Sunday, March 3, 2013

Ironman 2013 Season Begins

March 3rd , 2013
Disclaimer:  This blog is a documentation of my now second Ironman Journey for AZ Ironman 2013.  Format will be random, i.e. quick journal format, random thoughts, motivational quotes, pictures of random moments and memories along my journey. For the most part, it’s documentation for me and may not be to exciting for anyone else to read, but for those of you brave enough to ever wonder…could I do an Ironman or even just a triathlon?  I then offer you a firsthand account of what goes on in the mind of an Ironman age group triathlete including all the highs, lows, emotions, fears, rants, etc, etc.  I have dreams of one day making this into a book, so that when I’m old and gray…I’ll have wonderful memories and also fulfill one of my bucket list items, to write a book.  Please forgive any spelling mistakes as I’m sure I am just happy to get everything written down, just chalk it up to fatigue from lots of training! J

The Second Journey…what’s different?
  •  I have more experience, I've got “one” under my belt. All the training/books/journaling I did the first time gives me the knowledge and experience to adapt my training plan, learn from my mistakes as a rookie and see what I can do differently. I always have a goal of doing the same race at least twice, because I want to take that knowledge from the first one, apply it and do better on my next one. It’s common in a triathlete’s blood, as you’re running across the finish line, swearing as your body wants to fall over and say “STOP! ENOUGH! NO MORE!”  Your brain tries to convince you that you don’t like it; you've proved your point and did one. But the minute you see those times posted, your first thought is….hmmm I could do better on that…. if I did this.  And that’s when you become addicted. That’s really all it takes. That simple desire to do better, that desire to prove to yourself that you can do better than last time. And from that, a lifestyle is born.
  • I’m doing this race for someone else this year, her name is Sunny. (Please see earlier post). She was a fellow triathlete who was struck down in the prime of her life with brain cancer. We bonded during therapy sessions, and I promised her, I’d do my next Ironman for her, with her name on my bike. (Also see previous post/picture for proof).
  • I got myself a new Garmin Forerunner 910XT Watch for Christmas for myself, so I’m able to be even more tri geeky and analyze all swim bike and run statistics. Stroke pace, average bike speed, run pace, HR, etc.  You name it, I’m going to probably have it documented “somewhere”.
  •  I’ve began to adapt a better eating plan, Paleo-ish style for improved performance. I did my second Whole30 and not only lost 13 lbs to get back to starting training weight, but my tendinitis has decreased in my shoulder, and I feel stronger this early in the season. My run times are also better, but that’s also mainly due to endurance that I’ve developed over the last two years.
  •  As the year progresses, I’m going to be able to start to afford the right kind of racing gear, and hopefully get the things that will help me race better.  New tires,  bike travel case, new bike trainer, new shoes/pedals, my own personal wet suit,  a professional bike fit,  A better bike seat for those long uncomfortable rides, new cassette needed for bike, etc etc, the list goes on.  One day, a tri bike….maybe not for this next Ironman, but for sure by my third one. That is a promise to myself.  I just got the basics for my first one and I wanted to make sure I loved it enough to invest this kind of money into Ironman, what can I say, it’s an expensive hobby with lots of “fun” gadgets.  
  •  I have my first sponsor.  A kind soul who has chosen to help me on my journey and offer support, gear, etc. Be warned that if you choose to sponsor me in anyway, I will be recognizing you with gratitude through this blog (anonymously if you wish, you’ll be the one to decide) but somewhere I’ll make sure you are recognized for your generosity, support and kindness for believing in me and my love for Ironman.  (UPDATE: I now have two official sponsors, thank you for believing in me, it really means a lot!)
  • I signed up for the Kona Lottery for the Ford Ironman Championship Race in Hawaii Oct 12, 2013.  The lottery only accepts 100 people out of literally 1000's who apply, so it’s highly unlikely I’ll get picked, it’s really more to just start getting my name in, the more times I enter, the more chances I get each year if I do it consecutively. I’m making it a tradition now, enter every year for my birthday.  Until then, I’ll be working toward doing 12 Ironman’s, and then sign up for the Legacy program. One down, Eleven to go.

