Friday, July 25, 2014

One Week to Go!!!


                         Distance                    Time
SWIM                128,802  Yards          54:20

BIKE                     1,381 Miles           107:52

RUN                       314 Miles              60:23
Overall                                               222:35 hr/min

Well, thank god for taper week. This week has been rough to an extent. I have been feeling crappy, I took a day off of work on Wednesday cause I felt like I got some bug. Between the nausea, allergies, migriane headache, I was non vertical for most of the day.  I also, tweaked my back at work this week and have spent a lot of time on ice, resting and popping meds.  I'm for the most part calm, but yet, I'm starting  to freak out. So I cleaned. Needless to say, my house is ready for my house sitter.   

Monday- I got work in, and headed over to the Y for my swim. I felt ..."punk", maybe is the best word. I was ok, I got in my swim, but I just wasn't feeling that hot. Which I know this from previous Ironmans, you have the start of  your taper, and your body just is so happy for the rest, it try's to recover, so everything feels "sluggish".  And  you want your body rested so that you Peak for race day.  So once I got in my swim, I changed, and I was on my way home. 

Tuesday-  I must of ate something bad at work, because by the time lunch was done, I was nausous. and it never stopped, I got home and ended up taking a 4 hour nap. I then slept the rest of the night away. Maybe this was my bodys way to's a recovery day, like it or not, I'm sleeping, what are you doing? I didn't panic too much. I know anything I do now, is just to keep the body ready to go. 

Wednesday- I woke and still felt crappy, and everytime I was up for more then 5 min, I got nauseous. Between that, allergies, a migraine starting. I was just feeling non vertical. So I called into work, and slept til after 1 pm.When I woke I felt a bit better. And  not wanting to miss another workout...I managed to get on my trainer for my bike workout. I then rested the rest of the night and relaxed.

Thursday.-- Well Darn, darn, DAMMMMM IT!!! I did a transfer with a patient. I somehow lost my balance with him on the transfer and over we went. Me on the ground, him on top of me. But it was a slow motion kind of fall, so no one got hurt. Or so I thought. By the end of the day, I could feel my back tighten up.  So I opted out of my workout, and went home, iced, got Kineso tape on, and stretched.  Oh Crap, please let it be nothing. Shit, shit shit.    Looking back, I think it was more of a strain, as after we were on the floor, I was actually holding him up, and having to shift my leg several times, I think I just over strained my back while waiting for help to arrive. 

Friday- I woke to feeling okay, but as the day progressed, my back just kept feeling worse. So, with reluctance I wrote up a workers comp form to cover myself. I had decided to go get in my swim at the Y, thinking it would loosen up my back a bit. I drove through a monsoon, several times, as it and I were going the same way. When  I got to the Y, I should have known something was up with minimal cars in the parking lot. Once I headed in I was aware of the pool area, completely closed, lights out, not a soul in sight. I asked the front desk what was up. Apparently with all the storms, there was a hugh power outage, and it messed up the pool, the temp, the chemicals while being off for so long. So no swim tonight. Darn I was looking forward to trying ot stretch out my back in a easy workout. Of course I didn't bring my running shoes, SO I headed home to maybe see about doing my 1:30 run. But as I drove home, I saw more ligthening in the storm then I have all year, so I decided that probably wasn't the best idea.  I stopped off and got dinner at Sprouts.  Then through the rain once again to my Escape. And home. My back had significantly tightened up by this time. So I got advice from my coach to not even attempt to run. I got on my foam roller, my 20 min yoga gentle stretch routine for runners, to get my back, hamstrings, and quads good. I noted my left leg was feeling tight, and now my left calf was hurting too. What. The. Hell. Is. Going. ON???? It's like my body is shutting down. It better just get this shit over with, cause I'm not going to let it mess with my race. GRRRRRRRR   
The stretching sorta helped, and I got on the foam roller too, I still felt really tight in my lower back. :(  and so I broke down and took a Vicodin. I also took a hot shower to try and help relax the muscles. 

I made a healthy dinner, which of course didn't agree with me either tonight. Damm it.  And then I started to clean the house out of frustration and need to distracy my brain from thinking negative thoughts. So at least the house is  clean for when I leave next week. The house sitter, will be happy they have a clean place to stay.  

And as I cleaned, I started to freak out. I feel like I'm back doing my first Ironman again. I am freaking out about all the things that are going wrong at this moment.  I can't remember if that happened the last two times. I don't recall having this much trouble right before the race. Of course, I also didn't drop a patient on me either.   

But, thinking about the last few races I've done. It's hard to not compare them. I have found several differences between these races.  I had this question come up also. So here's what my brain thinks:

1. Race #1- No coach   Race 2-3: Have a Coach 

2.  Even though it's Ironman #3, It feels like it's my first Ironman. It's a new course, new place, new everything. Two different transition areas, and finishline.   

3. It almost became a non wetsuit swim. That could of really made the freak out more insane. 

4. This race is early in the year, hence. HOTTER, My body doesn't function well in races over 85 degrees. I've worked hard to train by running and riding in 90 degree temps this time, in prep for the race. I have good days, and crappy days.  OSMO and Coke are my friend. Apparently SPF 30 and then 50 still are not.  Can we say fried shoulders x 2.  

5. The goal is to finish ( Ok, not so different) . For this race, the actual time of when I finish, really doens't matter. Not for a first race, because it's always a PR for that race. Now if I do it again, Then I'll focus on time.  But, I've never raced a course with this many hills on the bike, or false flats, possible rain and thunderstorms, back strain, etc.  

6.  The first Ironman, you go in you blissfully don't know how much you will suffer. On the second one, and third one (I'm sure it will happen),  once your standing at the start line, ready to get in the water. You suddenly recall all that suffering and then think..."HOLY SHIT!!!  Why am I doing this AGAIN???"   You talk more to yourself, and try to compare the first race to the second instead of focusing on the present moment. That will MESS with your brain. And  you can't do that because each race, weather, course is different. EVEN the same course will be different.  Just STOP!! and focus on what you are doing in the present moment, and what you can do in that moment. And Enjoy the Moment, This is what you have worked for, for over 6 months. 

