work with the intention of running over to the bike shop for directions for some good safe rides in town, then head back to home and rest for the night. I ended up getting home late, chatting with Teri for a bit and not getting much rest as I had hoped for. The time change keeps me all out of whack lately.

In fun news. I have OFFICALLY signed up for IRONMAN Boulder! The first Ironman Race in Boulder. I debated on doing that or CDA. But the timing makes it better for an August race. And this gives me 8 months from AZ Ironman to train with recovery mixed in til at least March/April if necessary. I’m happy with my choice. A bit freaking out with the hills and 3000 plus elevation change. But I guess if you’re going to face your fear, you might as well go big right?  I also will have my WA crew to hang with and cheer with.

Friday, I finished my work and once again, had every intention of heading over to the Y to get my swim in. I came home, I changed, I sat down up stairs, and fell asleep on the floor in the back room. After I woke up around 9:00 PM, I had dinner, watched a movie. And went to bed.

Saturday I still felt pretty tired, I woke up late. Due to no sun in my basement room, but I know it’s temporary. I got my butt out of bed, and got all my bike gear packed and in the Escape. I headed over to the start of my ride. A 40 mile loop out into Montana “country”. I was a bit nervous as it was a new ride.  I decided just to get in the 40 miles, my training plan was already crap for the week, so it wasn't necessary to kill myself.  What a beautiful ride. All rolling hills, except for that 12 % grade. That was killer. And in the humidity! I didn't think Montana was so humid? Or hot? High 90s? with the humidity? I forgot how that drains you. A lot!  I made it back to the Escape, with just barely enough water to spare.  Only had one possible wipeout, when I was “looking at the scenery” and rolled off the bike path onto the dirt, but I saved it!!  One thing that I was impressed with  is all the “trails” setup for bikes, there are over 32 miles of bike/hike/walking trails in this city. Very cool!!!  I was happy to ride on that for awhile to start my bike ride. And even when I went off it and on the road. All the cars were respectful to the cyclists, and walkers. Imagine that concept. That alone, makes me happy to be here.  But the REALLY awesome part, was when I got done with my bike ride. I was thinking I needed food. And as I was scanning the parking lot. I was greeted with a CUPCAKE shop!!!  

How fricking cool!!!  So of course, once all packed up…I headed over and proceeded to select three yummy cupcakes.  Don’t Judge!  I burned 1800 calories. And I have not been doing good with my nutrition here as of yet. I’ve been severely under in calories, which I think explains some of my fatigue. I also am not drinking enough water.  So, Vanilla Raspberry, Wedding Cake, and Salted Carmel were my choices.  I thought they were all butter cream. Much to my dismay, the Vanilla Raspberry was Whipped. Oh well, it was still pretty darn good. I’m happy to say that I still have one left. A day later J . the rest of my day I ran a few more errands, got dog food, etc. and headed home to shower, relax, and then headed out to explore a bit of Billings. I ended up  heading over to Lake Elmo State Park, found a dog park.
Talked to the people putting on the Big Sky State Games Triathlon the next day. (I tried to sign up, but it was closed )  So Then I headed home and drove up on the Rims for a scenic over view of Billings at sunset. Got a few  pics. Plan to come back and run on this amazing trail up on the Rims.  Really ? How cool is that I tell you?  So cool. Mtn biking should be fun too!!!   Headed home, and relaxed on the couch for a bit. Watched another movie. The most I've done in Months I might add.

On Sunday, I could tell I was pretty sore from the ride yesterday. And as usual knowing I wasn't making my training plan. I slept in. once I got up and around, I headed over to Two Moons State Park and did a little hike to a place called Weeping Walls.

