Sunday, June 23, 2013

Build One Training - Month Five of Ironman AZ 2013

Disclaimer:  This blog is a documentation of my now second Ironman Journey for AZ Ironman 2013.  Format will be random, i.e. quick journal format, random thoughts, motivational quotes, pictures of random moments and memories along my journey. For the most part, it’s documentation for me and may not be to exciting for anyone else to read, but for those of you brave enough to ever wonder…could I do an Ironman or even just a triathlon?  I then offer you a firsthand account of what goes on in the mind of an Ironman age group triathlete including all the highs, lows, emotions, fears, rants, etc, etc.  I have dreams of one day making this into a book, so that when I’m old and gray…I’ll have wonderful memories and also fulfill one of my bucket list items, to write a book.  Please forgive any spelling mistakes as I’m sure I am just happy to get everything written down, just chalk it up to fatigue from lots of training! 

It’s the last week of June; I’m at the end of my Build One Training Phase. The first week is not included here as it was my training for Deuces Wild Olympic, so I already blogged about that and my results of the race.  This month which was supposed to be a Build One training phase. Ended up being more of a recover/rest/injury month. I aggravated my hip from my training. So I had to take some forced rest days, boo.  But the ultimate goal, is to make it to Ironman AZ in November. If I have to revamp my training plan, skip my race in Aug. to make sure I’m healthy and recovered, then I will. That is just a training race along the way. I also have made more contact with my new Training Team. FC coaching. I am now starting to meet some of my “teammates” and I began official training with them on July 8th, so revamping my training plan is what I need to do.  So my time and distance training overall was less, but I’m happy to say I feel a little better, and I have PT ordered to check things out and make sure it’s nothing serious.  Crossed fingers.

Current Stats Overall:

SWIM:  ~108,862 Yds   
BIKE: ~ 585.73 Miles    
RUN: ~ 243.31 Miles   
Strength: ~ 22:25 hr/min
Total Training Hours:  162:35 hours/minutes

Week One

As mention above. This was Race week, so I highlighted the race in my previous blog. 

Week Two

This week ended up more of a recovery week from my race. I still got in at least 10 hours of training. The plan was 13:30. But honestly, I needed the rest, and I was pretty happy with 10:20 hr/min. I got in two really great naps… if you can call a red zone a “nap” from a sugar coma incident.  And some stretching and yoga. I had my first real long bike ride of the season and it felt pretty good.

Monday- Headed to the Y for a recovery swim and run. I went super easy with 2300 yds at the pool, just doing lots of pull buoy and keeping it simple, stretching out the body. It felt good, I was sore, but good. Then on to the treadmill for an easy 2 miles, super slow, but good to get the kinks out.

Tuesday- I planned to go to Core Fusion, but I was so tired, I came home and slept for a while. Which is exactly what my body needed. 

Wednesday- Again, I had planned to hit the Y for another swim and run, but I was so tired…I managed to make it to the  highway and instead of turning left, I turned right and headed home. Vegged out…rested, napped. Much needed. But after I napped, I did do 30 min of Yoga to work out the rest of the kinks, then  40 min of love/hate on the foam roller. Even gave myself a nice bruise on my right hip trying to work out the kinks.

Thursday--- Hmmmm this day didn’t turn out as planned, even with all my rest, I still felt tired, but was ready to tackle my bike ride and softball game. But…things didn’t go as planned, as work has a habit of having bad “stuff” always around. So for breakfast, it was sugary carbs. Then a salad for lunch. And an afternoon snack of once again a yummy dunkin donut. Which because of our small town, we don’t have local. So I grabbed a cream filled yummy delicious goody goodness donut. Whew…that was way too much sugar. By the time I was walking back from the nurses’ station at work , I felt like I couldn’t walk straight. By the time I made it home, I vaguely remember going to drop off a package at UPS, get gas, and go to the grocery store. I got home, laid down around 4 ish…and hit the red zone…otherwise known as sugar coma…..out.  I slept for a solid 4 plus hours. I woke around 8:45pm. Only to realize that I wasn’t going to make it to softball at 9 pm because I still couldn’t walk straight. So I got up, ate something? And then was out within an hour.   Note to self….DONUTS are not worth it…EVER!!!!

