Sunday, April 15, 2018

Week 12: The Antibiotics are on Board....

This is my Journey into my Return to Ironman- 2018. It's my journal/documentation of the ups and downs of what it takes to be an age-group athlete training for an Ironman triathlon. This is more of a way for me to remember what I am doing over the course of the training season.   As any Ironman Athlete can tell you, sometimes the days can blur into one training day of swim, bike, run after another. So, while some may not find this at all interesting, those that wonder...could I do an Ironman? Do I have what it takes to do an Ironman? I give you a peek into my journey and days to complete my next Ironman at Madison, Wisconsin on Sept. 9th, 2018.  Forgive any misspelled words/awkward sounding sentences. I'm pretty sure I'll be be happy just to get them down on the blog. Consider it a test of your mental skills to figure out what I'm saying. I hope you enjoy reading my journey. 

Overall Training Totals:

Swim           59,650 yds                26:41  hr/min

Bike            318.17  Miles             26:16  hr/min

Run             105.23 Miles              21:13  hr/min

Other/                                          5:00  hr/min

Overall  Training Time:                 79:10  hr/min

I have not much to say about this week. I had my doctors appt on Monday, and she agreed to get some bloodwork done. 

A neighbor down the street has lilacs blooming, I smell them every time I walk the dogs, It reminds me of my Grandmas lilacs. 

Tuesday morning, I went and got my blood work down in the AM, then when I got home from work, I went and did a easy 4 mile run.  I stopped along the way and got some Vitamin Sea.  

Wednesday, I slept, continued to feel crappy. Bought a water bottle for some pain, and even got some super expensive tea from a local. But it tastes good. I never would of pegged myself for liking tea, but I'm starting to enjoy it. 

Thursday I woke still feeling crappy. I called the doctor here, and req to see if  could get checked for a sinus infection. My Allergies keep getting worse, my head swirls when I clench my upper jaw. Even after a neti pot, Zyrtec at night, and Tynolel sinus during the day, I am getting no relief. I started to have sinus pain in my head and my nose. So, the doctor saw me in the afternoon.  After review of my bloodwork, which was perfect.  My B12, was only 25 points off the highest level.  I finally talked about sinus infection. She didn't feel I was showing the true symptoms (severe pain in sinus/head), unless I had a high tolerance for pain.  Which I briefly chatted bout my Ironman training, my gallbladder attack during the race with a two minute PR.  She looked up in my nose/sinuses, proceeded to block one nostril and asked me to  prove that I could actually breath through that.   Then sent me home with heavy antibiotics, steroid spray, and probiotics.  I'm three days out, and starting to feel better.  So hopefully I have figured out what I'm dealing with.  She wanted me to take off a week of training, but I said I already have. We agreed to take the weekend off and start back on Monday, slowly. And stop and rest if I felt worse. And only because my pool is salt water did she agree to let me start back in that until I had all my antibiotics in. So I get a nose plug. I already wear ear plugs.   

400 calories or I vomit.  Ensure for breakfast

Friday/Saturday   Since I had to take time off from training, I channeled my inner Uke Dork, and explored the local Use Festival in Fort Bragg for the weekend.  It was held at the Redwood Senior Center. And between the four of us travelers... We were the youngest of 90 people there, all over 65 and very dedicated to their craft.   Then a adorable under 10 yr old showed up.      

It could contain wine.....

Adorable cutie, he was also wearing shorts....

There was some blurry memories of the night. 

It's an Iron Thing....

My use

Blues in A

Hawaiian Fun.

Also going on was what they call a Fringe Festival for April in Fort Bragg.  I have to say, this was my favorite local entertainment. I did not go because i was at the Uke Festival.  But it was advertised in the local news paper. on Page 2. 

Sunday:  Woke to a antibiotics are working, cause I haven't had one in  a while with my allergies and infection. Then I of course took my meds without enough food not thinking cause I was tired. So I spent the day with nausea and in bed.  I will be back to training on Monday.  My coach has adjusted my intensity level for me.  At least I did manage in the evening to get in a little vitamin Sea.     

Sunday, April 8, 2018

Week 10 & 11...On track, off track, on track , off track..... oh F*&k IT!!!

