Monday, April 24, 2017

43 List---#8 Hiking/Camping/Waterfalls #25 -???

A few more fun things to add to the 43 List this weekend.

# 8.  Hiking/Camping/Waterfalls.

Went on a beautiful hike this weekend to a local waterfall just by where I live.  Several creek crossing, getting my shoes wet, etc.  Felt so good to get back to nature, and hike.  It's been a few years since I have done a real hike.  Delicate Arch back in 2014 I think was my last "official hike".  Mystic Lake in 2013.   And we hiked up into snow pack to.  Reminding me of the good old days from Jacktown Packers.

#25.  Top Secret Thing.  Yep. Sorry, that is all I can divulge, after all, it's top secret :)  But it was fun, it was empowering, and totally out of my comfort zone.  And yes, I'd probably do it again if the opportunity ever arose.