Friday-  well.. After that restful night…I was still tired. Really?  Made it through work, and was home on the bike trainer for a good 1:15 hr/min. Love me some Alias on DVD. Note to self…when reaching for the fan remote, make sure your pedals unclip before you start to lean to reach for it.  I’m glad my quick release on the bike trainer work as I ended up a big pile on the floor on my right side. At least the carpet was soft!  I could only laugh. I managed to stay on the bike reaching for a Gel in a race speeding down the highway, but fall flat out on my trainer.

Saturday-  This was a brick weekend, and even though I did the race last weekend, because it was in zone 2 I was okay.  Got to Y early and got in my hour swim. And after some debate…decided to do the run on the treadmill due to the weather. Was having a raging migraine starting and didn’t want to run out in the heat, it was already in the 90s. So I ran on the treadmill for 45min. Felt decent, legs weren’t too tired. I got a few errands done before I headed home. And since my headache was not letting up, I took my “cure” for Migraine and laid down for about 45 min. thankfully it went away. I jumped on my trainer, because at this time it was 97 degrees out…and well, I’m not a fan of heat stroke, so I opted to ride the trainer. Happy to say, no falls todayJ.  Once done, I still felt pretty good,  but I’m still struggling with getting in calories after my long training sessions. Recover drink is all I can muster. The rest just doesn’t happen. Today was no exception, as when I went to a co workers birthday party. I couldn’t eat anything, or drink anything but Coke. My body was not happy with me. 

Sunday- woke today with some hesitant dread about doing a 3:30 ride. I wanted  to go up to Flag for a better scenic ride, but since I slept in and got home late the other night, I decided to just go from my place. I headed out around 7 am, already hot.  I had nutrition with me, determined to do better on the ride at least if I wanted to get through it. I used my Stash bars which I LOVE.  I also had water and Gatorade. I also weighed myself to assess dehydration. I was feeling good on the bike, my seat felt good, my pedals felt good. I actually felt good. I got all the way into Prescott after an hour, and felt good.  I then headed up the hill to Williamson Valley Rd. and was a bit shocked that I could ride the hill pretty good. So I give credit to my speed plays, and my training on the trainer, for single leg drills, and spin ups. I felt good on the hills. My nutrition was good, as I ate ½ a Stash Bar every 30 minutes, and kept drinking H20 and Gatorade. I still felt good as each hour went by, and before I knew it..i was on the home stretch. I was almost home, and I felt good. No girly part issues. I LOVE MY NEW SEAT!! Where have you been all my life? Wow, that was so worth the money. And only after three rides, I love it, and it feels good. That makes me so happy for the full. Because my girly parts hated me during the bike. I’m looking forward to not having that issue!   I cruised in with 53 miles, the first 50 miler in the books for this year’s training session. I felt so good. Of course, when I got off and moved around, I started to feel the stiffness and low back pain. Nothing a hot shower couldn’t fix and a 2 hour nap of course
J.   Good end to a frustrating week.

Week Three   

Well, here we go again. Back to a crappy training week. It started out pretty good with my swim on Monday for 2450 yds. And a good 5.5 miles on the treadmill with some speed work up to Zone 3 put in place. I felt good, tired, but good, and my leg didn’t hurt.

Tuesday-  Core Fusion night, I felt like I got in a good workout, but I felt like I didn’t push myself enough. Perhaps…knowing I needed too? But then when I got home, I was exhausted and was sleep much sooner then I planned. 

Wednesday- This was my last workout of the week. I swam, slowly because I was tried from my core fusion class, and I was more tired on the run, the treadmill felt really slow. But I got it in, I felt a bit sore, but nothing major.

Thursday -  I was hoping to get on my trainer, but I ran out of time. So I headed over to softball and I did my usual warm up, swinging my legs around, doing some dynamic stretching with my legs to prevent any quad pulls. But I could feel that my leg was not happy. So I just decided that I would take it easy and not get out to fast. I was fine until about my second/third time up to bat. I didn’t feel like I pulled anything, the pain in my side, just started to get progressively worse. And by the half way mark in the game, I was on the bench with ice on my hip. I had a few friends who felt it was my piriformis, or my glute, who tried to work on me a bit in between innings( thank god for therapists as friends). But it kept getting worse. I made it home, swore a few times.

Friday- And when I woke up the next day, I couldn’t walk on my leg without pain when I put weight on it.   The doc gave me a high dose of steroids over the weekend to see if that could calm it down. So now I’m on a forced weekend of rest. NO EXERCISE, or at least go easy. Right….