This is my Journey into my Return to Ironman- 2018. It's my journal/documentation of the ups and downs of what it takes to be an age-group athlete training for an Ironman triathlon. This is more of a way for me to remember what I am doing over the course of the training season.   As any Ironman Athlete can tell you, sometimes the days can blur into one training day of swim, bike, run after another. So, while some may not find this at all interesting, those that wonder...could I do an Ironman? Do I have what it takes to do an Ironman? I give you a peek into my journey and days to complete my next Ironman at Madison, Wisconsin on Sept. 9th, 2018.  Forgive any misspelled words/awkward sounding sentences. I'm pretty sure I'll be be happy just to get them down on the blog. Consider it a test of your mental skills to figure out what I'm saying. I hope you enjoy reading my journey. 

Overall Training Totals:

Swim           71,650 yds                31:40  hr/min

Bike            345.38  Miles             29:00  hr/min

Run             139.18 Miles              23:59  hr/min

Other/                                          6:45  hr/min

Overall  Training Time:                 91:23  hr/min

Week 10-11 ( I knew there was no way it would last every week writing in my blog.)  

On track, off track, on track, off track, on track, off track.

Sleep thru alarm...allergy, neti pot, feel a bit better, evening workout, sleep.
Sleep thru alarm...allergy, neti pot, feel a bit better, evening workout, sleep. 

My weeks are turning into a hazy allergy induced Ironman training blur.  I know this is how it goes, it's been a while since I've had them. The allergies are new though, and thats driving me nuts. But I can't get my shit together lately. I have lost my mojo. I have been having good days and bad days.   I get pissed, I miss my AM workouts cause it usually feels good to have them done, then I bitch to myself that I missed it, but yet, have the evening to do it. Then, I'm tired, and need food.  Then, I'm ready to get to bed and start all over again.  My energy has been dropping... I just want to sleep.  

Week 10

I did good with my Monday, I got in my Bike workout, I even went and swam after my bike in the PM.   I was tired but I got it done.  The hot tub was nice.
Kahlua, just enjoying the breeze from the fan on the floor....

Tuesday, I actually got my butt up FINALLY and made it to an AM run workout on the treadmill. I was happy I got it done, I even got in my TRX lifting workout.  And then, it wasn't raining after work, but I was so drained from work I  needed to just go sit and drool in a corner, so I went to glass beach, and I stared at the glass....

My indigo glasses are a godsend right now...

Wednesday- Shit. Hit. The. Fan. I was so mentally not happy. I was grumpy, I was tired. I was emotionally drained, I just wanted to cry. I was in a bad place. So, I came home, walked the dogs, and curled up with my book, tea, and calming music.  It's been awhile since I've had one of these days. I think I titled it Z.F.G.  Yep, that was my day. 

Thursday.  Slept in, figures.  I got my run in in the afternoon, I ran outside and did my first speed work for my run. IT felt good. I felt good. I got in my TRX lifting session when I got home. I felt good.  Better day.   

Got a sweet homemade gift for late b-day present from a good friend. :)

Friday- Oh, PM swim.   Yep. AT least it only took 6 laps to warm up. 

Saturday- I am having a horrific time getting my Saturday workout in. SPECIFICALLY,  I can seem to get my ass on my bike and ride my distance. I am falling into my old ways from 2016, when I was starting to self sabatoge. I need to do something different. I had a killer headache, slept all day and allergies.  Mentally I could not focus, I literally only got up to walk the dogs, and do laundry. Otherwise. I was exhausted.  I don't know where to blame allergies, my mental psyche just dragging me down, the draining work week, and knowing I have a solid day to chill or maybe I need some red meat. I did finally get up around 6 and went to the tide pools to just recharge.

Sunday, April 1st.  Happy Easter!!   I woke still with allergies, got my meds on board, and got out the door for a decent 8 mile run. I felt relaxed and good.   Then I took the pups for a long walk on the ocean, playing down by the beach. the pups loved it!! Had a great time.  

Seafoam Ocean Art.


SO... I vowed to start off this week better.  And....I woke usual, accepted it, and got in my swim right after work and planned to ride my bike. Got some quick groceries on the way home, I was so hungay I couldn't focus. So I made some dinner, has some "Magic Mac and Cheese" and I felt better.  Just in time for bed.  (insert eye roll here). bike done. 

Packaged Crackerbarrel Mac and Cheese.  Yummmmm

Tuesday I woke, oh, late again. and got to work. I decided that I had enough...So I did my bike workout that I missed from Monday, I wanted no more excuses.  I figured I am doing good with my running, so I could skip that to get my missed bike in.  make up my run on Friday. 

