Sunday, February 22, 2015

It's all GREEN this week!!!!

This is my Journey into the World of Ironman. It's my journal/documentation of the ups and downs of what it takes to be an age-group athlete training for an Ironman triathlon. This is more of a way for me to remember what I am doing over the course of the training season, as any Ironman Athlete can tell you, sometimes the days can blur into one training day of swim, bike, run after another. So, while some may not find this at all interesting, those that wonder...could I do an Ironman? do I have what it takes to do an Ironman? I give you a peek into my journey and days to complete my next Ironman.  Forgive any misspelled words/awkward sounding sentences. I'm pretty happy just to get them down on paper. Consider it a test of your mental skills to figure out what I'm saying. Hope you enjoy reading my journey.  I'll see you at the Finishline!!!

Current Training Totals:

Swim     11,650 yds              5:10 hr/min

Bike        87.54  Miles          6:50 hr/min

Run         35.92 Miles           7:37 hr/min

Overall  Training Time:       22:37 hr/min

WEEK THREE of IMB Training 2015

Finally!!! I Am In The Green!!! It's taken me three weeks to do it. But I finally have all my days accounted for and met for training. It's been a bit of a roller coaster for getting myself on track with this with the move, new job, etc. But I'm finally getting into my routine.  It feels good.

 One  things I've forgotten about training though, is I get INSANELY HUNGRY!!!  Like I've already visited the fridge 3 x since dinner tonight, and I had a HUGE bowl of my White Chicken Sweet Potato Stew.   I also have found myself  having a 2nd breakfast at work (mmmmmmm  bacon and biscuits and gravy).  I seem to be getting a reputation already for being food oriented :)  The good news is that I'm losing my "off Season" weight just fine. I think I'm already down at least 3 lbs. which I'm not worried about. I'm just focusing on trying to eat 80/20 with my clean eating. I discovered an amazing yogurt from CO, called Noosa.  It's super creamy and dairy free. I LOVE the raspberry.  

Started off the week good with a easy run and swim.  Everything felt good, but the hamstring was tight on the left. Again. I'm getting e-stim on it. I'm stretching, doing yoga, it's still giving me trouble.  I may have to get in to see someone about it sooner then later since it's not going away.  

Tuesday I had  a strength session.  Much to my dismay, I have lost my TRX Suspension system. I swore up and down that I had it. that it was in my tri bag, and nope, I searched for over an hour, twice, going through my minimal things making sure I didn't miss it. Can't find it anywhere. I know I had it...I checked with my friends i stayed with, and it's gone. there is a slight possibility it's in my storage unit. But i wouldn't know the first place for my friend to look to locate it. So...maybe, I just found my new birthday present to myself.  Sucks...totally sucks.
I had a good trainer session with Victoria for a strength session. But later, I had a very tweaky right  knee. I'm wondering if it pushed it too much.

Wed. I had the day off after working the weekend. And I slept in...nice, til 7 anyway.  Then I got up got cleaning the apt. took dogs for a well deserved walk, and got some shopping/laundry in before heading over to the Y for my swim/run/ and hot tub. My knee was still bothering me all night, and day. SO I took my run gear, but decided to swim first to see how it felt. It felt good in the end, so I went for the run. I almost had a entertaining fall off the back of the treadmill. I'm sure the Y Members behind me had an entertaining show....almost.  

Thur  I had another good bike workout, strength, and then a quick 15 min run. I also got in a nice hour long nap.

Friday was Strength day. I bought some weights, since I no longer have my TRX :( and got in the exercises that are recommended from coach. Then I cleaned ,and relaxed. 

Sat. I really slept got up let the dogs out, then slept til 10 ish, then 12 ish. My body was tired.  Was semi freaking about my re-test of my bike that I redlined miserably last week. Then to my surprise...I realized I used the WRONG NUMBERS!!!  No wonder I redlined!! I was using the HR Zone at 118-134, when I should of used the Zone for POWER at 99-118.  Talk about a major dummy move!!  Needless to say, this session went much better. No redlining for me. and my run was nice too.  

Sun. I woke to snow and COLD temps.  I had planned to start my run at 8 AM. But when I checked my was 7 degrees.  Oh Hell no.  So I cozy up a bit, and got my resting heart rate (55). then when It was 10:30, and still 11 degrees. I decided I didn't have a choice, because, I wouldn't go on a treadmill that long. So dressing in my polar fleece and base layers, I headed out. 