Saturday- The good news is I got to sleep in for the first time in a long time. I got to catch up on a bunch of chores around the house and errands that I have been neglecting. I got in a second nap.  I read, I worked on my blog.  Knowing I was going to be tempted to do some kind of workout on Sunday. I was proactive and took my bike into the shop for a new chain, chain ring, and cassette. I purposely went later in the day, so they couldn’t get it done on Saturday, closed on Sunday. And couldn’t pick up until after 3pm on Monday.

Sunday-  Again another morning where I was able to sleep in.  More cleaning done and chores that have been neglected around the house.  But still have pain… I notice when I’m in a fully flexed position like squatting down to pick up dog poop( sorry for the visual) or when I curled up on the bed on my right side in a flexed position and fell asleep with a nap, when I stand  or straightened out to move. I get that sharp pain again above my iliac crest.  So…hoping it’s not something too serious.

Week Four

Is coming up, I’m not sure what it holds for me. Not sure if I’ll be happy or frustrated about the week. At least it’s going to be recover week. So with that, I’ll know how much better my hip feels by the end of the week.

The game plan is changing. I need to figure out what is exactly going on with my hip. I am in a bit of a holding pattern, and it makes me nervous. I’m used to having everything set, and organized. Maybe this is a blessing in disguise. The number one priority is to get healthy and focus on Ironman. Now since, I may have to decrease my training, Nutrition is also number one to get back on track.   

Monday-  Swim. I got out of work and headed over to the Y. I got in a good swim. Didn’t hurt. Thank goodness.  2400 Yds.  I did feel a slight tug when I did a few laps kicking, so I was disciplined enough to go with the pull buoy and not aggravate anything. So far so good. Headed home, and got tires rotated since I just swam. That only took two years to do!

Tuesday-  Came home, wishing I could go to Core Fusion, but had a adjustment by one of my PT friends who said I had a major Upslip on my hip/pelvis..An alignment off by over an inch! So that’s why my hip hurt. So she warned me it’d hurt for abit, but I should get more PT. I did feel about 50% better with the pain after she worked on it. But I came home and rested. Another good 4 hour nap. Either I really needed it, or something is up. This sleeping all the time, it feels like I’m going crazy that I can’t workout, so hence  getting depressed that I can’t do what I need to do to stay  “sane”. 

Wednesday-  Had the day off today, so I dropped of my Escape and got it fixed, went to the Y while I waited and got in about 30 min on the bike in the gym. It felt good; my hip didn’t hurt while I was on the trainer. But it was a bit tender once off. I then headed over to swim in the pool and did my T-Pace Testing. I swam 3 x 300yds with 30 sec rest at 5:44, 5:44 and 5:35. Average 5:41 for a 300 yd, which divided out equaled a T-Pace for my100 yd at 1:54. A two second decrease. Nice!!! I felt good.  I wonder now, after seeing that last 300 yd time…could I of made the first two a bit faster? Or was it that I was just warmed up and did better? Hmmm...I’ll still take it. And this with injury to my hip so I wasn’t kicking with my legs.   Once home I did ~ 20 min for back and core strengthening. A little PRI breathing.  Some relief, but not enough.

Dropped  a cool 300$ on my Escape, with another 800$ to find somewhere to get more that needs to be fixed. But at least nothing pressing right now.  Bearings fixed on the back wheel… the most important at least done.

Thursday-   Was supposed to do softball today, but had to bail and not do it.  I also had every intention of going to Fusion of Movement to do Gentle Yoga…but again, I came home and fell asleep…another four hours of  “recovery” or depression from not being able to get in my workout for stress relief.  I have a habit of shutting down when I start getting stressed, that or panic attacks, which luckily, haven’t resurfaced as of yet. But the nightmares are continuing to come out of nowhere. I rarely have nightmares, but the last six months, they have been pretty vivid.  I was reduced the other night to almost blocking my door with a chair due to how real it felt.  Not good :(, and hence….sleep alluded me once again.

Good news is that I FINALLY got a prescription for Physical Therapy to check out my hip, back etc. Except I can’t get in until July 3rd.  I’m not sure I can hold out that long for not working out.  I keep telling myself that rest is good, but it just doesn’t seem to be getting any better.  My mind is running wild…feeling like I’m losing all my fitness that I worked so hard to get. I’m a very patient person when it comes to my job and my patients. But when it comes to me…I’m very…impatient.