The Plan for 2013
 A 27 Week Plan to a Half Ironman
                        --Aug 11th, 2013 Mountain Man ½ Ironman*

13 Weeks to a Sub 13 hr Ironman
                        --Nov. 17th, 2013 AZ Ironman 13

*The plan already needs to be modified as work obligations for a Kineso Taping Course has been inconveniently scheduled on the day of my race. Wouldn't be that horrible except I have been asking for that specific class to come to the hospital for the last three years. And as a firm believer in the stuff due to my many activity related injuries, it will be helpful for my personal training.  So now I am seeking another 70.3 race for the month of August. Current choices include:
                        1.         Lake Stevens 70.3 Ironman in Washington.
                        2.         Expedition Man 70.3 in Lake Tahoe 
                        3.         MI Titanium 70.3 back home in Michigan 

Finances play the biggest issue as it requires a lot to ship a bike (upwards of $300), then include a plane ticket, rental car, hotel, etc. August race will be determined if I have the funds available. 

My 2013 Ironman Goals


1.      Sub-13 Hour Ironman
2.      Improve Bike Speed Avg. to between 17 - 17. 5 mph
3.      Establish a Stretch/Yoga/Routine
4.      Establish a consistent Strength/Lifting Routine
5.      Nutrition – Paleo Diet for Athletes.

Goal Races:
Choosing your  A, B, C Races
Begin by selecting one or two “A” races, which require a full taper, peak and recovery period—up to a full month in total. Register and commit the money, then write them in ink on your calendar. I suggest prioritizing a date that allows enough lead-up time with good weather in order to be well prepared with minimal anxiety. Also, be sure there are no major work projects or family obligations in the month or two leading up to an “A” race.
Add in two to four “B” races, which may be shorter, less expensive or closer to home. Plan on a shorter taper leading to the race (as little as a few days), but be sure to recover from the race thoroughly before resuming full intensity training.
A “C” race may be done in place of a scheduled hard workout, and therefore will not have any taper at all, aka “training through” the race. C races can often provide an even better training stimulus than a solo workout given the competitive environment, so sprinkle in as many of these as you like and can afford. Expand your C race schedule by including single-sport events like 5Ks, swim meets or bike races (hill climbs or time trials are best for triathletes). If cycling is your weakness, use your train-through races as an opportunity to test your bike fitness. Set ambitious goals for your bike portion and treat the run as an easy training day.

A= Priority Race
B= Priority Race
C= Priority Race

·        Brian Mickelson ½ Marathon                                            April ,2013
·        Whiskey Row 10 K                                                              May, 2013
·        Deuces Wild Olympic vs. Long Course                            June, 2013
·        Mountain Man Sprint                                                          July  2013
            Or Carlsbad Sprint Tri (first open water for Sunny)
·        Mountain Man ½ Ironman                                                  Aug  2013* 
            Or  Lake Stevens 70.3/Expedition Man 70.3 Lake Taho 
            OR MI Titanium 70.3
·        Soma ½ Ironman                                                                  Oct, 2013
·        ARIZONA Ironman 13                                                        Nov. 17th, 2013

Month One of Ironman AZ 2013
It’s the first week of March; I’m at the end of my Prep Training Phase.
 Current  Stats:    
SWIM:  ~12,250 Yds    
BIKE: ~ 92 Miles     
RUN: ~ 50.25 Miles    
Strength: ~ 4: 05 hr/min

Total Training Hours: 22: 49  hours/minutes

It’s been a bit of a frustrating first month of training. I haven’t gotten in all the training that I wanted. I  should have had more hours for this first month, but the start of my year has been very challenging for me; professionally, financially and personally. I ‘m not going into detail except to say it’s been probably some of the hardest months of my life I’ve had to experience since my divorce.  I also had to move, to a more expensive place with more bills.  I can only thank God for being the reason for helping me to have some semblance of sanity so I didn’t blow my head off. Yeah…it was that bad, pretty rock bottom with all the shit that kept coming, one thing after another and never ending, I was to the point of wanting to chuck it all. (Not exactly the news people want to hear, but I need to show how far I’ll go, and when I look back, I need to remember this.).  So, after some rational thought returned, I realized that the only way to really dedicate myself to my training, I would have to have some consistency and the only way was to stay where I was. So that is the current state of my mind. My current mantra?  Focus on one day at a time, and nothing else.
So, one month down, the Prep Phase ( Prepare to train 2-4 weeks) has been completed. March, aka Base Training (Developing basic abilities, emphasizing duration- 12 weeks) now begins. Time to step it up a notch.

“There’s a different between
Interest and Commitment.
When you’re interested in doing
 something, you do it only
when it’s convenient.
When you’re committed to
something, you accept
no Excuses;
 only Results.”  Kenneth Blanchard. 

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