Ok, so somehow this turned into a pep talk, and my words of wisdom/advice to myself for race day. I'm going to stop, because I'm not able to focus. I'll add more later. 

I saw the weather report for Aug 3 in Boulder.  The temp has dropped to 80s, which is super nice, but it comes with a price of isolated thunderstorms. I'm pretty sure that will make it wetsuit legal (thank God!) , so at least that will be one less thing to worry about. I have my antibiotics all ready to go for after race day, since rain will also bring in high bacteria levels in the lake. Sweet.   

Guess, I now need to think about what I'll wear if I'm in rain all day. I know that I'll possibly need more layers, but I haven't trained in that, so I'm just sitting on this for a moment on what I would reallly need to take with me. And if my tri kit is soaked and I'm freezing starting the run, I may just want to do a clothing change all together, and run in my running clothes. I will just prepare for it all, and decide closer to race day.  Decisions, decisions.   Decisions
Of course the weather forecast has changed at least three times, each day. So who knows what it will really be.

ALL Posted above are the SAME DAY!!!  

 I am sorta freaking out that my back is hurting, because I really want to go into the race injury free. But I also know, from my history, that when I race injured, I tend to be more conservative, I follow my plan better, and end up doing better. So who knows, maybe this will be to my benefit. I will just have to wait and see I guess.

Saturday- I woke to a back less sore. I enjoyed my sleep in til 8 ish. Then I headed over to swim at the Y. I got in my 2500 yrds. My back felt like it loosened up a bit, but I also used the pull buoy to be safe at the 300 yd intervals. And since I will be using a wetsuit. I wasn't too worried about it. The nice thing about todays swim. Is I felt good. I felt like I could go out and swim the 2.4 Miles and be strong with the swim. So that made me happy. I kept telling myself, that I"ve already done the work. I've put in the distance of the Ironman many times in my training. I just need to put it all together on the day.  So I told myself to remember this "feeling" for race day. I felt strong and confident. Just where I need to be :) 

Once out of the pool. I  debated on the run. From coaches orders,  "swim First, if the back is tight, don't run."  So, it felt better, my back that is, and I decided to go just do an easy jog on the treadmill. shoot for 30 min, and see where I feel from there. Plus, I could stop at any time, where out on the trail, I'd have to walk back if I was not feeling good. So I started out at about a 15 min pace, and just went easy. I was okay. But when I threw in some 10:00 and 11:00 min paces, my back started to tighten up. So I stopped at 30 min. Better to be safe then sorry. I know , on race day if it hurts, I won't stop. I'll walk, but I'll keep moving. But not before. Its kinda of a once time thing. And I know I"ve put in the miles and I know I"ve done the work. So , I just need to get to the starting line, Healthy.   

I got more errands done in prep for leaving next week, and then once home, I got on my compression recovery tights, and relaxed the rest of the day.  Bed early. 

Sunday-- Woke late again. I was tired!!  I slept in till 8 AM. Sometimes, the only way to get out of bed, is to strip it. Hence, Sunday is always laundry day for sheets. 

I was up and out the door by 9 AM. The weather was mid 70s-80s with humidity, and cloudy. Hmmm....perfect prep for next weeks weather forcast in Boulder.  I was very mindful of my back, and focused on the plan, but I also went easy as I could. I did however, find that I wasn't drinking as much as I was in the high 90s for the last few weeks of training. I am noticing, that I train much better in the drier heat. So the humidiy may play a factor in my allergy/exercise asthma.    But I got in my three hours.  

Next up.. I finished up with my 40 min run, with 3 x 5 min bursts at 9:32 pace. Once again, the heat got a bit to me. I forgot to grab my arm coolers for the workout today, so I was hot. But luckily I didn't burn. So that's a bonus considering my entire back is peeling. Super.   At least the good news is that my back didn't hurt on my run. I made sure to take walk breaks.  Once home, I got in my hot shower, called home and then watched live feed of Ironman Lake Placid, and Ironman Canada (hopefully, my next IM with my FC Coaching teammates from AZ IM). Guess I better get a tri bike and my passport for that one!!  I've been reading about Ironman Boulder, and friends who are already up there, and seeing that the city is getting ready for us. I'm so ready to go!! EXCITED!!!!!  

Dinner at Left Ts Steakhouse again. I ordered my usual again....and yes, that included my blueberry pie. And now relaxing while I type this.  

My Boulder Ironman Race Plan arrived today!!!   I am so ready to do this!!!!  I've learned so much from the race in June for the 70.3, that I'm ready. I Trust my training, and the process, and my coaches words of wisdom. This will get me through the day to becoming an IRONMAN x 3!!!!!  

The Quote for this week: 

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Two Weeks and Counting!!! Taper Madness!!!

                  Distance             Time

Swim         124,152 yds       52:30 Hr

Bike            1317 Miles       103:26 Hr

Run             308.43 Miles    59:11 Hr 

Overall                               215:07 Hr/Min

Ahhhh.....taper, I'm one week into taper, and two weeks out from my 3rd Boulder Ironman. This time in two weeks. I should be about 1/2 way through my 26.2. I'll be about 11-12 hours into my race, running on the Boulder Creek Path. Taper is a funny thing.  You are so darn happy to FINALLY be in taper, because all your hard work is finally done. And you FINALLY, FINALLY have an end in sight, The race is near.  And then your body decides to do crazy things to you.  You become so tired, that you feel more tired then when you were training. It's your bodys way to start recovering and get you ready to go for race day. Then your brain plays tricks on you, "why are you stopping?" "Are you sure your ready?" "Maybe you should do just a little more?"  "I'm tired, lets sleep" "I'm hungry, lets take down that pizza"  "wait, there's ice cream in the freezer?  how long has that been there?"    "wait...what day of the week is it?" 

My Brain, in combination with Ironman Fatigue Mood. Also has a Taper Mode. It. Forgets. Everything.   For example, here are some fun things that happenend my first week of taper. 