Friday--    Got home from work today and got on the bike trainer, did an easy 45 minutes with 90 rpm, Zone 2 heart rate. Everything felt good…so I was happy with that. Once done, I got off and my hip was tight, so I got in a 20 min yoga stretch, and then a 10 min core workout.  Hoping that more flexibility will help with the pain.  I did have some comfort today, knowing that nothing was still out of “whack”, my PT friend reassessed my hip and noted that I didn’t slip out of alignment again.

Saturday- Had to work today. Wasn’t very good on nutrition, but may have been when I woke, felt like I had no taste buds…so no food tasted good through the whole day.  My plan was to get in a VERY EASY jog/run after work. But as work progressed through the day, my hip felt worse from lifting patients. Certain movements were worse than others. So when I headed out to get in my easy run. I made it only about 100 yds before I was reduced to tears, and admitted defeat. I walked back to the house, and wallowed in self pity, and fear. What if it’s something worse? What am I going to do? I am usually a strong person; I usually can handle a lot. But I need this right now, I need to be able to train, I need to be able to feel like I have a goal, a purpose. Right now without it...I feel useless.  I have done more in the last week of “catching up” on things. I got my car fixed, house cleaned, tires rotated, errands ran. I even did a craft project, and made a new frame. Then I find myself watching lots of movies, falling asleep. I don’t want to get this as my “new normal”. I feel as if I have no direction. I feel lost. Unsettled. 

I spent a little time out on the back porch tonight. Watching the supermoon, crickets chirping, the stars come out. It was beautiful.  I have missed that, it’s so peaceful. I turned on my lights on my tree, and could barely see them!  So much growth has happened on my tree. I have some wonderful shade. I sat for a long time, watching the moon rise, petting the dogs. Listening to the silence. Feeling somewhat peaceful.  Just Breathing. Trying to figure out what I’m doing. What am I going to do? 

Sunday-  Woke today and got on my trainer, trying to be patient with my leg/hip and stay in a controlled environment. If I go outside, I’ll get hills and wind, and that will not be good for easy on my leg. So trainer it was today, and I got in 1:30 hr/min. for 18.5 miles. Not fast by any means, BUT..The best thing that happen was my leg felt GOOD  after the workout today! YEAHH!!!!! Let’s keep that up!

Now on to the next training block, Build Two. I’m sure I’ll get nowhere near where I want to with training time. BUT I’m in a recover/healing mode with my leg/hip. So I’m going to listen to my body and only do what it can do safely. So I’ll focus my goals this month on nutrition, I keep talking about it, but I’ve yet to get really committed with getting better nutrition. This is one thing, I have control over. So….

Is just choosing between
What   you   want

What    you   want

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Some Exciting News!!!!!

So…I have some news!  In early May, one of my new Tri buddies from Washington (those wetsuit strippersJ) posted a video about Team FC looking for athletes who are signed up for Ironman AZ, and wanting to put together a squad to train them with a coach.  I filled out an application and after a couple weeks, They selected me to be on their team!! I’m not sure of all the details as of yet. I will get those next week to make sure they will be a good fit with me. But, I ‘m excited at the prospect of having a coach to help me with my Ironman AZ.   This is one of the things on my wish list I wanted, to find a coach.

This actually is coming at a good time. As I have had a not so nice injury to my right hip/leg/tendons. I’m not 100% sure what’s going on. But I’m forced to take a rest break due to it being over inflamed and making it hard to weight bear on my right leg. So once I get the official information from Team FC, I’m most likely going to re vamp my training plan. I’m thinking my August Mountain Man Half Ironman will be off the training schedule. If I’m starting training on July 8th, I want to work my best towards AZ IM with the least amount of injury and right now…that means rest. Not over doing it, and figuring out exactly what is going on.

So, here is to change….

The only way to make sense
 out of change is to plunge
 into it, move with it,
and join the dance.
-Alan Watts.

