Well, the fact that it’s recovery week says it all. This was a much better week. I got a book on Mental Training in Triathlon and it’s great, and I’m learning a few more things, which I already knew. But have gotten a friendly reminder to not forget about it. It’s so easy to get caught up in the day to day training and not take time to focus on those things you need to work on in the race. Or in training and to cut yourself some slack. I started the book reading the chapters on Prime Triathlon, Motivation, Confidence, Intensity, Focus, Emotions. In Motivation, I was understanding better the obstacles in motivation, training alone, losing that desire to train. Nothing I didn’t know, but a good reminder that I’m not going crazy with it. Confidence, hmmm..learned that it is one of my top three issues, If my confidence is crappy, then I’m not going to believe that I can do this. And that’s how I’ve been feeling the last few weeks. No confidence in my ability..I lost that ability to believe that I can do this and I will do this! I read a sentence that sent the lesson home for me and helped me see the light if you will… It said,” Often , performances that are interpreted as poor are actually just due to the new challenges you’re facing at the new distance. You may simply lack the experience to be performing as well as you would like to at this point.” I don’t think I could say that any better. Then it talked about the Confidence Challenge. The real test of confidence is how you respond when things are not going your way. Acknowledge that the process involves difficulties and lessons. The down periods are the integral part of the learning process. Well said!!
Intensity: I was actually having a physical reaction to the information. I had my HR monitor on for some reason, and actually could see my HR rising while reading some of the information about how one responds to intensity in a positive and negative way. Using Psych Down techniques. One that I like and use…is asking the question..”What do I need t odo right now to perform my Best?” A great thing to use to help keep the focus on what is going on in the present and not the outcome. Focus was next to help me determine my focus style. And it talked about how to look at outcome and process focus. That’s a big one for me, cause I’m so focused on wanting to get a time goal that I tense up and don’t focus on the process that would get me there! Using the 4 Ps, Positive, Process, Present, Progress. Emotions are huge in that I have already had two incidents where my emotions have taken over . Like week two when I completely had a mental/physical breakdown/burnout. I was so emotionally overwhelmed that I just lost it. I also have learned that “your emotions can be a measure of your nutritional intake in training and races. That’s still a huge issue for me. And it’s been worrying me too. If I had the $ for a training coach for nutrition…I’d be all on it to get this better under control. I’m currently up to Pain and how it affects you mentally. I’m really liking this book so far. Worth it’s money for me.
This week’s Progress.
Monday-- 45 min swim. Ended up doing 50 min. Was my first time not in the Masters Swim class, so I felt a bit weird going at the same time, telling Drew I couldn’t swim with the group this month. I realize that finances are playing a huge issue right now. I wish I could get a sponsor to help cover some of these costs for swim class, the Soma Race in Oct. and hotel. But I guess I need to just make due with what I got. I still need to figure out how to get my race suit before the day too. Back to swim. I was schedule for a Text workout, which means..time trial to assess Lactate Threshold. So I warmed up, and then did 3 x 300 yds with a 30 sec rest interval for some reason I’m still having some issues with needing to use the pull buoy during the longer swims. My lack of confidence is still a bit of an issue here, and I’m trying to justify this by thinking my pull buoy is how I’ll be with a wetsuit. Anyhow, I ended up doing the last 200 yrs of each trial with a Pull. So I finished each at 5:45 respectively. Which makes my T1 Pace time at 1:55 Min for a 100 yd swim. Awesome ! that’s better by 4 seconds then the one I did in July. But I have to be fair and add I did it with a buoy.
Tuesday -- I did a easy 45 min run on the treadmill at the clubhouse with Nicole. I kept my HR in Zone 1 and 2. Felt decent , but for some reason I was sore after, and the next day.
Wednesday—Another 45 min swim. Form work today, so spent a lot of time with drills and did distance up to 200 yds at a time to get some distance in (1600 yds) not great, but I’m focusing on form and endurance with doing the distance with the race, have to admit I’m still feeling a bit freaked on the distance, as I haven’t done it so far. But I’m going to do it, and I will DO IT!!
Thursday—60 min Strength. Again I did Yoga today, my Flexible Warrior routine with Energy, Abs, and Power. Felt good, my abs are feeling stronger just after two sessions. I do feel it a tiny bit in my back tonight but nowhere how I feel it after lifting, and needing to take pain meds. What was also nice about today is that I had it off. So I had originally planned to do my Brick workout for Sat since I would be working, but instead I slept most of the day. Like dozed til 11 am. J made lunch, layed down to read..and dozed again for another 2 ½ hours. It was great! And I went to bed early. Truly a recovery day! Awesome!!
Friday--- day off from working out. I vegged out on the couch and I watched a movie! J
Saturday—Still reeling from the affects of my recovery day J and since I had to cx my massage due to the Best Fest. I did a leisurely 30 min bike ride with Kahlua running by my side, and a walk with Joy and Teddy. A nice change with the “fall” like weather coming on. I felt very refreshed.
Sunday—Today I slept in again til 8am. I’m really digging this sleeping in thing. I’m craving it so much some weekends. But I keep plugging away at what I need to do and the final goal. I was out the door by 9:30 am and heading to Flag to ride/run with Stacy my training partner. We got on the road at Lake Mary by 12 noon. I had for breakfast of banana, Peanut butter on toast…stopped for coffee on way along with scone. On the ride I did a power bar, and water with ½ can of Coke at store for something cold with a shot of caffine and sugar. I got going on the ride and started my LTHR for 8 miles, then finished my two hours. I actually biked faster the last 25 miles…go figure then my trial with 8. Gonna chock it up to big hills. I got in 35 miles overall, and on the 60 min run got in 5 miles. I started out fast with Stacy at a 10 min pace, but when she turned around…I started my 10/2 run/walk which really helped. I felt better. I took in water on every walk, sip, dose head, repeat. Got in my chocolate milk in 30 min. and coffee for drive home. Was a bit tired at times, and noted a layer of salt on the skin. Will need to get some salt sticks/endurlytes . felt pretty good when home. Currently have on compression hose. And did take a ibuprofen and muscle relax for soreness in back. Doing well now. What was even better about today, is I was craving the long ride and workout! I am getting back on track with my training!!!