Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Swim Practice

So I finally started back to swim on March 1st.  In my first session I could feel that practice tweaked my back. Movements I hadn't done in a while. Yesterday on Day 2. I spent most of it doing Form and Drills with a easy 500 mixed in.  There was one drill that I did last year that always made me feel like I was going to drown. The "fist"drill.  Last night when I decided to try it. I ROCKED IT!  I have been doing my lifting and the Bent Arm Row Pull-Down?  that made me "feel the water" and I was cruising right along, no drowning feeling required! It felt AWESOME!   And my kicking felt good to, focusing more on mechanics. I then came home and did  45 min on the treadmill in Zone 2. Didn't get home til 9 pm.But oh..it felt good!!  Used my amp endurance mix before and during workouts, then protein powder and turkey burger for dinner.  I had to bribe my poor dogs with bones and lots of belly rubs for being in the cage all day.  Tried my compression hose all night sleeping. My legs feel GREAT!!!  Don't want to take them off!

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