Deuces Wild Olympic Triathlon

 June 1st, 2013. Saturday
Fools Hollow Lake Recreation Area
Show Low, AZ

My first “official” training race of the 2013 season. Deuces Wild Olympic Triathlon In Show Low, AZ.  It was a good race overall, here’s the recap.
Woke on Friday morning, had an orthodontist appointment to adjust my retainers. Behold the metal mouth will continue at the end of the month…seems my bottom right teeth don’t want to stay where they belong, even with consistent retainer wearing. So I will be getting my bottoms back on for a bit to try and correct the problem.   I warned the doc, that they come off in Nov, no matter what!
  Back home I finished packing up, loading up the Escape, and headed out around 10 AM. On my way to Show Low to stay with some great friends, who have opened up their home to me, and have adopted me as their “daughter”. I’m so thankful for wonderful friends like them. They are definitely two amazing people to have in my life.
The drive to Show Low, in my opinion is one of the more beautiful drives across the state of AZ. Its three hours from home. I rolled in to their place around 2 pm. We headed down to the race site to pick up packets, get race t shirts, hit up the race meeting.This is where we saw the difference from Trisports turning over the event to a new company for the race. 

First of all, I love this race. Trisports puts on an awesome race each year. Great event, great prizes/raffles, food for participants, volunteers to keep triathletes safe on the roads. This year however, for whatever reason, Trisports sold the race to Chasing 3 out of New Mexico. So, for this to be their first race, and for Trisports backing out, there were a lot of changes, some for the better, and some not so much.  

We met up with another friend at the race site, sat through the meeting. checked out the transition/swim start, etc. Then were headed out for a good dinner in Pinetop where we all ate last year.  My race nerves were kicking in, so for the first time, I enjoy a beer to calm myself down and relax. Back to the cabin we went after dinner, and got our bikes all ready to go, tires pumped, numbers on bikes/helmets, and off to bed by 9:30 pm.

5 AM came and I was surprised at how well I slept. Normally I get pre race jitters, and sleep is hard for me. Must have been the beer. Once up, I had my pre race ritual of coffee, bagel and egg. And got ready to go.  Bikes/bags all loaded up and off we went to the race site.

It was evident that the race was smaller, as we only had one area for transition. We all had a spot for our bikes to be racked, which was kind of nice. I was in the main straight away (sorry Walt J) so it was a nice straight shot in/out of the transition.   Once I was all setup, I was out of transition. The swim time was moved forward for the Olympic race, but we still were about an hour out from the start of Deuceman…so that hour wait where we weren’t allowed in Transition was a bit frustrating. Luckily it was warming up so it wasn’t too cold.  I ran down to the swim start, and got to snap off a few shots of Walt starting his day. It was nice and calm, most athletes were quiet, and suddenly you hear this gentleman in the water say….” Hey Becky!! Just follow my perfectly straight swim lines to the buoy’s and you’ll do great!” which got a good chuckle from the athletes and the crowd. And bang, the men were off. Walt seemed to have a moment of “what the hell am I doing?”  (per proof of photo) but headed out for a good swim. The water a week before was in the low 60s, and when I did my swim up in Flag the week before, it was in the 50s. So I was preparing for a really cold swim. Luckily, the water temp warmed up and was perfect with a full sized wetsuit.

Next was the women’s Deuceman swim start, and I got off a few shots of Becky starting off her day.  Then it was time for me to get ready. Walt had lost his timing chip somewhere from the start to the transition, and I ran back in Transition to put on all his bike numbers. Thank goodness he had electrical tape. After his number was on, I borrowed the tape and reinforced my water bottle that was not cooperating.  Then I headed down to the swim start to wait, I was amazed that I didn’t have as many jitters as I normally do. Maybe because I was just ready to get it started. Or I knew if I thought about it, I would get really nervous. I was in Wave Three which started at 7:55 AM. While the first wave was getting ready, I saw Walt come out of the water, I let him know that his bike was all ready, and shouted out his famous line that he usually sends my way…”don’t screw up!”  and then I was headed out to the water, and got ready to go.  The gun went off, and off we went. I got into a pretty good rhythm from the start, and focused on my breathing and my technique. And it just seemed easier. But longer….

The swim course changed this year. Instead of one long triangle, it was switched to two loops. I liked this for the fact that the buoys were closer, and you could actually see where you were swimming too. What I didn’t like was that it was measured wrong. So instead of swimming 1500 yds. I swam a mile, which was approx. 1760 yds.  So an extra 260 yds, adds a good five minutes to my swim time at my pace.  