My friend, had a birthday on the 17th. But when the day rolled around, and I saw some friends wishing him happy birthday on the 17th on Facebook. I texted him and said.  Birthday? It's your birthday? It can't be, because I know it's on July 17th. And I'm either seriously messed up with training or I got the date wrong..."   Ten minutes later, before he responds... My next text.   "Umm.. yes, Yes I am messed up considering I think it's JUNE 17th. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!, We will celebrate....after my race. So I can actually know what day it is. 

My body also decides everything hurts, my back pain doubles and i get zingers down my leg. My knee gets more tweaky, and well, my darn asthma decides to return for the hell of it.  All I can say to that is, get it all out of the system now, because I'm not letting any of that stop me from having a good race. 

Ice Cream....When the hell did I buy that? and how long has it been in the freezer?? I really could of used some chocolate the other night.  Ohhhhh...hey look!! Thin Mints!! That's right! I'm bringing them to Boulder to enjoy after my race. :) 

I am now on a first name basis with several of the waitresses at Left-Ts Steakhouse down the street. they now ask..."do you want your usual?"
I wonder how long the new sign has been up, less then a half a mile from my house. Luckily the owner at Left-Ts tells me, it just went up last Wednesday. Okay good, I'm not losing my mind...yet. 

I just realized that I forgot I had Blueberry Pie in the fridge...(pause) eating said pie....I burned 1966 calories today. I think Im safe to eat it. 

Fourty minute naps in the car,  sitting in the parking lot of the YMCA, is very acceptable as a pre workout nap.  Yes, this happen both Monday....and Wednesday. But I reallly enjoyed listening to the rainstrom on Monday. it was very soothing. 

It's also was a great four hour nap on Thursday when I got home from work.  Turned that day into recovery.

You unintentionally bare some of your soul on Facebook, and get more responses of support then you ever imagined.  Thanks by the way :) 

When Fatigued, Attempting to put on your Compression SKINS Recovery gear....can get a bit tricky. The tights are okay, but the top requires you to be either a contortionist or double jointed. Needless to say, the dogs freaked out a bit when I got stuck and was jumping around the bedroom trying to get the top on, I won't deny or confirm some hysterical giggling was also heard, along with some cussing.   

Distraction is my middle name.  Mmmmmm the blueberry pie is very tasty.

I'm sure there were more, but I honestly.   I Forgot at this moment. 

  So this first week of taper brings, finally a first week of doing all my workouts that were scheduled. Now, I know, sometimes you can't make it always work. But I was happy to have the Training Peaks show all green for all workouts completed.  I has a week or two with some Red mixed in for not completed, and man, does that mess with your mind.  So I'm happy to report I got them.

Monday ---

Today started with, as mentioned, a nice pre workout, 40 min nap during a thunderstorm at the Y. Then when I got into swim, I was just so tired. That I could hardly lift my arms. I know part of this is due to I got in my long bike ride on Sunday.  So going 1:20 min with no stops, and no assist with pull buoy, etc was tough. I ended up getting in about 2000 yds with nothing, but then mixed in the last 1550 with the buoy, doing 250 without/250 with, until time was up. I also was noticing my shoulder was bugging me. My tendonitis felt like it was returning, so I taped it up with Kineso tape and it got me through okay. 

Tuesday-  Home from work and taped up my knee with Kineso tape and off I went on my 1:10 run with  90 degree heat. Good training for Boulder.  I kept the intensity down a little bit per coaches orders. Other then writing this. The only thing I can really remember about this workout, is that I was done by 5 PM. The earliest I"ve been down with a workout in like....months. 

Wednesday-  I got to the Y, got in my pre workout nap of only about 20 min, as the car heated up pretty quick. I got my swim in, but had to pull out the pull buoy again, and the Kineso tape on my shoulder. Home...dinner....bed early. 

Thursday-   Today was supposed to be my bike day. But when I got home from work, i wasn't feeling so hot from something I ate. So I laid down for a bit, which turned into about a four hour nap. I managed to get up and change my plan to day off :). Then, honestly , I went back to bed.  I ate half a bag of crackers, because I was still not so good with my stomach.  

Friday--- DAY OFF From work!!  But not a rest day really for me.  I got my BRACES OFF TODAY!!! 

I'm no longer a metal mouth!!!  I got a permaent retainer placed on my bottom teeth. I then headed out and got some much needed errands done while I waited for my other retainers to be done by 1:30 pm. I picked up some items from the store, I got some stuff for the dogs. I got some of my training food for Boulder for race day. I got a coffee to celabrate my braces being off.  I got my haircut, finally after about 4 months, it was in dire need. My split ends were getting split ends.  Then back to get my retainers.  Home to do my 2 hour bike ride. Watch Movie, rest and bed. 

I must of been feeling pretty emotional with the excitement of my braces...finally coming off. As I posted a pic on Facebook with some  personal thoughts. Which I wasn't really trying to gain any sympathy, but somehow, I got some really sweet comments from my dear friends all over the US. Bless them for never letting me feel sorry for myself. I cried reading those comments. It was a emotional day. 

Saturday-  Woke today, and noted I slept wrong with my back, as I had a weird twinge in my low back, anytime I moved my right leg, it's shoot across the back, almost making me feel like It was giving out. and shoot a bit down my right leg. GRRRRRR  Made it through the day with work. Then once home. I got my new shoes to try out. Debated if I should run, but I decided i would just try it, and take it easy. I ended up doing okay. I did back off the intensity. The real problem happened around an hour or so out. when my Exercise/Allergy induced Asthma decided to make a surprise appearence in the middle of my run. I could tell immedeiatly once I breathed in, that what ever bothered me last March/April was back, so I slowed down for a bit and walked, then easy ran my way home. I used my inhaler and just sat for a few minutes to make sure i could keep going. i had 45 minutes left. So out the door i went, I got in my last 8 min run at and easy 9:30 pace. But I noticed that my heartrate was all over the place. Which of course is a side effect of the inhaler, being tachycardic. So I had to nix my last 4 x4 fast pace runs. I noted that everytime I walked I was okay and went into zone 1 for HR. But the minute I started an easy jog in the 12:00 pace, which was super easy, i could watch my heartrate shot up into the zone 4-5-6 within 20 seconds. So my last 35 minutes became focused on just running at a comfortable pace, and trying to keep my HR in the Zone 4. But I ended up walking more than running.  Lesson Learned: Always take your inhaler now for running. GRRRR  But then if you must take it, your planned workout is really screwed.   Home, Stretch, Hot Shower, Recovery....tights.  Dinner, Sleep.