Boothill Cemetery- Past and Present Collide

As long as I didn't stop running, and kept my face covered with my fleece buff, I was good. I had to switch my water bottle every mile otherwise, my hands would start going numb. By the time I was done, I felt decent. But I realized quickly that the minute I took off my gloves...I had some fine motor difficulties, and I had to warm them up a bit, before I could drive my Escape back to the Y to get in my swim.  
By the time I got to the Y, I was freezing and getting quite chilly. I was praying for warm water, which it was thank goodness. I had only gotten a 1/3 of the way in my workout when I was shuffled out of my lane and had to move over due to something happening to the other open swim pool. I was not to happy, the guy though that let me share his lane was super nice. I wasn't able to fully get back into my rhythm, but I got my swim done.    I also got my blessed 10 min in the hot tub.  

I also, on spur of the moment went and picked up some cupcakes....yes, I was craving sugar. So I got a yummy white one and enjoyed it after my big bowl of Sweet Potato Chicken Stew.  I think Kahlua approved too, although, I admit..I didn't share. :)

My Inspirational Quote for this week.........

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ironman Boulder: Redemption Round, Take Two

This is my Journey into the world of Ironman. It's my journal/documentation of the ups and downs of what it takes to be an age-group athlete training for an Ironman triathlon. This is more of a way for me to remember what I am doing over the course of the training season, as any Ironman Athlete can tell you, sometimes the days can blur into one training day of swim, bike, run after another. So, while some may not find this at all interesting, those that wonder...could I do an Ironman? do I have what it takes to do an Ironman? I give you a peek into my journey and days to complete my next Ironman.  Forgive any misspelled words/awkward sounding sentences. I'm pretty happy just to get them down on paper. Consider it a test of your mental skills to figure out what I'm saying. Hope you enjoy reading my journey.  I'll see you at the Finishline!!!

So it's February 12th, 2015. I'm exactly 170 days out from IM # 3 and 1/2. Yes, that's right. My last IM didn't go as planned. It ended at mile 102 on the bike, lying flat on the ground with my feet up and ice under my neck. Shivering in the shade and trying not to pass out from the waves of numbness and dizziness.  I had my first DNF at Ironman Boulder 2014. I made really good friends with the Medic ( who I affectionally call Medic Angel Dan).  This is my finisher photo from last year. I hear he will be back next year to chase me around the course. This time...I'll high five him at the finish line.

Never in my wildest dreams, did I think this would ever happen. I felt like I was in the best shape of my life for racing and IM. I hired a coach for the first time.  I felt strong, I felt ready. But in the end, it just wasn't my day.  ( Scroll down to see my full race report from Aug 2014).    

 So, a lot of changes have happen since this race. I decided I HAD to make some changes. I quit my job, and started traveling therapy.  I kept my coach, because, I failed, not her. She got me ready to be the best that I could be and I know this year is only going to get better.   I finally bought a triathlon bike..... her name is Victoria (a.k.a. Goddess of Victory). 

Also, I'm including new nutrition in my training plans. More healthy eating, and I'm adding the BASE Performance regimen. I played around with it during my last 70.3  at Soma and had success with the aminos and the salt. I'm looking forward to seeing what the whole system can do for me. 

I made a pit stop along the way to Billings, stopping in Moab, UT.   I took a much needed three day R & R vacation and enjoyed a little hiking and mtn biking to recharge.  

Now I'm sitting in Billings, MT. I've had a bit of a slow start to my training, as I am getting adjusted to the "bugs" in Billings. Another words... I got my self sick with a head cold/sinus allergy crappy thing.  I am starting to feel better, but I'm still not 100%. So I'm trying not to overdue it and miss anymore workouts.  I hate looking at all that red.  It's a type A Ironman athlete's worst nightmare. 

But I have my training plan in hand, and Victoria is hanging out on her trainer. I'm signed up at the Y here in Billings, which had a major remodel. It's kinda like a spa now in the locker room. Individual lockers, individual showers, 55" big screen tv in a sitting area, a sauna, a hot tub.  All the good benefits of recovery, and "heat" training, that I'm going to need for IMB.  I'm STOKED!!  

I had some exercise induced/allergy induced asthma/breathing issues that also contributed to my DNF in Boulder. Before I left Prescott, and the recommendation of a SLP friend, I went to an ENT who diagnosed me with a vocal cord dysfunction. Which essentially, when under stress, my vocal cords close, making it hard to inhale. While they don't fully close, it's like I'm attempting to sprint while breathing through a straw.  Ironically, an SLP here at my new assignment just got back from a course on this and doing scoping in the throat to visualize the vocal cords, and needs some "volunteers" to practice on.   She's putting me on the schedule...and hooking me up with some exercises to getting this under control.  :) 

I'm ready to get this started!!!  I'm looking forward to KILLING it this year!!  

I have more to say, but for now I'm going to stop. I always end my blogs with an inspirational Quote. For my first blog of the 2015 season....This is what I leave you with.