The water was nice, mid 60s, no wind to cause any white caps, and no goggle malfunction. It was a great swim. I got lost in the fun of it at one point, having to bring myself back.  I was amazed that I could actually see my entire arm as I was swimming. So much so, that it distracted me a time or two.  Most of my open water swims, only give me a four inch view of muddy water. I paced pretty good with a girl beside me so I didn’t have to look up to often for sighting the buoy.  Then before I knew it, I was two laps around and heading back in to the dock. Once there, I ran up to the wet suit strippers who did a great job of pulling off my suit, and I headed up to T1. Now once out of the water I hit my Garmin watch on the timing mat, clocking me around a 34 min swim, but official race results had me at 35:13. Which was still good, I PR’ed my swim J last year with a goggle malfunction, I swim it in 38 minutes. And this time it was less, with MORE distance. If it truly was a 1500 swim, I think my time would have been under 30 min. since It usually takes me about: 55 seconds to swim 50 yds in the pool. Oh well, regardless, it was better.  

My transitions were flat out fast! More than I ever have done before. Pam said I was so fast, she couldn’t get any photos of me.  T1 was 1:46. Smoking!!! I guess I was fast, in and out nice and quick. And as I ran out the bike out area, I was able to jump on my bike and go.
I have always learned to not fly out on the bike, don’t kill yourself in the beginning. So I took it slow for the first mile or two until I got out of Fool Hollow, but then I began to hammer it for some reason. I knew I had gotten a better time in the swim, so I was on track for a PR, but I now just needed to sit back and go the pace I knew I could do. I didn’t do it…I tried to hammer it the first 10 miles and paid for it on the back side of the race. I bonked hard, needing something, I think I didn’t have enough calories to keep my speed going, plus I had to pee, thanks to swallowing some of the lake. So I managed to get my mental game under control a bit. I got to the aid station at 77, got off my bike to use the port a john. Re focused, and headed out again. Here is where the switch happened. I had an almost massive fall on my bike. I clipped into my bike, and headed toward the aid station around the corner. I scored my water bottle perfectly out of a volunteers hand, took a swig and put it in my holder. Then I saw the gel, thinking immediately, “I NEED THAT!” so I hollered gel and as I went to reach for it to grab it from this young boy scout. I somehow thought my left hand was on the hoods of my bars. Instead, my left hand was on the aero bar. So when I reached for the gel, my bike swerved severely to the right, heading straight for the poor kid, I was literally at a 60 degree angle on my bike when I grabbed the gel skillfully out of his hand, then proceeded to decide how I was going down…could  I tuck and roll? What was the least damaging to my bike? too me?

My guardian angel was with me, because somehow as I heard several women gasp and scream behind me, thinking I was ready to go down. I was suddenly upright and straight.  I must have stepped hard on my left pedal to straighten up the bike. So once I was straight, and on my way. I held up my right arm, gave a thumbs up to the people behind me, and hollered out “ I’m good!!” and was on my way down the road, ripping open my much needed gel.  It gave me the energy I needed, and I was able to get my head back in the game, and focus. I ended up following this guy all the way into T2. My average speed on the back? 18 mph. I was stoked. But the front half of the ride cost me, and I cruised into T2 a minute slower than last year. Which was a bit of a bummer, but from my swim time, I was still on pace to PR.  As I rounded the corner to the bike dismount, I had a lady pointing at the ground with her hand and with her horn, state loudly “DISMOUNT HERE!!!”  so I slowed down right beside her, and said…”right here? Exactly right here?” which got a chuckle out of her, and the crowd. I jumped off and headed into T2 ( in my perfectly lined up spot on the first row- sorry Walt J) and was once again in and out in 1:25 for transition time. And nice and fast, I was out and on the run.

By now, it was getting hot. Looking back now, I realize I didn’t have that brick sensation in my legs that is normal for that T2 transition.  So the gel was a life saver, Orange Cream, my body can tolerate that…so time to add that to my list of training foods.  But I was going out at a pace of 9:30, and I had to force myself to slow it down. I knew if I ran my pace from last year, I was golden for a PR, and if I went out to fast, I would be toast.  So I slowed it down, as my heart rate was getting high, but not like Whiskey Row with the huge 217 spike. I kept to my run for a mile, then walk for one minute pace keeping my back happy. I hit every aid station and doused myself with water from the sponges.  I got out to the course at mile 3 and began to feel the discomfort of the distance, the heat, and that nagging bonk feeling again. So once again at the next aid station I zeroed in on my gel and got my Orange Cream. It took me til Mile 4 and it kicked in to take me home the last 2.2 miles. I finally got in my zone on the run that last 2.2 miles, and a little “til I collapse” from Eminem in my head didn’t hurt either. I was close to my run time from last year, so I was trying to push it, while not red lining at the finish. I cruised around the corner, and headed for the finish line. The clock read 3:25 hr/min.   I ran a minute longer than last year. I had no idea where my official time was at.