Sunday-- Well, I was happy to have only a 4:30 ride today. But I apparently was also happy to sleep in.  I slept through all my alarms, only to be woken by the dogs jumping on me to wake up. I got out the door around 9 ish. But that's okay in the end, because I needed to train in the heat to prep for race day. I noticed the moment I got on my bike and began to pedal, I felt my back twinge again, and again. Oh....crap. But I just focused on going slow and warming up. As long as i was going easy, and using my legs to power me on the bike, not the back, it was okay.  But I had to stop every 15-20 miles and get off the bike and do some stretching on my hamstrings, and back. I kept my salt tablets to every hour and a half. and I once again was out of all bottles of fluid on the ride, twice. I was so hydrated at the beginning, that I made a pitstop behind a tall clump of weeds. Hey when you got to go, you got to go.  I for the most part did okay, but the brain started freaking out with my back. So after I stopped at the gas station and refueled for a few minutes. I headed out and went up the hill by Williamson Valley Rd. I was okay, but i really couldn't power at all with my back, it felt like it was giving out. So I turned around and headed home.

 I was nicely aided with a 15 mph wind all the way until i got to Fain Rd. Then it turn and I had a lovely 15 mph headwind. Which slowed me down considerable. So I really just focused on what I would do if this happen during race day.  Let's pray it stays calmer, because I was going butt ass slow.  I ended up taking an extra 20 min to get home. I also, got pretty toasty on my back. So much for thinking the 50 SPF would work. :(      Now, when I got about 12 miles out, I had to take another rest/stretch break. From here I was pretty set that I wasn't going to be able to run for my brick when I got home. But as the last miles rolled by, my back started to feel a bit better. So when I got home. I changed, and got on my new kicks to try again. I did stretch out and  put my feet up on the wall for about ten minutes. Then I headed out and got in my 40 min. Which some where I got confused and it wasn't until I was five min out that I realized it was 40 ...NOT 45. So I got a few extra min in my run. But I stopped a lot under the trees, as it was hot, my back was already fried, 

and I even put on more sunscreen.  The arm coolers are giving me some new tan lines too, but they are helping with the heat, so I really don't care.  I seem to be having an allergic reaction to the sun too. So I got some sexy, hive like spots on my legs where my bike shorts meet.
 It's happen in the past, nothing hurts, just ugly to look at.   They should go away in a day or two.   Home...Store for Ice, Then Hot shower, Call home. Then Left-Ts for dinner. Nothing like steak and blueberry pie to make all right in the world.  Home. struggled into my compression clothing (giggle, giggle). Called Home. and now here I am. Finished for the night. Eating the rest of my pie. and ready for bed. Can you tell I'm done? I'd try and say something more insightful, but the brain is just not firing on all cylinders right now.  So..... Two weeks and counting. TWO WEEKS!!!!  

                                                                                                                     I CAN, and I WILL


Saturday, July 12, 2014

21 days and counting- Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde appear.....

                      Distance.           Time

SWIM             118,002             50:03

BIKE               1228.83             96:37

RUN                290.66              55:28
Overall                                    202.08

This has been my week of training. One day I feel good. I get in a good workout, only to go to bed and wake up the next day and be so mentally exhausted, that I don't recognize the good work I've put in for training. I'm not sure how to deal with this?  My body feels strong, but once I get out started on the workout, I bonk about an hour in. Is it nutrition? is it fatigue overall? Is it mental?  is it burnout? I can't put a finger on what the problem is, so I can try and fix it. That or I'm just to tired to see what is right in front of me and I miss the very obvious solution.  I'm just not sure.  It's like Dr Jeykell and Mr Hyde. I feel good one day, doing well, and then Hyde swoops in during the night and wrecks havic on everything I've done, and turns me back two steps. Luckily, i'm not out attacking anyone with a cane and killing them.  But maybe Hyde is doing that to my psyche, making me doubt all that I'm doing. Feeding off my fears of doing a race that makes me scared, makes me face my fears. I've been nervous about this race for a while, since I've signed up a year ago if I'm honest with myself. Mainly because the bike is filled with hills and false flats that are my biggest weakness on the bike.  It was also one of the reasons I choose to do this race. I am facing a big fear of mine.  I've never been one to claim I'm fast at this type of race. I know some people like to talk about how they place and brag about how many races they have done, and where they place, and that's fine for them. But It's not like that for me. 

Racing Ironmans for me is about: feeling alive, feeling blessed that God has given me a body to do this type of exercise. It's about the endorphins, and feeling happy, it's about the challenge of being able to do this race in honor of others, when many cannot. It's about having FUN!!  Living in the moment!  Meeting amazing new people and making new friends. Pushing my body to places that I don't think it can go, and then, push a little further. I don't really care where I place in the mix of things, I just want to finish!  That feeling is the same, weither you are first or last, it's about crossing the finishline.  Time is just a number, it's really about the journey, the finish is the icing on the cake. 

This race in Boulder....I'm definatly nervous. It's new ground for me. I do have some knowledge of the course. I've swam in the lake, got a PR for the swim in the Half this past June. But at the time, I thought I was swimming poorly. I let myself not relax and just have fun. I have some fear that it's going to not be a wetsuit legal swim and that makes me nervous. But I also realize that I can still wear a wetsuit if it's over 76.1 degrees. I m just not eligilbe for awards..LOL like that's an issue. So, I'm taking the pressure off. I'm not going to worry about it. Historically, the 1/2 in Aug has always been wetsuit legal. So I'm going on faith that it will be this time too.  

The bike. I keep reading about people riding the course, they say to be ready for hills. "Rollers" in Boulder standerds.  The back half between mile 67-87? it's a long slow 20 mile false flat. Then, hills kick back in the last 10 miles. But really they say, it's the wind that will get you on the back half. So, I don't expect a fast bike ride. In fact, I expect it to be a good 30 min or so longer. My goal of course is to just finish in the time allowed.  