Which was and 80 foot wall with weeping water running down it. That unfortunely wasn’t that exciting; the trail was unique with the different vegetation, as was the Point ending at Yellowstone River.  Now, the five foot snake on the other hand. I was NOT happy with. I literally was inches away from stepping onto the middle part of this snake. I really don’t know how I missed it. And I’m happy that it didn't react and kept just moseying on across the trail like I wasn't there. Whew!! Mini heart attack I tell ya!!  By this time, I’m regretting that I didn't buy bug spray yet. As I forgot how spoiled we are in AZ with no bugs.   I was sweating nicely from the 90 degree heat, and the humidity. And maybe the snake.  But back at the Escape, I headed over to fill up with gas, and headed out 60 ish miles to Little Bighorn Battlefield. 
My first visit to a National Park on this trip. I even bought a National Park Pass, as I plan to hit up several more along the way. Glacier, Yellowstone, Grand Tetons, etc. So I’m sure I’ll have it paid for before I even get home. Then it will be helpful when we head to Yosemite in September as well.  NICE!!!  I got home after 6 pm, took a hot shower, and got ready to begin week Two at my “job”.  I’m so grateful for this experience. I know that my priority is Work, then training, then exploring.   Let’s see how the next two weeks of training goes as I just got them emailed to me. Lot’s of bike and run.  Just a few swims. I’ll have to rearrange so I can focus on weekends to explore the area.  J  here’s to a better Week Three. PT in 2x a day. Get in all I can, minus the run times, grrr. Got my recovery drink coming in the mail tomorrow as well as my r loop for PT exercises. 

Week Three July 22-28th 2013

Well, with determined resolve to get myself back on track this week with training.  I was on the bike once I got home on Monday. I have been choosing to do the shorter intervals on the bike, as I can really focus better on my heart rate zones, etc. I setup in my room and went for it. I got in 16 miles on the bike. But stayed in my heart rate zones.  I felt good, but by the time I finished it was too late to get to the Y for my swim. So I only got in my ride tonight.  Tuesday I decided to jump on the treadmill at the house (bless Teri!) and get in my run. Again, I have not been doing anything related to the heart rate zones training, but I was just happy to be able to run for an hour, with 2 min walking, and 5 minutes jog at a 12 mile /hr pace. Not great, but better than nothing, so I’ll take it! I did my PT exercises just before I ran so it didn't hurt as much, but I know I still have to be careful. I iced the crap out of my leg/hip when I was done.  Wednesday I swam at the Y after work. I got in my 2400 yd workout. I at least had some company this time, I wasn't the lone soul in the lap pool for an hour. It was nice to know other people swim. I was also attacked by the cleaning hose!! LOL apparently it was cleaning time, and although I was told it was okay to swim, They (the people cleaning the pool) kept getting in my lane, and I kept swimming into the hose while they cleaned. At least they were nice about it.  Thursday I got back on my bike for a 17 mile ride with the training. I have to say, I really like doing these sessions with the Threshold levels, vs endurance. I can feel that I’m getting stronger on the bike, that or it’s just the elevation keeping me from feeling like a wimp. Friday, I was back on the trainer for a hour run. PT exercises before of course, but just getting time in. I had to force myself to not push it til 1:20 to get in the time. Better to stop now and cont to heal, then push and cause any setbacks.  4.5 miles.

Saturday, I choose to make this my off day, as I make a “quick” trip down to the Beartooth Highway, over the Pass, into Yellowstone, and Grand Tetons, then back home via Cody, WY. Whew. The Pass was amazingly beautiful! And it was HIGH!!! 

I have to admit, I’m not afraid of heights, but some of those hairpin turns, where you can’t see, but KNOW it’s a several 1000 foot drop less than 5 feet from you separated only by a wimpy metal guard rail, well, it tends to get the heart pumping.  I did manage to brave a few pics along the way, but I was almost at a dead stop as I took them so I could concentrate on the road.  Then before I knew it I was up on top of the Pass, cruising over the Montana-Wyoming State line and cruising down and  around more fun curves and right up to a stop light. Where I sat for 30 min in the middle of all this beauty while I watched construction on the “road” for awhile. I chatted it up a bit with some bikers behind me headed back to Sturgis. Finally, we were on our way, and continued heading out to Yellowstone. I stopped off in Cooke City to find out traffic info as I heard the Pass was closed from there out from a sign. But I was assured it was all open. So I headed on into the North East end of Yellowstone. I handed them me Annual Pass (yeah, half paid for J) and headed out for the Grand Loop. While driving I got to see Buffalo on the range, and cross in front of me as well. I then got on the Grand Loop and headed up to Mammoth Hot Springs.  And De Ja Vu was hitting me as I watched a school bus in front of me, then a truck with a trailer behind it. Imagine my surprise when I saw MI plates!!! I was trying to convince myself that I knew the Jack town Packers were done. Then I saw the school bus…Hudsonville School District. Man, how weird! I tried to find some of the people while I was there to ask them about their trip, but I didn’t see them anywhere for the short time I visited.

