Sunday, May 17, 2015

Not So Much Like Lemonade.....

This is my Journey into the World of Ironman. It's my journal/documentation of the ups and downs of what it takes to be an age-group athlete training for an Ironman triathlon. This is more of a way for me to remember what I am doing over the course of the training season, as any Ironman Athlete can tell you, sometimes the days can blur into one training day of swim, bike, run after another. So, while some may not find this at all interesting, those that wonder...could I do an Ironman? Do I have what it takes to do an Ironman? I give you a peek into my journey and days to complete my next Ironman.  Forgive any misspelled words/awkward sounding sentences. I'm pretty happy just to get them down on paper. Consider it a test of your mental skills to figure out what I'm saying. Hope you enjoy reading my journey.  I'll see you at the Finishline!!!

THE LAST TWO WEEKS summed up in two sentences.

I'm pretty sure, this has been the worst two weeks ever in my Ironman training history. Mainly because it's been riddled with injury.

I've gone from doing two floating in a dam hot tub for training.  I have been struggling for a bit now with some left leg pain, so much so that the last few weeks, it has started to radiate pain down my hamstring, and into my knee, then on the last few long runs...into my heel. It's amazing all the things you start thinking when your injured. It really messes with your mind.

It has caused me to miss the last two long rides on my bike. I made it two hours on the 6th, mainly because I had a sensory reaction to my shoulder adjustment. I was "floating" while riding my bike. Then I was just losing power, I couldn't maintain my new power. I resorted to just finish the time, but even then I was feeling so "off" I had to stop. I laid down, and literally fell asleep for 7 hours.  I have had similar experiences from getting adjustments (the Spine Cont Ed course at my old job in AZ). So I knew I had to sleep it off.   I chalked it up to a one time thing. And moved on.   Then, I did my run the next day...and the pain radiated down into my heel. I was feeling pretty defeated. I slept most of this day too.

Went to PT on Friday.  Got some exercises for my leg, he told me to hold off on running to calm things down, and then I came home. Only to find that the pain was getting worse in my leg from the exercises. I couldn't get relief.  Saturday and Sunday were more red days, as I was in so much pain, that I resorted to my E STim, and some heavy drugs to knock out the pain. I couldn't sit in anyway without pain, shooting out of my hip. laying in bed, etc. I hit some major down moments. I wondered...if this is something more serious.  I can't run, biking was too painful, I haven't swam in 50 days... maybe, I'm going to have to bail on my races if this doesn't get better.

This few weeks had been a major challenge.  2015 has been giving me some major challenges.

This second week from hell started with a lower then average power on the bike.   Off to my PT on Tuesday. My shoulder is better, and FINALLY , I got CLEARED to get back in the pool and go EASY with my swimming.

On Wed.  I started out my bike ride, once again stuck on the trainer due to weather.  And I made it exactly 45 min into my ride, before I stopped.  I was having so much pain. I couldn't push past it. I luckily had my bike fitter call, and we tweaked a few things, my seat got re adjusted (the modern marvels of video recording and emailing )) He said my position looked good.  I trust him, I know he knows what he was doing, but then where is all this fricking pain coming from.  I feel like my left leg is shifting "out" when I pedal down.  I just....shit.

Ok, lets make the best of this...I'll go swim. I CAN SWIM!! I CAN SWIM!!!   Well, maybe not.  It's about patience and the journey, right?  I arrived to the Y only to learn that the pool was closed due to a broken pipe. Hopefully fixed by Friday.   Oh so close....yet oh so far.  Breathe.

So When Thur rolled around, I headed into PT for my shoulder.  While I walked up to/well hobbled up to him. He took one look at me, on the verge of tears from pain, and pulled me into the private room. After doing a full exam of my leg/back/hip. It was not my sciatic as I thought. But a significantly SI Joint out of place.  He was able to adjust it and I felt immediately better. But He wanted me to take a few days off to let it calm down.  No pushing on the bike, no running, but I could swim....if the damm pool was open.    Here is the dark place of training. OR the dark place of injury.

But, I can say there was much relief knowing it was just my SI joint. I've had that in the past, but this was so significantly painful, it didn't even relate to how it felt in the past, so I didn't even connect the dots to recognize that it was the same thing. It's never radiated down to my heel before.

Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.

Luckily, my training is starting to ease up. So I'm not missing to much. But that also is frustrating because I"m missing some of the more important sessions.  I'm 26 days out from my 70.3.  I was looking forward to maybe improving my time. Now I just want to focus on staying healthy and using it more as a training race, finish and make sure I'm healthy for Boulder IM in Aug (76 days out).

I finished out this week with an easy bike ride on Saturday. And while I still had some tweaking on my leg, it felt a lot better. I'm doing my self SI adjustments every 3 hours and cont with my shoulder exercises.  I wanted so much to run tonight, but  I am trying to focus on what I need to do to get healthy.  I've done the work, I can look back on the weeks before in my training.   I can do the race. I have the faith that I know what it takes to get through it, I just hate that I may not be able to go at my full potential.

Tomorrow starts three weeks to race day.   Just Breathe, My Mantra for the rest of training:

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Making Lemonade out of Lemons

This is my Journey into the World of Ironman. It's my journal/documentation of the ups and downs of what it takes to be an age-group athlete training for an Ironman triathlon. This is more of a way for me to remember what I am doing over the course of the training season, as any Ironman Athlete can tell you, sometimes the days can blur into one training day of swim, bike, run after another. So, while some may not find this at all interesting, those that wonder...could I do an Ironman? Do I have what it takes to do an Ironman? I give you a peek into my journey and days to complete my next Ironman.  Forgive any misspelled words/awkward sounding sentences. I'm pretty happy just to get them down on paper. Consider it a test of your mental skills to figure out what I'm saying. Hope you enjoy reading my journey.  I'll see you at the Finishline!!!

Current Training Totals:

Swim     29,800 yds              12:55 hr/min

Bike        628.36  Miles         51:50 hr/min

Run         172.60 Miles          38:03 hr/min

Other/                                     20:00 hr/min

Overall  Training Time:       122:48 hr/min

It has been exactly 48 days since I have been in a swimming pool.  I'm exactly 40 days out from Boulder 70.3 on June 13th, and 90 days out to Boulder Ironman on August 2nd, 2015.   I should be freaking out right about now. But I'm surprisingly calm.  I have accepted the fact that my swim may not be my best, but it's the shortest part of my race. So I have been really focusing on my Bike and my Run.  I can lose a few minutes with my swim if I have to. It won't be the end of the world.  But I can make up for it with a strong bike and a strong run.  And I have been getting stronger in both. 


I've managed to get my cadence in the 90s (per foot/per minute)  for my running. I watched a video that my coach sent me, and for some reason...duhh...a metronome.  So I downloaded the app on my phone, and I've been improving weekly. Now I can run without it on, and hit my pace, most of the time.  I have been feeling stronger, and getting faster. My longer runs, at my Zone 2 pace, have been getting faster.  I had a run where if it would of been a 13.1, I would of avg a 10:32, making me hit a 2:18  half Marathon. My fastest ever so far has been 2:28 at the PF Changs 1/2 in January.  Can we say  Lemonade?

My only issue  right now is that I've been having some sciatica pain down my left hamstring. The last couple workouts, it's radiated into my calf and causing cramping. I had to stop one workout short two weeks ago. And today, while I finished my workout. I was not comfortable.  I came home and did my PRI exercises and then spent some time on the foam roller.  I'm feeling better, but I'm going to consult with my PT on Tuesday to see what can be done for that.  I want to make sure that the foam rolling I'm doing to my back for my shoulder isn't messing with my leg.  

On April 12th. I was not looking forward to the winds forecasted, over 25 mph, so I went and signed up for a race the night before. I scored another sweet neon t shirt, but it is comfy, so it's worth it.  I had a 4:00 hour bike ride/35 min run the day before, and I went out the next day and ran my  10K in under an hour!! My second time ever doing that!!!  I was quite happy with that result. Even with the 20 mph winds that picked up by the end of the run, got to love the blowing hair finish line pic. It even blew down the finish line. That's how nuts it was. That was also a sad day, because, Tipsy Cupcake, the place that I discovered  my favorite Salted Carmel Cupcake back in 2013....closed.  I was quite sad that I learned this, Although my waistline is happy. I did have to go get a 1/2 dozen cupcakes to savor as I had a gift card to use. I froze several of them. hoping they will be good for my race in June and in August. I have one Salted Carmel left and one Orange Dream. I also have a box of thin mints for my Boulder IM. Got to have some food motivation. 