The run: It's all on pavement. My knees already are hurting thinking about this. But that's also what I've been training on. I normally hit up my trail thats all dirt for the run,but I've been sticking to my neighbourhood which is  all pavement and sidewalk. Speaking of my knee, it's starting to give me more trouble again. The last few weeks, well if I'm honest, it's been since Whiskey Row 1/2 in May, it's been tweaky on and off over training. And then, my bike which has been good, now it's tweaky there. I've made a few adjustments, and my fitter has as well, and my training with my coach too. But its just sitting their nagging at me. One of my goals for this race is to not let what happen the last two Ironmans where my knee just goes to shit at mile ten of the run. My AZ IM 13 race, it actually went numb by mile 18 and gave out by mile 22 forcing me to walk the last four miles.  The fear of having to stop doing Ironmans because my body just can't handle it, sits silently  and festers in the back of my mind. Maybe it's time to let me focus on 70.3's which doesn't beat up my body as much.  But my heart just says, stop....lets not go there just yet.    

I'm not sure why I have more fear of this race then the last two. Well, wait, yes I do, for all the reasons listed above.  I need Dr. Jekyell to help keep Mr. Hyde and all his negativity at bay. I need to find that solution to help me push through the rough patches. It funny, this isn't my first Ironman, but It feels like it is at times. I am always learning something new about myself with these races. And that's really what it's all about in the end, right?   Learning what you can overcome? Learning what you are capable of?Learning  not to give up when things get tough? Having faith  in your training plan, and knowing that a few setbacks are not going to make or break your race?  Learning how to do it all on your own?  Without the help of a support crew?   Learning how to push through that Ironman Fatigue, when all  you want to do is sleep. I just need to Let is be. Focus on what I can control.  What is within my ability to control, and the rest will come.  
 On to training week.

Monday ----I did a mock open water swim in the pool as if it was non wetsuit legal. Just get in the water and swim.  I managed 3550 yds in 1:20 min. I was pleasantly surprised with that. I also know that i didn't have a long bike ride the day before that fatigues me. I missed it. So I think this is because I had some energy in the tank from sleeping all day on Sunday.   A good start to the week. 

Tuesday-- I got home only to enjoy a two hour unexpected nap, then got my butt on the trainer around 7 ish. I got in an hour on the bike with a consistant pace.  Nothing exciting here,but glad I was done. 

Wednesday-- I was feeling the fatigue, and the pain, my back, my right shoulder blade, everything was hurting. I made to to the Y for my swim, and I just focused on getting the swim in, had to use the pull buoy cause I was just tired. Once done, I got on the treadmill cause of time. and I managed to get in my first two of three intervals. But my knee was feeling a bit tweaky, I went ahead and taped it to be safe. But by the third interval. I literally bonked, and bonked hard. Like full on....BONK. I had to walk. everytime I attempted to run, even at a slow pace, my body just shut down. What the hell is going on? Mr. Hyde?  Why are you doing this to me now? It's been my constant companion of late. Bonking during my workouts. I decided it was nutrition. I was determined to finish my time, even if it meant walking. I'd do it at the race right? So I walked, the last 35 min of my workout, I walked, but I did it. and I got it done. GRRRRR    grabbed my gear and headed home. I stopped off and got food because I knew I was not going to cook.I almost fell asleep in the drive thru line. Luckly the car in front of me had  loud motor and I heard it move. But I managed only to eat half of my meal on the way home. So I worked out for at least 3 hours with 1000 cal burned, and barely got that replenished. I got home and did a hot shower, and barely made it to bed. I sent out a plea to my massage therapist to see if she had any openings. 

Thursday---  Blessed day off. the only thing I could think of was coming home from work and sleeping the night away.  But i got a response from my massage therapist, and i was off to get a massage at 4 pm. Whew. I needed it. I was so sore,my  back my hamstrings, my shoudler. she worked hard on all of the areas I was hurting. And I hurt when I was done, but a good hurt. I made it home made a good dinner, and then to bed.  

Friday--I woke sore, but not as sore as i have been. I got into work and got through the day. Once home I got my bike in. I started noticing that my knee was getting uncomfortable on the bike again. I adjusted my seat a hair. It seemed okay. I really feel like my right side is constantly "tight" like it's on the verge of cramping in the calf. ANd the hamstrings are always always tight. I have gotton on the foam rolller, but it never feels anything with the hams, more the quads and IT Band.  After my bike, I headed out for my 30 min run, which at the easy pace, I felt fine, my back didn't hurt, my knee didn't hurt. I felt like I could run that pace for a while. Once home, I got my recover drink on board, I got in a long hot soak in the tub with epson salts and essential oils. Dinner, Avengers movie, bed.  Happy that I could sleep in tomorrow. 

Saturday--- I woke today feeling so tired and sore. I slept in until 9:30 AM. WHEW!! I had a plan to go run at noon for my two hour run, so I could enjoy the morning relaxing, breakfast, and then get out in the heat for training. Well I got in breakfast around 10 ish, then fell asleep on the couch, til noon, then I decided I'd go run at one, slept until 2 pm, then decided I'd go at 3, slept til 4 PM. So my day was sleeping...all day. My back was what felt sore the most.  I felt "strong" but "weak" like I had no energy to go run. But finally I got my butt up off the couch and got out on my run around 5 ish. And it was everything I could do to just say at a 10:00- 10:30 pace. I felt that "strong" but yet, weak and couldn't get my body to move.  It's hard to describe the feeling. I do realize that it was still in the 90s when I started to run, and I don't do good in the heat over 85 degrees, so I'm happy that I was able t manage 3 x 10 min sets at a 10 ish pace.  My planwas for 2:20 hr/min. But I only managed 1:28 with the heat, my body tired. I thought it would be my knee that would bother me to night, but it was my lower back, that tightened up on me. ALOT, I opted to follow my coaches advice to lessen the intervals/intensity and cut workout short if i needed to. And with thoughts of how last weekend went where I missed my entire bike ride due to sore from the run. I stopped my workout early.I was a bit bummed, but Mr. Hyde had reared it's ugly head again.   I really wanted to meet all my workout goals this week, but I know that my bike tomorrow is more important and I cannot miss that one two weeks in a row.   Hydrate, eat clean and rest. This is the rest of my night. oh, and order new shoes.  

