Distance Time
SWIM 128,802 Yards 54:20
BIKE 1,381 Miles 107:52
RUN 314 Miles 60:23
Overall 222:35 hr/min
Well, thank god for taper week. This week has been rough to an extent. I have been feeling crappy, I took a day off of work on Wednesday cause I felt like I got some bug. Between the nausea, allergies, migriane headache, I was non vertical for most of the day. I also, tweaked my back at work this week and have spent a lot of time on ice, resting and popping meds. I'm for the most part calm, but yet, I'm starting to freak out. So I cleaned. Needless to say, my house is ready for my house sitter.
Monday- I got work in, and headed over to the Y for my swim. I felt ..."punk", maybe is the best word. I was ok, I got in my swim, but I just wasn't feeling that hot. Which I know this from previous Ironmans, you have the start of your taper, and your body just is so happy for the rest, it try's to recover, so everything feels "sluggish". And you want your body rested so that you Peak for race day. So once I got in my swim, I changed, and I was on my way home.
Tuesday- I must of ate something bad at work, because by the time lunch was done, I was nausous. and it never stopped, I got home and ended up taking a 4 hour nap. I then slept the rest of the night away. Maybe this was my bodys way to say.....it's a recovery day, like it or not, I'm sleeping, what are you doing? I didn't panic too much. I know anything I do now, is just to keep the body ready to go.
Wednesday- I woke and still felt crappy, and everytime I was up for more then 5 min, I got nauseous. Between that, allergies, a migraine starting. I was just feeling non vertical. So I called into work, and slept til after 1 pm.When I woke I felt a bit better. And not wanting to miss another workout...I managed to get on my trainer for my bike workout. I then rested the rest of the night and relaxed.
Thursday.-- Well Darn, darn, DAMMMMM IT!!! I did a transfer with a patient. I somehow lost my balance with him on the transfer and over we went. Me on the ground, him on top of me. But it was a slow motion kind of fall, so no one got hurt. Or so I thought. By the end of the day, I could feel my back tighten up. So I opted out of my workout, and went home, iced, got Kineso tape on, and stretched. Oh Crap, please let it be nothing. Shit, shit shit. Looking back, I think it was more of a strain, as after we were on the floor, I was actually holding him up, and having to shift my leg several times, I think I just over strained my back while waiting for help to arrive.
Friday- I woke to feeling okay, but as the day progressed, my back just kept feeling worse. So, with reluctance I wrote up a workers comp form to cover myself. I had decided to go get in my swim at the Y, thinking it would loosen up my back a bit. I drove through a monsoon, several times, as it and I were going the same way. When I got to the Y, I should have known something was up with minimal cars in the parking lot. Once I headed in I was aware of the pool area, completely closed, lights out, not a soul in sight. I asked the front desk what was up. Apparently with all the storms, there was a hugh power outage, and it messed up the pool, the temp, the chemicals while being off for so long. So no swim tonight. Darn I was looking forward to trying ot stretch out my back in a easy workout. Of course I didn't bring my running shoes, SO I headed home to maybe see about doing my 1:30 run. But as I drove home, I saw more ligthening in the storm then I have all year, so I decided that probably wasn't the best idea. I stopped off and got dinner at Sprouts. Then through the rain once again to my Escape. And home. My back had significantly tightened up by this time. So I got advice from my coach to not even attempt to run. I got on my foam roller, my 20 min yoga gentle stretch routine for runners, to get my back, hamstrings, and quads good. I noted my left leg was feeling tight, and now my left calf was hurting too. What. The. Hell. Is. Going. ON???? It's like my body is shutting down. It better just get this shit over with, cause I'm not going to let it mess with my race. GRRRRRRRR
The stretching sorta helped, and I got on the foam roller too, I still felt really tight in my lower back. :( and so I broke down and took a Vicodin. I also took a hot shower to try and help relax the muscles.
I made a healthy dinner, which of course didn't agree with me either tonight. Damm it. And then I started to clean the house out of frustration and need to distracy my brain from thinking negative thoughts. So at least the house is clean for when I leave next week. The house sitter, will be happy they have a clean place to stay.
And as I cleaned, I started to freak out. I feel like I'm back doing my first Ironman again. I am freaking out about all the things that are going wrong at this moment. I can't remember if that happened the last two times. I don't recall having this much trouble right before the race. Of course, I also didn't drop a patient on me either.
But, thinking about the last few races I've done. It's hard to not compare them. I have found several differences between these races. I had this question come up also. So here's what my brain thinks:
1. Race #1- No coach Race 2-3: Have a Coach
2. Even though it's Ironman #3, It feels like it's my first Ironman. It's a new course, new place, new everything. Two different transition areas, and finishline.
3. It almost became a non wetsuit swim. That could of really made the freak out more insane.
4. This race is early in the year, hence. HOTTER, My body doesn't function well in races over 85 degrees. I've worked hard to train by running and riding in 90 degree temps this time, in prep for the race. I have good days, and crappy days. OSMO and Coke are my friend. Apparently SPF 30 and then 50 still are not. Can we say fried shoulders x 2.
5. The goal is to finish ( Ok, not so different) . For this race, the actual time of when I finish, really doens't matter. Not for a first race, because it's always a PR for that race. Now if I do it again, Then I'll focus on time. But, I've never raced a course with this many hills on the bike, or false flats, possible rain and thunderstorms, back strain, etc.