Next I headed on down the road to head down toward Grand Prismatic Spring, and then Old Faithful. I have to remember that mountain driving is way different then AZ driving. I pretty much had to double my drive time with what I’m used too.  I got to Midway Geyser Basin, and hiked up to see the Grand Prismatic Spring. It was over 300 feet wide, Beautiful colors of Orange/Red, Yellow, and Blue. I was completely in love with the colors and textures of this area. I only wish the sun was out to get a better view of it. But I guess that just makes it more fun for the next trip right?  I then headed another long drive to Old Faithful. And got passport stamp #2 of the trip!!  Checked out Old Faithful, the history of Yellowstone, and then headed out for Grand Tetons. It was already 5pm. I was a bit concerned about time, so when I got to the South Entrance and saw I was not that far away, I was content to head out for it. I when about 30 miles into Grand Tetons, passing beautiful Jackson Lake with the Tetons in the back ground. I got some great shots in the clouds, but I can only imagine how amazing they would be in the sun. I got down to the Visitor’s Center by 6:30 pm. I had 30 min to spare for getting my passport book stamped with not only Grand Tetons..but the Rockefeller Memorial Highway. So I got two!!! Three stamps for today! Nice!!!  I then got a few trinkets for myself and for the nieces and nephews. And spoke with the guy at the center for the quickest way back home to Billings. After I got a look (like wow, your crazy), he told me I should drive back up to Yellowstone, head out the East Entrance to Cody WY, and head up from there. Well, I headed out and picked up a few essentials from the grocery story there. Lots of Moose stuff and I thought of my good friend who likes moose. Then I headed out about 7:30 PM.  I made it to Cody Wyoming by 10:30 ish.  It was about 130 miles from where I was. Yep, I should never estimate travel time, when I’m not used to driving through mountains. Needless to say, I made it back home just before 1 AM in the morning. What a long trip, but so much fun! I’ll need to head on down through the Tetons again on my way home so I can at least get a full run through the Tetons.  Sunday I woke up to a sunny morning. I promptly let the dogs out, and laid back down for a “recovery nap” from the long day yesterday. I woke later… and headed down town to check it out, only to learn most shops are closed, so I wondered a bit and got some photos of downtown, I’ll come back when most shops are open so I can browse.  Came home, washed laundry, cleaned, called home. Then went over to the coffee shop and relaxed for a bit and got connected to the WiFi for free, had some yummy coffee, downloaded pictures to jump drive and posted some photos of my fun weekend. My bike ride for today didn’t happen, I was a total slacker. Total Slacker….But when do I have the chance to just hang out and relax. This really is my one and only day. As next weekend I work, and Sunday I hike Mystic Lake with some coworkers. (I have the Bear Spray!) and then before I know it, I’m going to be packing up and heading home. I needed this day to savor and relax.  Enough said!

 Week Four July 29th -Aug 4th, 2013

This week started off better. I was on my bike and got in a good workout on my trainer. I seem to do better on my trainer when I need to focus on heart rate zones. I did 5 x 5 min in THRESHOLD which was a hopping good pace, 16 to 17mph in “Threshold” on the trainer.  Then ENDURANCE the rest of the time.   I then managed to get the dogs walked for a good 20 minutes, and headed over to swim at the Y for 1650 yd (43 min) for Short and Fast 1500 yds. It felt easier today, I’m not sure why. For the first time this last two weeks, I’m finally starting to feel like I’m getting settled into a routine. Which is nice because I was feeling off and like I wasn’t getting in the stuff I needed to in order to feel like I was training well. Thank Goodness I can feel that way. Recovery drink also on board. Relaxed with a movie to end the night with dogs next to me.