Sunday- Woke today, dreading this long 6 hour ride. Mainly because I was certain Mr. Hyde would make an appearence. I got a late start, the plan was out the door at 6 am. It was more like 7:30 AM. But that's okay, because I just have to ride more in the heat, which is really what I need for Boulder. I surprisingly felt good. Must of been those 3 - 2 hour naps yesterday. My back didn't hurt, my legs were sore but once I stretched them out on the bike, they started to feel better.  It got hot quick! And with the humidity, I had a bit of a stuggle with breathing but nothing to bad. So I focused on 90 rpm. I had to do 3 X 15 and 3 X 30 in my low zone 4. For some reason I just couldn't get myself in the zone to stay there consistantly. My biggest issue with power, I either have cadence right or I have power right, and if I have power right then my cadence is in the 70-80s zone. So after talking with my coach, it was recommended to focus on cadnence if i couldn't stay in power zone. SO that's what I did. I focused on cadence. I never looked at my power in the end, I don't even know what my average was. So be it. I did however find that when I focused more on the cadence between 85-90, I felt....good. My legs were tired but not to tired after a hill climb. I climbed the "big"  hill twice and amazingly, I didn't get any back pain. I think I figured out what I was doing. I was so focused on my cadence or my power, that I'd crank on the gears and use my back,  not my legs to power up the hill. So when I felt myself doing that, I'd focus on switching my push to my quads..and low and behold, no back pain. How silly that something so simple escaped me. So along with this, because I was not  using back muscules to power up the hill...hmmm my knee didn't bug me. Not once!!!  Whew!!!  I did manage to run through all three of my water bottles Twice!!!  It was in the 90s on my ride.  So I made a pit stop every two hourss at my now favorite gas station, where the attendent said to me, " Oh hey! You did say you would be back next week didn't you?!!" I told him to expect me for the next few weekends. And of course i did say hello when I came back for a second time. Nutrition. I had it today!!  I had my stash bars every 30 min, my water/OSMO every 15 in between or more if needed. I took a salt tablet every 1 1/2 hour and had success, so three on my total for 6 hours.   I managed to cruise into home just before the storm  hit. and got the last 8 minutes on my trainer, where the stupid garmin decided to download so I had to have to seperate downloads for the bike.  Then I checked in on my Team racing in Vietnam 70.3.  Then I headed out for my easy 30 min run, which again, no back pain, and no knee pain. Wheewwwww!!!! While I wish I had more miles then 83 on the bike...that was a huge boost and good training ride for me. I made a point to hit up some false flats at miles 60-80 somewhere so I could simulate how it will be for race day. I also noticed that I had over 3000 feet of elevation gain total. That's nice, considering that's close to what Boulder elevation change will be.  Overall, the day had a few head winds and side winds mixed in with 90 degree temps,  it was cooking in some parts on the road, but clouds would also roll in and cool me off for a bit. This made for a perfect training day for Boulder. I also tested out my new arm coolers. and I must say, they may look funny, but once those babies are wet...It feels NICE!!!!  I did not however like them when they were dry, and it felt like I was starting to get to hot.  Thank you Dr. Jekyell for keeping Mr. Hyde away. I needed a good day on the bike.  Ice bath and recovery drink completed after the run, along with a hot shower and compression recovery tights on.  I also enjoyed a pizza and a beer for dinner in a far away cheers to my FC Teammates who rocked their races. And when I say pizza, I mean pizza. I burned over 2000 calories. The pizza only covered about 1300 calories. Yes, I'm still eating. :)  

Best thing about the next three weeks??  TAPER BABY!!! TAPER IS HERE!!!  Three Weeks to Race Day!!!  

Resilient People Look
At The Problem and Say,
"What's The Solution?
What's This Trying To
Teach Me?  

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Month Five- Post 70.3 Race- Long Month, It's a Blur, Ironman Fatigue, Feeling It.....

                    Distance                        Time
SWIM        111,452 yds                  47:31 hr/min

BIKE          1109.34 Miles               88:01 hr/min

RUN            279.25 Miles               53:00 hr/min

OVERALL:                                    188:32 hr/min

My next three weeks of training have been a bit of a blur. I finally just posted my race report this  past week. My parents followed me home to AZ, and spent two wonderful weeks, hanging out at my house and exploring the area. The dogs loved not being in the crate for two weeks, and hanging with "grandpa and grandma". My Parents also survived two weeks with no TV. Watched the most movies they ever have in their life! LOL and managed to stay awake to watch them!  I'm very sad to see them go, but happy they currently are back home and safe and sound.  
My brain is a bit fuzzy yet, as I've been so busy with work, training, and my parents visiting. So this blog isn't to exciting training wise, and not as detailed as it probably should be, It's more journal like for what I did with training, my parents time here, memories.   Offically  Week One, was Race Week. So only three weeks are posted  here on this blog.  
Ok, let's see what I remember...... back to training....

Week Two

Monday-  After the race in Boulder. It was a rest day, thank goodness, so I slept in sort of. Then met up with my parents, and we went exploring downtown at Pearl Street Mall. Had Breakfast downtown, Found some fun things to purchase, and Dad "pet" and Elk, debated if Crick-ettes would be a good protein source on the bike for Ironman ( no, no I don't think so!), as we got back to the Escape, I got my first parking ticket!! (I had payed the meter, via App, but I didnt have any proof in the window. I appealed it when I got home, and they said I was okay and cleared, so no ticket)  We headed to a mall about 30 min away, for Mom to look at some Pandora charms. She recieved a bracelet for her retirement, and $ to purchase some beads, She got a bicycle to represent me, and actually bought an Ironman charm as well!!  We ate dinner at California Pizza Kitchen, and then we headed back to hotels to pack. All of us were in a daze, I think the rush of my parents to get out here, retire, etc had caught up with them. Or plan was to  have them meet me at the rental and we would head off to AZ at check out. 