6. The first Ironman, you go in naive...so you blissfully don't know how much you will suffer. On the second one, and third one (I'm sure it will happen), once your standing at the start line, ready to get in the water. You suddenly recall all that suffering and then think..."HOLY SHIT!!! Why am I doing this AGAIN???" You talk more to yourself, and try to compare the first race to the second instead of focusing on the present moment. That will MESS with your brain. And you can't do that because each race, weather, course is different. EVEN the same course will be different. Just STOP!! and focus on what you are doing in the present moment, and what you can do in that moment. And Enjoy the Moment, This is what you have worked for, for over 6 months.
Ok, so somehow this turned into a pep talk, and my words of wisdom/advice to myself for race day. I'm going to stop, because I'm not able to focus. I'll add more later.
I saw the weather report for Aug 3 in Boulder. The temp has dropped to 80s, which is super nice, but it comes with a price of isolated thunderstorms. I'm pretty sure that will make it wetsuit legal (thank God!) , so at least that will be one less thing to worry about. I have my antibiotics all ready to go for after race day, since rain will also bring in high bacteria levels in the lake. Sweet.
Guess, I now need to think about what I'll wear if I'm in rain all day. I know that I'll possibly need more layers, but I haven't trained in that, so I'm just sitting on this for a moment on what I would reallly need to take with me. And if my tri kit is soaked and I'm freezing starting the run, I may just want to do a clothing change all together, and run in my running clothes. I will just prepare for it all, and decide closer to race day. Decisions, decisions. Decisions
Of course the weather forecast has changed at least three times, each day. So who knows what it will really be.
ALL Posted above are the SAME DAY!!!
I am sorta freaking out that my back is hurting, because I really want to go into the race injury free. But I also know, from my history, that when I race injured, I tend to be more conservative, I follow my plan better, and end up doing better. So who knows, maybe this will be to my benefit. I will just have to wait and see I guess.
Saturday- I woke to a back less sore. I enjoyed my sleep in til 8 ish. Then I headed over to swim at the Y. I got in my 2500 yrds. My back felt like it loosened up a bit, but I also used the pull buoy to be safe at the 300 yd intervals. And since I will be using a wetsuit. I wasn't too worried about it. The nice thing about todays swim. Is I felt good. I felt like I could go out and swim the 2.4 Miles and be strong with the swim. So that made me happy. I kept telling myself, that I"ve already done the work. I've put in the distance of the Ironman many times in my training. I just need to put it all together on the day. So I told myself to remember this "feeling" for race day. I felt strong and confident. Just where I need to be :)
Once out of the pool. I debated on the run. From coaches orders, "swim First, if the back is tight, don't run." So, it felt better, my back that is, and I decided to go just do an easy jog on the treadmill. shoot for 30 min, and see where I feel from there. Plus, I could stop at any time, where out on the trail, I'd have to walk back if I was not feeling good. So I started out at about a 15 min pace, and just went easy. I was okay. But when I threw in some 10:00 and 11:00 min paces, my back started to tighten up. So I stopped at 30 min. Better to be safe then sorry. I know , on race day if it hurts, I won't stop. I'll walk, but I'll keep moving. But not before. Its kinda of a once time thing. And I know I"ve put in the miles and I know I"ve done the work. So , I just need to get to the starting line, Healthy.
I got more errands done in prep for leaving next week, and then once home, I got on my compression recovery tights, and relaxed the rest of the day. Bed early.
Sunday-- Woke late again. I was tired!! I slept in till 8 AM. Sometimes, the only way to get out of bed, is to strip it. Hence, Sunday is always laundry day for sheets.
I was up and out the door by 9 AM. The weather was mid 70s-80s with humidity, and cloudy. Hmmm....perfect prep for next weeks weather forcast in Boulder. I was very mindful of my back, and focused on the plan, but I also went easy as I could. I did however, find that I wasn't drinking as much as I was in the high 90s for the last few weeks of training. I am noticing, that I train much better in the drier heat. So the humidiy may play a factor in my allergy/exercise asthma. But I got in my three hours.
Next up.. I finished up with my 40 min run, with 3 x 5 min bursts at 9:32 pace. Once again, the heat got a bit to me. I forgot to grab my arm coolers for the workout today, so I was hot. But luckily I didn't burn. So that's a bonus considering my entire back is peeling. Super. At least the good news is that my back didn't hurt on my run. I made sure to take walk breaks. Once home, I got in my hot shower, called home and then watched live feed of Ironman Lake Placid, and Ironman Canada (hopefully, my next IM with my FC Coaching teammates from AZ IM). Guess I better get a tri bike and my passport for that one!! I've been reading about Ironman Boulder, and friends who are already up there, and seeing that the city is getting ready for us. I'm so ready to go!! EXCITED!!!!!
Dinner at Left Ts Steakhouse again. I ordered my usual again....and yes, that included my blueberry pie. And now relaxing while I type this.
My Boulder Ironman Race Plan arrived today!!! I am so ready to do this!!!! I've learned so much from the race in June for the 70.3, that I'm ready. I Trust my training, and the process, and my coaches words of wisdom. This will get me through the day to becoming an IRONMAN x 3!!!!!