I hit my Garmin and stopped my time. This was my first tri with my Garmin so I was excited to see what that showed. I then got some refreshments, found Pam, and made a beeline for a kiddy pool filled with ice water.  That’s where I sat for the next 15 minutes. And it was HEAVEN!!!  I chatted it up with a few fellow racers. Convinced two guys to jump in the water for recovery (they thanked me later, as they felt much better for it, and were doing the XTERRA the next day).  And then I headed over to find Pam and cheer on Walt and Becky.  

Pam somehow missed Becky in bike transition, so she must of come in on the bike as I was crossing the finish, so Pam missed her transition to the run. But we sat waiting for Walt about a half hour later,  who came cruising up on his bike with about 15 minutes to spare, and said he was done for the day. He knew his body could not handle the run and made the smart decision to stop and live to race another day. That took a lot of guts. As an athlete, you always want to be competitive, and at least finish the race. To have the guts to know when to stop and not push yourself past your limits or worse is just as commendable in my opinion as finishing the race. So once we got Walt settled, he found his timing chip (darn shoe!!) and got cold fluids, we headed over to the run course to cheer Becky on for her second lap.  She did a great job for not training like she wanted, and cruised in under 6 hours.  Overall, it was a great day. The wind was good this year, it was still hot. Even with constant reapplication of my sun block I still have some awesome bike short tan lines, watch lines, and some burnt shoulders. But it was a good race.

After further assessment, I looked up my time on my Garmin and saw there was ten minutes difference on my watch compared to the time on the clock when I ran through the finish. I started in Wave 3, ten minutes later…And realized I did PR. But what I thought was a 3:15 PR, ended up being the race time…minus transition. So it was still a PR, but it was at 3:19 hr/min.   My overall results then were as follows:

Swim                 35:13
T1                        1:45
Bike                1:33.41
T2                        1:25
Run                 1:07:04
Overall           3:19:06

I PR’d by 4 minutes, which essentially was the swim time, and the transition times, since my bike and run was a minute more each. 

After the race we all headed back to the cabin to ....pass out/ relaxed on the front porch and drink some beer for "recovery". Then we headed out after hot showers for dinner at a local joint where we ran into some new friends and fellow triathletes and chatted about the race. 

The next morning, before heading out ,we all took a walk in the neighborhood, and out into the forest, only to run into the XTERRA tri going on. It was pretty fun to watch and cheer on the racers way out there, who probably weren't expecting any spectators. Got a bunch of shots for the racers, since really the photography wasn't what it normal is. And hopefully they got posted on the Facebook page for any athlete to get if they want.  And then I was off and heading back home by the afternoon. 

So, now it’s on to race # 2, my half Ironman. I am still on the fence about doing Mtn Man up in Flagstaff in Aug. or doing a different one. I will need to determine this very quickly as time is of the essence right now. Most likely I will end up doing Mtn Man, out of sheer convince and time. But I have to admit a trip sounds pretty tempting somewhere.  Hopefully I’ll have this figured out pretty soon. 
So THINGS I learned from this race:
1.      Keep up with the swimming workouts I’m doing, its’ working J, maybe get working on my kick so it’s not all arms on the swim.
2.      Bike- slacking…I really need to focus more on my bike. I can tell I’m not doing as much, cause my running overall time is more than my biking time…not cool.
3.      Get working on hills for my bike
4.      Get the seat adjusted better, I was right about pushing it back a few mm, but I tipped it down to far, so I was falling off the front the whole race.
5.      Get your chain and whatever else you need replaced, so your bike is dialed in and ready for Ironman.
6.      Run….keep working strong on my Zone Training. I’m going to be where I want to be come Nov. for Ironman, right around a 10 min pace for the 26.2 miles. That will be cool if I can pull that off. SO BE PATIENT!!!
7.      Pace….pace…pace.  Keep the mental toughness strong. Don’t get distracted, stay focused on the bike and the run. I tried to push it too much on the beginning of the bike, and paid for it.  At least I was able to regroup and get back in the zone and focus, but that could be precious minutes that I lost and could have kept for my PR time. I did keep it on the run, I was able to be patient and not go out to fast, I was able to slow it down, and know I was doing the work and I would get the results I wanted. 
8.      Still need to dial in nutrition. It’s not where it needs to be, especially for the half coming up.