Tuesday- I was up early to get in my 2:00 ride on the Ironman course, but I literally bonked on the ride about 40 min in. My legs were toast from the race, and I was just sore. My back was hurting still and I decided to call it.  So, Headed back to the rental and took a shower, finished packing and waited for Mom and Dad.  Once they were there, we organized our driving plans, and headed home for AZ!!  We made it to Albq. Had a few issues with finding a hotel, but we made it to the West side of Albq.

Wednesday- Woke and after breakfast, we headed on our way to AZ!!  Stopped at the AZ State Line to get a photo of Mom and Dad, I still have one of them when they came to drop me off when I first moved out here in 2002.  We made it home to my place around 4 ish and ordered take out from Left-Ts and just relaxed for the rest of the night.

Thursday I got in my run. I had planned to get up early to get in my swim, but I was feeling super drained and tired from all the traveling and the race on Sunday, so, I just ended up with a hour run in the evening. Took the parents out to explore downtown Prescott, hit a few shops, ate at The Palace. Got one of my favorite photos of the trip!!!  Mom and Dad walking on Prescott Square. Makes me so blessed to  have two of the most amazing, kind, loving parents. They are a true inspiration. I just wish that one day I can find what they have.  

Friday - I was back at work.  Once home, I jumped on the trainer and got in my bike ride, and then my transition run. I was feeling ok for the first time since the race. But it was a short workout.

Saturday- I woke semi early, got to the Y around 8 ish, and got in my longer swim. But I had planned to go and get in my run. But I was feeling pretty crappy after the swim, and so I ended up not running as planned. I was still not recovered. My parents were tired too, so we kinda had a movie/nap marathon! LOL

Sunday- I had a 4:00 bike, I was hoping to get out at 6 ish, ended up 7 ish, and was done by 11 ish, as I went to go do my transition run, my dad, bless him, ran to the store to get me ice for my ice bath when I was done.  And after I soaked away in the bath. We all relaxed with a movie and just vegged out for the night. 

Week Three

Monday- Had just a nice easy 3200 swim at the Y, and then headed home. It's been really nice with my parents here. They have been really helpful to me. Dad had dinner cooked by the time I got home, I could just relax and enjoy spending time with them. They headed out to Sedona and got in their red rock fix.  

Tuesday- I was home after work and on the trainer for my workout and my tranisition run. I'm not sure what happen, but I got knee pain reminiscent of my AZ IM 13 race :(  So I got in some stretching, relaxed, and after consulting with my coach, decided to skip my long run for Wed. In retro spect, I think that pain was from not getting in enough miles on the bike,  prior to the race, then going hard at the race and going more then I have in training.   Mom and Dad explored downtown Prescott again, as they didn't get to check out all the shops, and wanted to revisit a few. Dad got some interesting "items' at the store. 

Wednesday-  Headed out after work got in my swim, my knee felt okay, but I'm glad I didn't do the long run. So I got a bit of a breather, and much needed recovery.   Celebrated Kahlua's 9th Birthday!!! He got to enjoy some Frosty Paws!!

Thursday- Blessed Day off.  Got in some quality time with the parents, and just relaxed. I feel like I've been going non-stop and haven't had time to "veg out"

Friday-  I was back on the trainer  and a transition run. Which I was  happy to report to my coach that my knee felt better.   I was happy the week was done, but sad that my parents would be leaving after the weekend.

Saturday- I was up early to get in my swim, and then home to go to Jerome with my parents, and take them over the mountain and explore the town. Mom picked up a few nice things, then managed to climb three flights of stairs with her knee that likes to give out and we ate at the Haunted Hamburger. The view was pretty amazing, and while it was pretty darn hot. I think they enjoyed the little town. I did run down and grab the Escape so neither of them had to go down the steps, and we headed home.  Once home, my "plan" was to do my run in the heat of the afternoon so I could get some acclimation to the heat for the race. Well, I must of been pretty overheated /dehydrated from Jerome. Once home, i knew I wasn't going to be able to run, I felt a "red Zone" moment coming on. And with the memory of the 70.3 run in the heat in my head. I knew I wasn't going to do it. I still felt pretty tired from everything. So I enjoyed my nap, and we watched another movie before heading off to bed.

Sunday- I had a 5:00 ride to get in. I wasd determined to get this ride better. So, was up by 6 am and headed out around 7 AM.  It was hot, but good training for the race. So I paced myself good,, but I kept running out of "gears" on my bike, so My cadence was pretty low at times. I did take a salt tablet every hour and was staying good on my nutrition. I was finally having a good ride!!! Then after salt tablet three, I realized I had to much. So I found salvation in a gas station and got some cold water, and a "Nectar Of the Gods" drink  aka Coke. and was able to finish the ride strong. I FINALLY, had a good long ride. So I hope to recreate this for the next few long rides. But I'll need to adjust the salt tablets to maybe every 1 1/2  hour so I don't have the same issue.   Once Home, I had no recovery run, but my dad still ran out and got ice for me.  And then we headed into town to get them what they needed for traveling and heading home.  Once home, I helped Dad pack the truck. I was starting to get teary eyed, I was really going to miss them. I have been so happy to see them, and have them finally out to visit me. They had a really good time. So good, mom didn't want to leave, and dad commented how it'd be nice to buy a home here, and if the house i was currently living in was for sale. He really liked the community and got to know a lot of my neighbors....better then me! LOL  

Week Four- 

Monday- This was a rough day. My parents left. Well, I left first, heading off to work. I got the "cowbell" send off. I was pretty darn emotional, as I really just was going to miss them a lot. I hadn't seen my family in over a year and a half. The last time I was home was Sept of 2012.  So, it was harder then I thought. I'm sure my coworkers thought something was wrong as I broke out in tears several times during the day.  After work, I called to see where they were, headed for Santa Fe for the night. I got in my swim at the Y, and came home to a empty house.  Cried again, and called them to make sure they had landed in a hotel ok.  then relaxed and wrote up my race report....finally. 