I also managed to get in a massage somewhere in there. It was pretty good. First time I had a massage by a guy. That was a bit uncomfortable. He was professional though.  And did a good job with deep tissue. I hurt the next day, but it was worth it.  


My bike over the last month has been getting progressively better also.  My coach emailed me some tips about what she wanted to see on the bike, and I've really been able to dig deep on the trainer. I've been exclusively on the trainer here. The weather is starting to get better, but the ability to ride outside is very limited.  and with the scary drivers here,  I'm the first to admit that i'm not comfortable riding on the road. I'm going to have to get over that, soon.  

Ive been noticing that I'm getting stronger with my power on the bike, or Watts.   I have been really enjoying those hard workouts, and luckily my nutrition has been getting better. I"ve been using Kind Bars, and Justin's Almond and Vanilla or Honey packets. a good 180 calories and a more natural peanut butter that I can eat like a Gu. I've also been using all my BASE Performance Products.  That's been the biggest boost I think. Once i started using those consistently  , I've been feeling better. Plus it settles very nicely with my gut. 

Last Saturday, the 25th, I had to do a time trial. So an all out sprint for 20 min on my bike.  I hadn't looked up what my last one was that I did in Flagstaff to start my training. I knew it was very close to my overall one for Boulder for last year.  I was actually dreading this workout. I was NERVOUS!! SO nervous, that I avoided it until 3 in the afternoon. But I pushed though my excuses, and got on and went for it.  I Pushed. HARD.  I felt it. The last time I was wheezing that bad was the last time trial in Flag in January.  I was on the verge of vomiting at the end. But I held on. I was motived by thinking of my DNF last year. IT WONT" HAPPEN AGAIN. I will get stronger on the bike. I finished the rest of the ride, took a long hot shower, and sent info to coach, and went to bed.  

The next day...I got a text from my coach.  It went a little something like this.

So Apparently, I rocked my Time Trial. I 'm quite happy with that.  I gained over 30 Watts!!  And Coach wasn't kidding when she said that I may hate her with the new Power Zones...this was after my first ride in new zones....

I'm happy to report it's getting better.  I also have a new Base Hydro for my's nice.  


As you saw from the previous post, I finally got in to a good PT that knows his sports stuff. He is the "shoulder guru" of PT's up here. He works with the pro athletes, College athletes.  I have been to see him two times. The first is from the previous post I went a solid week doing the exercises he asked, and my shoulder is already feeling better.  Then I saw him again on the 1st of May. I bought with me the x Rays from the shoulder Doc follow up.

 I think that switched up what he planned to do.  He grabbed  a gait belt, twisted my arm around behind my back, had me lift it as high as I could, and proceeded to stretch/manipulate the crap out of it. It hurt, but not horrible.  I then did the same exercise/stretch I did just before, and I swear I had about another 10 degrees of AROM. He did it again, and then decided I needed to come in twice next week. He wants to do that a few more times.  I went home, feeling good, my shoulder was sore, but not that bad. Until about 9 PM, then it was  a pretty fierce pain in my shoulder. I couldn't get any relief, whether with drugs, positioning or Tiger Balm. So I had a very restless start to my night.  Then i woke up....

the first time in week that I woke up with NO PAIN. I could do full ROM with some minimal pain in external rotation. But wow!! I feel about 80 % Better.  Now I know better then to go out and do a Max Transfer. But man, My spirit was so lifted that day. I'm thinking my days out of the pool are finally number.  Thank GOD!!  

I'm coming in strong for you Boulder.  You better be ready!!

Other Random photos from this past month in MT....yep...bears in a tree, and in Glacier. Not taken by me thank goodness!!  Although, the duck on the side walk are taken by me. They have been there for two weeks now....and when the gal waters her grass...they frolic in that puddle. 

bike path in Glacier National Park