Tuesday rolled around and I was on the treadmill again, slow and steady was the game plan. Frustrated that I still have to go at a slow ass pace. A two minute walk and a five minute run. But I was able to stick to my 12 min pace on the run, and actually got up to 11 for maybe a minute or two. But I was good and toned it down the minute it started to hurt.  

Wednesday was tough to get myself  to the Y to swim. I just wanted to curl up and sleep, but I got over there, and got in my 2400 yds. Two good things happened. I made it through, even though I felt tired.  One, it was my fastest time yet for 2400 yds. And two, when I went to do my PT exercises, I didn’t feel sore at the start or end of them.  I actually felt normal. Let’s see how it feels on my treadmill run tomorrow.

Thursday was a bust…I took it as an off day. I was just plain tired. Friday I was on the trainer for two hours, got in my workout, but my heart wasn’t in it. Got dogs walked at least.  Saturday I worked. I had some awesome evals that I’m not used to. So that was kinda cool.

Sunday I skipped my workout for a cross training workout for a 12. 5 mile hike to Mystic Lake with 1200 feet of elevation gain. That was pretty darn cool. I loved the entire hike, I was doing my best to soak in every ounce of beauty and the smells, the sights, the sounds. It was so peaceful, and just peaceful. My hip did start hurting once we got to Island Lake, but thankfully, I got a good ice bath for a good 15 minutes. Then we headed back. Got to pick wild huckleberries, caught in a rain storm. Just the ultimate perfect day. It’s been a while since I’ve felt at peace. The mtns and water does that for me. That should be a sign. Don’t you think?

Friday, August 2, 2013

Sunny and a Heavenly Place.

   I write this with a sad and heavy heart, as I’ve recently learned that Sunny, my former patient that I am doing my Ironman this year for, has passed away. I am at a loss for words. It’s not too often that I let myself get too attached to a patient. My job as a therapist is to help them in their time of need, to be just a passing person in their lives, and move on. I’m not permanent in their lives. Most of the time, I meet them when they are at their weakest, their worst moments of their lives, the moments they wish to forget.  So I try to help them cope as best they can, teach them what I can to help them get back to their lives as normal as possible, and then, disappear from their life.
     I’m not sure exactly why Sunny’s small moment in my life touched me so. Maybe it’s because she and I had some common bonds. One being she just hiked the Grand Canyon from Phantom Ranch back up to the top of the South Rim. Maybe it was her first triathlon that she did, in open water in Carlsbad with her dtr.  Open water swims scare me, and the fact that that was her first, I was in awe of her!  Maybe she reminded me a lot of my mother, and how it could have been her.  Maybe it was that awesome blue and purple polka dot Mohawk she first had when I met her. Maybe it was her beautiful smile, her amazing attitude that she had even in the face of the knowing the ultimate outcome of her prognosis. I was honored to share some special moments with her during our time together during therapy. I was honored that she, her husband, and dtr allowed me to talk about her and get permission to put her name on my bike so she could do her “Ironman”.  Maybe she reminds me a little of me, and how life is precious, and you can’t waste it. How you can’t let certain things in life control you and take away your spirit. How you need to live life to its fullest, because you never really know when it will all be taken away. That I’m learning more of these days.

What makes me happy is that she was able to find the love of her life in Steven. The time I got to spend with her just a few weeks ago, I got to see a love that was so pure between a husband and a wife. A husband that fought to the end to make her happy and comfortable.  As I sat and enjoyed dinner with her and her husband, they shared stories about their life together, and that she was going to get to see her first grandchild very soon.   That makes me happy to know that she lived a full life. Maybe not as full as she deserved and should of gottn, but she lived it to the fullest that she possibly could, and didn’t let it take away her spirit.

I’m honored that I got a chance to know her, I’m sad that I won’t get to visit her again when I return home from Billings. But, I am now even more determined to make sure I take Sunny with me on her first Ironman!!