Of course I also got home to find my sweet boy Kahlua was not feeling well, Like really not well.  He had trouble walking, Very slow, sluggish, very dazed and out of it, wide base of support.    I spent a restless night watching over him, and waiting to call the vet in the AM.  Baileys left eye was bugging him too.  
my boys. :(

Wednesday.  I called the vet early AM, I bawled on the phone like an idiot.(now realizing it was related also to my period starting 5 days early).  My boy was not feeling good. I got an appointment with him in the PM. He was better, but not his usual self. By the time I got him to the vet he was feeling a bit better, but not his normal self.  Got some bloodwork to check him out. Worried he might of licked something on the rocks or such on the beach on Sunday. But according to the vet, he looked okay :(   SO.... much $$$ later, I headed home.  He was eating, drinking, playing a little, but slow and poor energy.   I got my bike in, and went for my swim. Feeling slept deprived most of the day, and honestly I didn't eat because I was so worried  and focused on him. So my swim felt sluggish. I have been sleeping like crap the whole night/week actually with insomnia too.

normally he is freaking out, he just was chill. 

Thursday. Well what do you know, I slept in again, and the period showed up early.    I got my gear ready and planned for the treadmill after work, we are having crazy rain and downpours this week. So I got on the treadmill, expecting a possible crappy session, and it felt good in the end. My coach wanted me to push some sprints under 9:10 for 4:00 minutes at a time. Fast for me. and I actually felt good, I felt like I could have gone faster. But I managed to keep a good steady pace. SO, success for a workout.  
Got a call from the vet, Kahlua's Red Blood Cell count was low. So he's either got a slow bleed or something else going on. I was instructed to either come in for X-rays, or wait a few days to see how he does. I opted for waiting. As each day he seems to perk up a bit.  

no energy :(

Friday- I woke, surprise surprise, late again.  Thanks allergies, insomnia, and watching over my boy. He was better, but still not his normal self. I got in my swim after work, the pool was cold. Another 10 laps in to get warm. and the hot tub was closed :(   So, I stood under the hot water in the shower for bit.  I got home looking forward to chillin. I walked the boys in the pouring rain, it was a quick walk and both were more then happy to poop quickly tonight. Then we all chilled out with a good book and some tea, music. Once again, Insomnia ensued.  This is getting really annoying....

I just finished a book I have been reading on audio.  HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT.  It was Fantastic!! I loved it, and of course I started it last week during my decline of bike riding, and while I have been listening to it while riding, I still having not fully got my shit together. 
Highly recommended read! 

Saturday rolled around, woke up late, and seeing that Kahlua is still not 100%, I called the vet back.  We decided to wait until Monday  and bring him in if he was still not 100%.  And Oh, right, of course, my period.  Today was my massive painful cramps in bed day, hugging my heating pad, eating pills like candy day.  Crazy fatigue. and well you guessed it, I didn't do my bike ride. My body also has been really sore. My shoulders were crazy tight during my swim on Friday, so I just took it easy and got the workout in, not pushing to hard.    But, I did have one thing going for me. I had already scheduled a 1 1/2 hour massage for myself with a coworker who does massage therapy last week. Oh, man, talk about heaven.  She worked some Magic on my muscles.  I didn't realize how sore I really was until she got working on me. I always forget that about IM training.  We are so used to the soreness and pain, that we just deal with it. I was so relaxed after her massage, I went home, walked the dogs, and again, felt into a good sleep and reading my book until, well...late AM, because if I am going to be stuck up with insomnia  I might as well read and be productive.   

Someone is an excellent heating pad for my back....

Sunday-  Late insomnia nights, kill AM workouts, they also kill any workout when my cramps are crazy. Day 2 of Hell.   I seriously want to just cut out the ovaries, it's not worth the discomfort. I got up and while thinking I'd get my run in later. I still felt like crap after 15 min of getting up and moving around each time. So... my day once again was spent sleeping. I might of had some residual effects from the massage. My back was sore, or it was cramps or it was in bed for over 12 hours.   So I just accepted the fact that I screwed up my weekend of training again.   Self Pity Party of One....

Overall, my energy for this week was better then last week..... I think? But then it all went to hell Saturday and Sunday. I think I decided that I need to just do longer bike rides in the PM during the week, to make up for not potentially getting my ride on Saturday.  It' seems that by the time Saturday rolls around, I'm so fatigued from the week, I just want to do NOTHING on that day. So, should I do extra on my Monday/Wednesday rides? and a 3 hour ride Friday nights. And take off Saturday? I know I need to get in the long rides. I can't do it on the roads here.  I'm not sure how quite else to do it.  Or maybe I need to do a 7 day bike challenge like I did for my swim early this year and get myself moving on my bike.  Dedicate an hour a day on the bike. I need to do something and SOON!!!!  

Nature's Art.