Tuesday-  I woke feeling exhausted with all that happened.  Had a Home eval in Clarkdale, and got teary eyed again as I looked up at Jerome on the way there. When I got home, I was supposed to do my bike/run workout. But I was so exhausted from the last few days, that I just needed to lay down for a few minutes.  when i woke four hours later, I excepted my body needed the rest vs the workout, and I turned today into my Day Off.

Wednesday- I headed to the Y after work and got in my long swim for 3000 yds. It felt pretty good. Once I was done, I was trying to figure out how i could get my workouts in I missed. And I decided that It was more important to get in my bike then the hill run. so home I went and on my trainer. My knee was abit tweaky again. But when I finished, I was okay, did some stretching. Got in a hot shower, and went to bed.

Thursday- I had the day off since I'm working on Saturday. I woke later than planned, but it worked out okay in the end. I was up and packed, out the door by 7:45 am, dropped my stuff off at the Y, then drove over to drop off my Escape to get the brakes replaced. Ran back to the Y and did my 1:30 hill repeat workout on the treadmill to make sure I got the correct grade. Then I got in my Satuday swim of 2100 yrds. Then I waited for my Escape to be done. So I sat in the Lobby at the Y for about a good 45 minutes. which was nice, because I was able to catch up on some things and get some stuff organized that I brought along with me. Then when they called, I walked back to get my Escape, and she's all ready to go for her 2nd trip to Boulder at the end of the month.  I  ran a few more errands, got oil changed, and home around 3:30 pm. Had a good hour chat with my Coach to de brief on my race in Boulder for the 70.3. Review the "Home Stretch" of my training plan. Watched and enjoyed the Monsoon and the rain coming down. Then called home to find Mom and Dad made to home to Jackson and were unpacked and home.  So glad they are safe at home. But still really miss them. Got some amazing Sunset shots for after the monsoon, and listened to the thunder roll into the rest of the evening.  

Friday-   Happy 4th of July!!  Had to work today, and another long day at that. I was home and on my bike trainer and then my recovery run, getting down around 7 ish. Noted my right knee is still feeling a bit "tweaky".  Had a hot shower, foam roller.   Made dinner, and to bed. I actually fell asleep by 9 am, so no fireworks for me.

Saturday-  Back to work I go, and busier than usual. All of us therpists are ...tired. While I love my job and I love my coworkers, I'm so tired.  I ended up workign 44 units of tx time. We all had an insane amount on the schedule. A fellow coworker pointed out that if that was all individual treating, it would equal out to about 11 hrs of treatment time. Well, that explains why I'm tired. I got home from work and managed to drag my butt out the door for my 2 hour run and miss the monsoon rolling in hopefully. I ended up doing a couple "laps" around the sub division. with some funny looks I'm sure from neighbors. I was instructed to keep the intensity down if my knee hurt from my coach.  So when I started my run, I felt good, so I tried to say within myself and my zones. I did however, by the 4th one, start to feel like it was to much, so I toned it down a bit. And after a pit stop at the house for a refill, I headed back out for round two at a slower pace.  I managed to get in 10 miles in 2 hours, Now I actually think I could of gotton in more, but at the end of my 6 X 12 repeats at 9:30, I had to walk. I could of ran and pushed throught it, but I had to remind myself this is just a training run. So I walked, and I walked. I got home, and got my recovery drink on board right away as i sat on my foam roller and worked out kinks in my legs, back side for the next 1/2 hour. Then Hot shower. Then recovery tights. I'm not going to lie, I was sore.  I began kicking myself for not stopping sooner. I knew better.   So, Off to bed I went after dinner. I got all my stuff ready for my ride for tomorrow, and checked the weather determining what I could do if I lost out on riding time due to monsoons. I decided that I'd have to be on the road by 6:30 AM, and hopefully be done by noon to beat the storms. Off to bed,  But I couldn't sleep. My back was now making itself know. GRRRRRR  It was going to be a long night. 

 Sunday-  I woke to the alarms going off. I woke feeling drugged. I ended up having to take a Vicodin cause my back was not happy with me last night. When I went to get up to let out the dogs, I was moving very slowly...I felt about 70. I was also acutely aware of my sinus/migrane headache. And cursed myself for not remembering to take any allergy medications. I attempted to stretch out my back while letting the dogs out, only to hobble back to my bed with a promise of just 15more minutes..... 


Well, I slept until noon. Still waking with a nasty headache, sinus pressure, sore back and knee. Giving into the fact that even just a small ride on the bike trianer would probably do more harm than good. :(  Damm. this was my long ride this week. I NEEDED to do this ride.  This was one of my quaility workouts, and I just couldn't muster up enough energy to do it.  I was just so TIRED, I couldn't find the energy to do more then sleep.  I also determined that I didn't do my nutrition right. looking back, I burned almost 1000 calories from my run. I didn't replenish that. I only ate my dinner, and I know I didn't drink enough water either.  So lesson learned, again. ( this would explain my shopping today also, where I had more liquid beverages then food in my cart!!!)   

Perhaps this is my Ironman Fatigue setting in, perhaps it's the let down of my parents being here an visiting for two weeks, and now finally home and safe from traveling. Maybe it's knowing I'm 30 days out from Boulder Ironman, or the start of the monsoons and weather change. Or basically the combination of all of these things that finally caught up with me.   My body said, "oh hell no, If you won't take a break, them I'm taking one  for you."    I realize that I have the fitness in me to do my race in Aug. I'm just putting in  the miles with quailty workouts to help make it hurt less. :)    I had a really good talk with my coach about my training plan and being in the home stretch. I'm glad she was willing to change up the plan and give me a longer taper the last two weeks. While I liked the plan she first sent, I know that I'm hitting my burnout stage. I'm ready to just do the race!!! I'm ready to sleep in on my days off.  So I'm struggling with motiviation at this point. Again, I believe it's called, Ironman Fatigue. I'm at the height of my training. And I'm tired!!   So, I spent the day resting, I ran into get some healthy food, and had buffalo burgers and brussel sprouts for dinner.  So my knee is currently Kineso taped up.  Focused on getting in fluids, nutrition and getting my body back and ready to go for my final big week of training. Then it's Taper Time!!